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Regional's Tournament Batreps


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Heya team.


Played in the first of two days today for the last CT regionals of the year.


It was meant to be the send off for the current SA number one (who pipped me 6-5VP in the Nationals this year) who is leaving for the UK soon.

I have a personal rule/guideline that I never take the same list to a tournament.

I was to be breaking that rule today on account of me desperately wanting to have a rematch against my nemesis.

Sadly, he didnt pitch today.


Upon hearing that I tore up my list and immediately scribbled down a new list that I had play tested only once a few months ago and wanted to try have a laugh with. I didn't think it was as competitive as my nationals list, and quite a bit different from my style, but I tried it anyway.



Here is is:





Librarian Furioso - Fear/ Wings


Librarian Furioso - Might/ Wings


8 DC - Power Fist



5 RAS - MG

Razor - TLLC


5 RAS - MG

Razor - TLAC


5 RAS - MG

Razor - TLPG/LC


5 RAS - Flamer

Razor - TLHF


Baal Pred - TLAC, HB


Pred - AutoCannon, LC




The first day was very kind to me.

I had 3 games - the first two both went to 7 turns, and in my 7th turn in both games I wiped out the opponent.

In the 3rd game I also near tabled my opponent (6 zerks left on the board).


I'll give you batreps and pics soon!


Opponents were:


1: New Necrons

2: Wolves

3: Chaos (zerker themed)



Questions, comments and pre-observations/thoughts most welcome!


ps: its the first time im using a Furioso Libby in a tournament list!!

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Many Necrons players attending?


Just one at the moment. People arent likely to have decent cron lists up and running for a while. The hobby here is still relatively young, (mid 20s generally) and the prices are huge, which influence builds sometimes.


Thanks James!

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Many Necrons players attending?


Just one at the moment. People arent likely to have decent cron lists up and running for a while. The hobby here is still relatively young, (mid 20s generally) and the prices are huge, which influence builds sometimes.


Thanks James!


Thanks for the insight. I don't do tournaments much, but it is nice to get a bigger perspective.

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Thanks for the insight. I don't do tournaments much, but it is nice to get a bigger perspective.


Anytime matey!

Ive played in tournaments all over the world and the local meta is almost always different. In South Africa, Johannesburg is where the money is as far as cities are concerned, and even that influences the kind of lists there are. So weird how things unrelated to the game completely change and influence it. (just remember that when taking the advice you read from me - and whoever else online- into consideration. May work in our meta, but get stomped in another! )

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The first day was very kind to me.

I had 3 games - the first two both went to 7 turns, and in my 7th turn in both games I wiped out the opponent.

In the 3rd game I also near tabled my opponent (6 zerks left on the board).

*shrugs* pictures or it dident happen B)

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ps: its the first time im using a Furioso Libby in a tournament list!!



They are awesome. I started using two of them a month ago , they haven't left my list since then , they're excellent at tying up large infantry squads , giving vehicles cover saves , beating up msu squads and beating up vehicles , though I run shield instead of might on my second dreadnought. Eldar can cause them problems with runes of warding , but as you're av 13 on the front , their S6 shooting isn't nearly as effective so you can footslog them up the board in relative safety.


Congratz on your wins Morticon.

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Back from Day 2 with a grand total of 5 wins and 1 draw to take the tourney B)


Tabled 3 players, and near tabled 2 more!




Dem - I got em- they coming B)


Valistan - well spotted mate!!


Since this list didnt need a priest at all, I felt I couldnt spend the points on Corbs. It also had fewer "precision tactics" and was a little more plug and play than the others. No priest is also what allowed me to spend points on other stuff.


Jeske - Yeah, Jeske I ran that for two reasons. The first is the main reason and that is on account of me needing what I consider reliable anti tank. Its usually in the form of multiple MM attack bikers, but failing that I need a unit that I "know" is going to hit with a high strength weapon for certain snipes. The second is a lesser reason in that I didnt want any duplicate Razorbacks (which is why everyone had a different weapon).


Corby - man, ive been so surprised. They've done very, very well.


