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Sons of Malice


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(Gorramit, admins, feel free to move this thread to any other appropriate forum, sorry for misunderstanding the purpose of this forum. :tu: )



I got so caught up in this thread that I finally took my stuff together and started my own Sons of Malice army (fluff can be found here, just scroll down a bit in the post).


Hushrong and the others in that thread had some really impressive models and ideas so I decided to get started on my own followers of the renegade God.


I will be using mostly loyalist marines since I don't want it to be entirely easy to decide if they are on your side of not.

So no Imperium insignia, and very few marks of Chaos.


I started with just a regular Space Marine of the Sons.




My first freehand ever (the emblem on the shoulderguard):



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I also made a kitbash leader for the warband (The Faceless One), using pieces from the Sanguinary Guard, an Empire Wizard and a Khemri Lich priest (base is from the warhammer basing kit).








... and here's a few WIP-shots of said Faceless One:





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And my first ever attempt at freehanding a banner, not quite sure on what to have on the left side of the skull though. Was thinking stars first, but small stars might clash with the scripture on the right side.

Half a Chaos star could be cool, but I want to minimize the Chaos-influence in this force.




And a pic of the base:





I decided early on to let it all take the time it needs, my gaming group isn't playing 40k at the moment (awaiting the next edition) so I have at least 6 more months to finish a few squads. I think my patience is paying off, I'm quite satisfied with the models. :tu:

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Where was that head from? It is awesome!


It might be an Empire wizard's head, I think. Not sure though - I don't play Warhammer Fantasy.

Yeah, I think that's it too.


Great model, btw :) Looking forward to the next update!



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