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Shooting out of assaults


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Strange situation developed in a game I played today that I wasn't sure what the intent of the rules would be.


I had a single grey hunter (the sole survivor of a squad) locked in combat with two ork helicopter things when during my shooting phase my vindicator fired at a nearby squad and scattered to hit and kill the two helicopters leaving my single grey hunter no longer in combat. Now, is my grey hunter entitled to shoot at a squad of 2 orks who survived the demolisher cannon round? Further, is my grey hunter allowed to assault the said unit as it was within charge range?

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I would say :

is my grey hunter entitled to shoot at a squad of 2 orks who survived the demolisher cannon round?

Yes, and

is my grey hunter allowed to assault the said unit as it was within charge range?


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Thanks guys, that's pretty much how we played it, but weren't sure if we had interpreted it correctly. We came to that conclusion after, you know, spending a couple minutes just sort of umming and ahhing about just how flukey the situation was. And what the intent of the rules were.
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