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Chosen Loadout?


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I'm building my first squad of Chosen Chaos Space Marines (Alpha Legion, Chaos Undivided mark) at the moment and have come to the stage where i have to choose what to arm them with.

My main advesary plays IG and uses a lot of armour, Leman Russ tanks, Basilisks, Manticores and transports (Chimeras and Valkyries). my second advesary switches between an IG and a Space Wolves army.


The ideal thing would be to use magnets so that i could switch between Plasma Guns and Melta Guns, but since i want this project finished, does anyone have any ideas on how to tackle this small but still existing dilemma? I'm thinking of going with Plasma Guns for the range and their ability to take out light armour and most types of infantry. And because the guns look pretty cool. And also because i have a number of Heavy Support units, mostly Land Raiders but also a Predators with a full Las Cannon loadout, a Havoc Squad with Las Cannons and a Defiler that can be used against armour. So maybe I should get a Plasma squad?

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chosen look like this 5 dudes rhino 5 specials . mostly meltas but some people use plasma .



but also a Predators with a full Las Cannon loadout, a Havoc Squad with Las Cannons and a Defiler that can be used against armour.

0_o what ?


I can see the pros on five meltas since you cook just about anything you touch. But the downside is you need to get very very close to your target in order to be really effective (2d6 for armour pen). And once you have boiled your target you'll most likely gonna get killed the next turn. Doesen't sound much of an elite unit, more like a suicide unit to me. I don't know... *sigh...*


Yeah... a Predator with las cannon Sponsons and Twin Linked Las cannon turret... Did I do something wrong? Apart from not going with the usuall 3x3 Obliterators. <_<

And I don't really see a problem with using Las cannon equiped Havocs (yet), and a Defiler assaulting vechicles, or getting a lucky shot in the rear of a tank with it's battle canon.


Or am i missing something very basic in my Defiler tactics?

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I can see the pros on five meltas since you cook just about anything you touch. But the downside is you need to get very very close to your target in order to be really effective (2d6 for armour pen). And once you have boiled your target you'll most likely gonna get killed the next turn. Doesen't sound much of an elite unit, more like a suicide unit to me. I don't know... *sigh...*
Those days are indeed over, our elite choices are now mostly sacrificial/suicide units.


Yeah... a Predator with las cannon Sponsons and Twin Linked Las cannon turret... Did I do something wrong? Apart from not going with the usuall 3x3 Obliterators
I wouldn't call it wrong, but you will never be able to utilize all those overcosted guns on that platform. And even when it is stationary, it is quite easy to get rid of.


And I don't really see a problem with using Las cannon equiped Havocs (yet)
What point levels do you play? Lascannon Havocs cost a ton, are stationary so are usually a no-go for me.


and a Defiler assaulting vechicles, or getting a lucky shot in the rear of a tank with it's battle canon.


Or am i missing something very basic in my Defiler tactics?

Not at all! however some players (myself included) prefer not to rely on luck with the scatter (though when I field Deffies in fun games, I field two to increase the threat and chance of hitting) and I do not play against opponents whose vehicles sit still anymore, making assaulting them something of a costly affair. <_<


As for the Chosen loadout, see this topic: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...t&p=2704391

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In my experience only one combination worked fine: 2 squads of Chosen, 2 plasmaguns are must for both, rhinos, both to outflank. You may or may not add marks-meltas-plasmas-champions, depending on your opponent, for example against 2 LR roster I am taking 1-2 meltas in addition to plasmas. I suppose that's because my Rhinos are blessed, they can stand 3 rounds against dreadnought CCW while I am burning some marines with plasmas from the hatch with rapid fire.
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For me, the melta heavy chosen don't work well. This is because 1) where I play, nearly every army has a solid backline that makes getting to the rear armor on those tanks easier said than done, 2) w/ my dice rolls I'll unload my meltas on the tank's rear armor, hit w/ 2, pen w/ both & fail to actually kill it, then I'm guaranteed to die back there having wasted about 170 pt unit for nothing but that's just my experiences.


In all honesty, despite what alot of people feel around here, I've had excellent success w/ the following loadout: 4 plasma, 1 missile launcher, infiltrate them into a good firing position & use them wreak havoc on the enemy from cover. I also run a second chosen unit w/ 4 flamers, again infiltrating ahead to get into good field position to torch the enemy & they're super cheap. For meltas, I prefer a squad of 5 plague marines in a rhino w/ a combi-melta, but that's just my own experience again.

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I cant say I have tried many different loadouts, since I only have one squad. A ten-man squad in rhino with a pf champ with icon, 2 meltas who also have meltabombs, and 2 flamers.


These guys outflank, and can either drive around unloading two meltas or two flamers from the rhino depending on what they can attack, or they can take the fight to the enemy proper. For me, they have worked out very well.

The icon has also been instrumental in many victories for me, at least when they turn up turn two.


I can see the merit of 4x melta/plasma/flamer, but if you outflank, you might end up against something you can't hurt, and you can only fire two guns from the rhino, so I think the versatility of 2x melta and 2x flamers has some merit.

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Thanks for all the replies.

It seems there is a split between plasmas and meltas for the most part and I'm starting to lean towards building at least three of each, melta, plasma and flamer and use them in some 3/2 combination, and a Rhino to go with that.

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Even though it's a tad off-hand, just do whatever you think is cool. I personally believe it's rather thematic and unifying for a Chosen unit to carry a specific weapon array/type to specialize against an opponent. For my Night Lords, 4 Plasma Guns seems to just be awesome looking and effective. Though my Aspiring Champion could be better equipped, a pair of Lightning Claws looks badass and has saved the unit more than a few times.
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5 chosen

5 plasmas

1 Rhino


They usually outflank.

With the rhino, and because they don't come T1. They'll often find some juicy targets. Also, they'll die alone. Try to get them supported with the rest of the army.


Their presence usually change my opponent play style. That's alone make up for their points.

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