Pics and BAtreps coming soon!


For interest sake, I played Orks 4th game, Draigo and Pally friends in 5th and Nids in 6th.

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Yeah Morti, waiting for those reps! Nice work though on your wins!


Definitely also interested in seeing the Draigo battle rep, I was thinking of starting one of those armies when I'm done my mech stuff. Only 1 razor, 1 asm and 1 pred to go!


Congrats again bro. Wish we lived relatively close, you seem like you'd be fun and competative to play against. A hard to find combo!

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GAME 1 - Pitched Battle - Annihilation


vs. Necrons



Named Lord (Not imotek)

1 Cryptek - Solar Pulse, Lance, Gazing Flame

C'tan - writhing worldscape, dust cloud


10 Warriors

10 Warriors

Ghost Arc

10 Immortals - Tesla

5 Deathmarks

Destructor Barge


2 Spyders - Gloom Prism

3 Destroyers

5 Scarabs



I was up against a relatively new Necron player. The codex has only just been released and all. And as mentioned above, the cost of a brand new army is quite prohibitive. So i dont think the list was particularly optimised.


The Cron player got first turn and set up across the board. I realised he didnt have too much shooting, and figured I would try and engage where possible from distance, and try and get up as close as possible with my key assault elements. He would have to stop those, or risk being destroyed in combat.


Sadly he made a fairly big deployment mistake by spreading out a little too much not allowing himself any counter from his heavy hitters.

This was my counter set up.




My first turn I moved on up, with very little having done any damage.


I managed to do some damage to the lith, taking out two weapons and stunning the Barge- but it ignored it.






In his second turn he tesla shot a tank of mine, which then had an arc off to the rear of my dready, immobilising it!!! The dready had been hidden from cover!



Interesting to note that he also popped the flare in the 2nd turn, not the first. It paid off with me being out of nightfight for quite a few things.



Now, heres testament to how Mephy is a game changer. In my 2nd turn Mephy had jumped on out and with a 3 or 4+ on his fleet would have been able to engage.




Sadly, that's how far he got.


I wasn't phased at all, though. He had the choice of now dedicating a whole lot to mephy, or not and getting caned by everything else that was so far up. The lith was on the far right hand side, with his spiders and C'tan and scarabs (who had failed their first charge btw! ).


The destroyers, the barge, 20 warriors and 10 immortals and the Ghost Arc all shot Mephy up. Down to 1 or 2 wounds. He took the entire firepower of the army.

Thats what he does.


From that point, it was pretty much over.


Mephy jumped on over in the next turn, to get close to the IC, popped him and the immortals, and wiped em out.

The DC engaged the Warriors, and the Arc and Barge were shot down. Same with the destroyers.


The DeathMarks came down and took out mephy in his next turn or so, but I had destroyed most of his army by that stage.




The game extended for another 2 turns, and it was just an issue of me taking out the C'tan.



At the end of 7th I had taken out his army. Didn't really break a sweat, but again, maybe not a good army to base any assumptions off of!

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Game 2 - Secure and Control 5 Objectives, Dawn Of War


vs. Space Wolves



Rune Priest - Jaws, Murderous

Rune Priest - Jaws, Living Lightning, Chooser


3 Wolf Guard - Combi Melta - Fist

1 Arjac

1 Lone Wolf - hammer, shield, termy armour, 2 wolves.


8 Hunters - MG, Wulfen, Banner


8 Hunters - MG, Wulfen, Banner


8 Hunters - MG, Wulfen, Banner


8 Hunters - MG, Wulfen, Banner

Drop Pod

2 Speeders- MM/HF

5 Long Fangs - 1 LC, 3 ML

5 Long Fangs - 1 LC, 3 ML



I won the roll off for set up after the tokens were placed.

I really didnt want to give him the side with the great fire position for his fangs, so I contemplated taking first. However with a decently fast, reactionary army and given that he would take 2 turns to get up the wall i elected to go second. Also, i needed to react to what Arjac would do.


He deployed a rhino squad with a priest as far up as possible in the center.


