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I got the Blues


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I'm trying out various colors, consistencies, and techniques but still having toubles with my blues. I'm attempting to do a 'standard' librarian but my colors are coming out splotchy.

This is the sort of coloring I'm trying to achieve, maybe even a bit darker. This is an excellent conversion provided by From The Warp.Astorath%20conversion%20librarian%20painted%20right.jpg

I'd also like to do a little bit of detailing on the torso and other large armor sections. Here's the fine detailing submitted GrimTeef for the B&C 2006 Resurrection Contest.


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Pictures of your work would be extremely helpful to the community if they're going to help Mac.

The general rules apply I suppose - a good even undercoat is essential, easiest way to get one is via a spray can or airbrush. Choosing a high-coverage base colour will also help, Vallejo blues have good coverage, so do GW's Foundation blues. Once you've got a solid base you can then use washes to darken and shade before hitting the highlights.

You could look at black undercoat, Foundation Mordian Blue basecoat, Asurmen Blue wash then highlight with a 50: 50 mix of Mordian Blue and Ultramarine blue with a fine highlight of UM Blue. Wash that to tie the gradients in and you'll have a reasonable tabletop figure. Extra highlights UM Blue plus one of the 'electric' blues GW does will make the figure pop more if needs be.

As long as you're using paints of the right consistency (which varies for each painter, some swear by 'milk-like' others, like me, prefer something a touch thicker) and have reasonably steady hands blotchiness should be a problem of the past if you work from dark to light.

I used a variety of Vallejo paints on my Raven Guard Librarian to get this blue:


But really, it's down to the consistency, keeping the changes between gradients relatively smooth (given the scale of the model at least) and for me, relatively stable hands so I can get good, solid but gentle contact between brush and mini so I avoid brushstrokes in paint or the pooling of washes.

Like I said though, pictures of your mini would really help us to ID the problem a bit more closely :)

I've primedWhite and I think this may be where I'm failing. Here's my plan for tonight:

Prime Chaos Black

Base color Regal Blue

Recesses with Midnight Blue

Regal blue leaving some midnight blue showing.

Asurmen Blue/Black Wash

Regal/Midnight mix for darker center of armor pieces.

The armor will have some damage with codex grey chipping.



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