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Despicable Me - Astral Claws Saga


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Correct, have a cookie.



That body has been demoted down to the rank of Devastator Sergeant, and someone else is currently under the saw to replace him....



This Guy







Which I think looks a lot meaner to go with the idea behind the Corpse Takers

@Olisredan - Aye, hopefully looking the right way will help when he gets on the battlefield. (And I'm terrible for superstitions in game, they're rocket launchers, not MISSile launchers, you have to do the 'dakka dakka dakka' when rapid firing twenty bolter shots and have to do the explosion noise when you fire vindicators, lol)


As an extra, the log made it to page 2, that's always a good sign when that happens I reckon.



Anyway, found the left arm that I think suits the Corpse Taker, now whilst it doesn't include a nathecarium, I'll do the servitors less combat-like and more suiting to the role the model performs on the battlefield.




Quite happy with that as it fits my vision of a monstrous archivist recording the samples of stolen geneseed, whilst his minions flutter around him bottling and storing the stolen glands. I've not given him a power weapon although the servo-arm on the backpack could count if needed, since the army is going to be a shooting based one, so he'll likely be sat joined to a unit of 20 marines or something else suitable to receive his feel no pain rule.


Look okay to people?



Its simply the arm cut from the finecast sternguard sergeant, cut to fit the shoulder, glued on and your done. Nothing more complex than that really.


just ordered a load of resin bases, so should be here in a couple of days to go with the shoulder pads that should turn up tomorrow with luck.

Went with




In the end, super cheap for starters, and I can then go with the time of year and possibly add snow to go with the cold theme since its now hit winter.

Couple of hours of painting and the Corpse Taker is plodding along pretty happily,







@Alex - Cheers, it's getting there ;)


@Olisredan - Aye, less that two hours to that point, but I was bouncing between bits whilst doing it really. they're not the most intensive paint schemes I've ever done.





So my birthday presents *from myself* turned up a day early




Nom nom, so having just cleaned up and sprayed 35 bases black, I just need to wash the extremely greasy shoulder pads and I can get on with painting them. Do need to pick a base colour though, so far mates have suggested Red Plannet, Urban and Desert, but I'm not sure what would look coolest, so, I'll throw that out to you folks?


Any ideas?



How do all


@Reyner - the link to the bases is cunningly on the photo above


Others - I did a bit of a play around, and although they started a reddish colour, the rotting flesh/devlan mud as kinda obliterated it and they have become slightly more 'mundane' and normal looking bases, but in this 'poor' light I think it looks alright really.


Not quite finished, but my eyes are hurting so a bit of a break whilst I find something else to do.










Normal disclaimers apply, its late, the light isn't great, so I'll get some better pics tomorrow hopefully.



Hey, Alex here, I know it's a bit late but I saw this nice basing tutorial, where you glue sand paper on top of the models base, drybrush it codex grey+black, then codex grey again, then you paint a white stripe down the middle, it works realy well as a road, and the white makes the base stand out alot, I'm thinking of doing it for my special characters. just thought i'd let you know! The bases look great by the way. If you want red then mabe paint a dusty red trim on the rim of the base to make it stand out better. My two cents.


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