I deployed mephy in the middle of the board in some area terrain with a raz on the right.


I thought I was drawing Arjac and team into my trap, but only after he had moved his rhino had I realised my mistake!!!!


He moved his units on, and dropped Arjac right next to mephy. I hadnt factored how close the Rhino was, which meant that mephy was in for an Arjac hammer/Jaws combo !! ><;

I would need to make a cover save, or nullify Jaws or Id be dead.

Irrespective though, I knew that his Arjac squad- his main combat hitter was now in range of my board edge, meaning EVERYTHING would come in nearby.


As expected his two fang squads also made a bee-line for the elevated terrain feature.


Arjac and squad let rip on Mephy - Arjacs hammer hit, and wounded - he was down to Init 1. Jaws then casted! Mephy rolls a 3!


Meaning theres a 66% chance its gonna go off :( Fortune smiles on me and he rolls a 2 !


In my second turn, I moved my entire army on (except for my outflanking baal) in front of arjac and squad - the DC however made an 18" hell-for-leather move up towards the Fang position who had failed to get to where they needed to go to be able to fire from turn 2!


The fearsome firepower took out all but Arjac and 2 Wolf guys . He passes his fear of darkness check, but ironically (and luckily for him) fails his shooting - he falls back out of charge range of my dreads and out of charge range of meph ><;


In his second turn, he set his fangs into firing position. He repositioned a few rhinos.

Not much shooting was done that was effectual, and mephy got charged but wound up victorious slaying arjac!!


In my next turn, the DC made another 18" beeline for the fangs, now getting a great covered spot, thanks to the elevation of the fangs position. Irrespective of whether they lost the rhino or not in the next turn, the DC would be on them and their fire support would be taken care of.


My baal also came on and started shooting up his speeders that had moved on from reserve.


My shooting took out the remaining hunters protecting arjac, and mephy was gonna go in for the battle!!

I stun locked a few rhinos and blew up another. Pinned the squad inside too!


sadly immobed the dread tho!



Next turn he tried to shoot some stuff up, but he only managed to stun a vehicle or two.


From that point, Mephy got stuck in to the hunter squad, and was supported by the dready. The squad takes off mephies last wound, but not after he does a fair deal of damage too.



The DC rhino gets taken out- but now they're there!


In my turn the dready cleans up, and the vehicles maneuver around to whittle what they can away- blowing up rhinos or dealing with squads.





he is forced to try and contest and claim what little he can, with me being still mobile gaining advantage on the other points.

It continues for the full 7 turns, and by the end of the 7th he has nothing left after the shooting.


Victory angels.

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Game 3 - Capture Control, Spear Head


vs. Chaos


Lash Sorc.

Lash Sorc.


8 Zerks - PF

Rhino - Possessed

8 Zerks - PF

Rhino - Possessed

8 Zerks - PF


8 Zerks - PF


3 Oblits

2 Oblits

1 Oblit


I was up against Bernard - whos one of the top players in the city. He plays Wolves and Orks usually, but tried out his chaos for the tourney.


I won the roll off, and with superior firepower and a serious piece of terrain to change the game, I elected to go first and choose my quarter.


I deployed up aggressively like this ->



Bernie was smart, and kept everything hidden and out of sight and planned to strike in his two man Oblit squad.

My baal scouting forward allowed me to get some shots in frm first turn though, but I knew id be taking fire from that point.


My game plan was to aggressively push forward and engage him in his area, leaving the flamer RAS at the back to claim mine and either contesting, or claiming his objective.


The central terrain piece was perfect. It blocked LOS and was tough to move through, but easy to move over- meaning mephy and the dread team could sneak in if the Oblits werent too aggressive.


He countered by trying to jam up the way in to his objective area and then layer his units for charges.



but still the Angels came...




Still he tried to block.


His shooting had immobed my pred and my baal, meaning i had very limited access into that area. The DC kept trying to maneuver around, but kept being blocked off by a possessed rhino that I refused to roll higher than a 1 on its pen rolls!


It wasnt enough though, and by turn 4 my dreads and mephy were ready for blooood !





