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IronClad Dred

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Hey Guys, thought I'd share my Ironclad with you all.

I'm fully aware of the paint on the edges of the base and I'll fix that up next time I paint up, so ignore that <_<







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The red is a bit dull but everything else I like. Barely notice the paint on the base, probably wouldn't have said anything if you hadn't. ;)


Yeah, I prefer the more dull red over anything brighter, when I told my mate I was gunna paint them red he got all upset saying that the bright blood angles red looks stupid (obviously everyone has their own openion), so I was glad to inform him it was a darker more dull looking red.


Thanks for the feed back anyway mate! :lol:


I've noticed a few VERY small things that need touching up from these photos (even some missing paint...).


I also might start a WIP post for anyone that is interested in my work. B)

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