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Kill Teams


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The Inquisitor and Henchmen would be more versatile, yes, but also less survivable- unless you threw Power Armor on most every model and/or filled up a fair few spots with Crusaders.


That said, isn't much of the point of Kill Team games to come up with really unique and fun groups of models? Henchmen do that perfectly.

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Kill Team does sort of perfectly represent an Inquisitor and his Henchmen doing a high importance secret black ops sort of mission that fits the Inquisition fluff rather perfectly. You'd have to be careful about how you set up your Inquisitor, and I'm not sure if Kill Team allows for an HQ... it's been a while since I read the rules over. The Henchmen warband though is pretty fitting if it fits the bill. I seem to recall that you could do a Henchmen Kill Team with the old dex as it was an Elites choice, but it's now an HQ choice and somehow I'm thinking you had just Troops, Elites, and Fast Attack to chose from for the new Kill Team rules.
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In Kill Team, you can have one elite, two troops and one fast attack, and also dedicated transports.

Not having my codex on hand, i believe you can run

5x purifers w/ two psycannons and three halberds in a rhino for roughly 186 points. that leavs room to upgrade to a razor or maybe a missle on the rhino.


even a full squad crusaders could be interesting or even throw a few DCA in there for good measure


Also, each model has the Independent Character rule and three models get a USR, I dont remember what the choices are exactly.

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you are also not allowed any 2+ saves which sucks. Gks actually are quite limited in this format.


I would look at interceptors as you can jump into range of some of their models and shoot them off the board and remain out of range of their other models.


if they let you take henchmen ie remove restrictions I would take 2 razorbacks with psybolt ammo with 2 henchmen units with storm bolter acolytes. a couple with meltas or plasmas.




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you are also not allowed any 2+ saves which sucks. Gks actually are quite limited in this format.


Are you sure? I don't have my rulebook with me and I've never tried to anyway as I normally use DE in KT (woo slave raid) but I've seen a lot of people get the old KT rules and the combat patrol (40k in 40mins) confused with the new KT rules and I know that 2+ save rules was in combat patrol.


How much do the elite dreadnoughts cost? Are they venerable? Because standard marine venerable dreads are pretty tough in KT... add fortitude and then your USR of choice and any other random rules you like and watch it become scary... It won't win against everything... but some lists will have problems keeping their anti-tank alive long enough to use it on you... and then you just clean up!

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The Battle Missions expansion book has an updated Kill Team mission, it features an new Force Organisation Chart, some changes in how shooting and units work and the ability to give certain models any USR from the base rulebook (I choose you, Vulnerable to Blast Templates!).


As you can't take HQ units, I guess you can't legally take any henchmen because you can't take the required Inquisiitor. But as it is ment for friendly games and you need to houserule certain stuff anyway (for example, how to handle Brotherhood of Psykers when every model is his own unit), you could just ask your opponent if he agrees to it.

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So I went and calculated how much my 6 man Interceptor unit is... 216 points :) So I could either remove the psybolts , or drop a man and run with 5. Anyway, for consideration here it is at 5 man strength (keepin psybolts):


Justicar w/ daemon hammer, psybolt ammunition

3 models w/ stormbolters and nemesis force halberds, psybolt ammunition

1 model w/ psycannon

185 points


Yes... it's just 5 power armored men.. however they're packing a variety of force weapons, can outshoot most things, especially combined with their insane mobility, and a psycannon at this level of play is gross, sick and disgusting... I love it!


Many folks would prefer to drop the psybolts or halberds and pack in more bodies... but if the point of kill team is a small elite force.. well.. this is it ;)


EDIT: obvious special ability choices such as relentless on the model toting the psycannon should not be ignored ;) Always fire like a Terminator with the mobility of a jump pack? Yes please! You could also go with things like feel no pain on the Justicar to help account for that going at Init 1 thing. Personally I'm of the opinion that halberds at this level are brutal, as they allow your models to strike first at SM strength and weapon skill with force weapons that should help you carve up just about anything.


Pointswise if you dropped the halberds you could fit in a 6th model, or if you dropped the psybolts. You might be able to manage a 7 model Interceptor squad, however 5 with tools of pain and death dealing seemed fun to me.


EDIT 2: I should add that with 15 points left to play with, you could up one or two of the halberds to falchions, or master craft the Justicar's weapons. A model toting Nemesis Force Falchions given the Furious Charge special rule could be fun at this points level... hmm... I might have to do that...

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