Mephy chomped through the zerkers and the sorc, while the other Dreads helped out with their squads. Thanks to decent placement of mephy and the libby dread charging one squad, i was able to keep the fist away from Mephiston.


The other Libby dread popped a Sorc and then when countered by the oblits, popped them too.


Mephy took a counter by a squad of Zerks but drilled 5 of them before they got to strike, so he only took a few wounds.


The back of that enemy army was broken.


The game continued until 6th turn, with a lone 4man zerk squad remnant running anti-clockwise aaaall across the board towards my objective, i rushed to move as much back to intercept them as possible.


Thanks to the placement of his rhinos and my immobed vehicles, I was unable to reach his objective with a scoring unit!

He was one DT check and a run away from my objective - I think a 7 or 8 inches would have put him in range of it!

He rolled poorly and fell short, and luckily the game ended in 6th turn!!



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Game 4 - Annihilation - Dawn of War


vs Orks



Warboss - Bike, Klaw, Squig, Cybork, other stuff

Old Zogwart


1x5 Lootas

1x12 Kommandos - Snikrot

1x 11 Tank Bustas- 3 Tank squigs, 2 Tank Hammers


2x10 Gretchin

2x25 Shootas - Klaw

1x19 Shootas


2x Zzap Guns


1x2 Deff Koptas - 2 buzzsaws, 1TLRL

1x2 Deff Koptas - 2 buzzsaws, 1TLRL




The orks were the first outing with an old opponent of mine named Nigel who usually uses chaos. Nigel is ranked 9th in the country, so is definitely no slouch.


He is still getting used to his new orks, and as a result i think made a few tactical/set up blunders that possibly cost him the game.


He set up with only 1 gretchin squads deploying up front to push pack. He would then march everything else on first turn. he elected to not have Snikrot and the warboss come in from reserve for two reasons. One was that in his previous game they had not showed up till turn five, and two was on account of the fact that he knew I had mephy and the dreads coming on, so a counter would be inevitable.


I set up my flamer RASraz, and Mephy - out in the open saying "bring it!"




He marched on a horde of orks and ran what he could, deploying his bastardly buzzkoptas behind cover.




In my turn everything zoomed on except for the Baal which would outflank.


I had used the terrain to hide from as many of the lootas as possible allowing only the zzap guns and tankbustas to have a line to me.



Old Zog managed to get off a power, but failed to hit.

The zzap guns rolled a piddly 3 for their strength and i only took a stun or so from the tank bustas. The koptas however try for a shoot and double charge here and there, and they wind up killing 2 vehicles (including the DC one)


The aggressive play of the orks, allow me to engage them quickly.

My baal also flanks on from right, and makes light work of the 5man Lootas.

I moved up my Flamerback and positioned mephy for the charge. He had joined both zogwart and the biker boss to one big ork squad, this meant that with some decent positioning on my side, I could potentially take out both ICs and thin out the horde before Mephy went down.




I take out 8 orks from the flamer, and mephy charges in. His positioning next to the IC meant that zoggy was gonna get it in the face in this turn, and if mephy survived (very likely), maybe the warboss in the subsequent turn!

As planned out, this worked perfectly, I decided not to hedge my bets and instead of going 2 or 3 attacks into the boss, I put 4 into the boss, and one consolidatory attack into the ork squad - good thing i did that, because the lucky bugger made 3 of 4 five+ saves against mephies sword of sanguinius.

Not lucky enough though ;) Mephy finally went down embarrassingly to shoota boy attacks after that - but, he had successfully sniped two very potentially dangerous characters that would have otherwise caused me great grief and I was more than content with the outcome.





The DC had actually taken shots at the tankbustas, and with other shots incoming to them too, they had chosen to go to ground, they only lost one or two members, but were at least pinned. Thanks to that, and the fact that the gretchin were providing a charge screen, he had kinda put himself in a tough position to do anything.




With the fire support taken out, there was little the orks could do.



From that point it was systematic, and by turn 5 the board looked like this ->




He had taken out Mephy, 2 vehicles and a 5 man squad.

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