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Why does no one use Typhus?

Son of Iron

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Toughness 4(5) and no EW.


One successful Lascannon wound that isn't saved by the 5+ Invul save and he's gone.


One successful Powerfist wound from a sergeant or two that isn't saved by the 5+ Invul save and he's gone.





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I've used Typhus to pretty good effect in a few lists lately. He's the only Terminator we get with grenades, so throwing him in a Land Raider with four other Nurgle Terminators usually gets him where he needs to go, then he breaks off to go play with assaulting something in cover after giving them some Wind of Chaos love, while the other Termies wander off to go kill other stuff or hold back until the next assault phase before joining Typhus again. He's got his drawbacks, but I've been pretty pleased with him lately.
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  • 4 weeks later...
The Real Reason I think that People Don't Normally Run him is the above mentioned the Only real way to get him to work is to Run a Landraider and 4 other Terminators. That is a Lot of Points. He will get them back he makes a Great Deathstar type Character. Just a big investment. Plus He can be outclassed by MoN Warptime Demon Princes or so that is what I hear. Personally I love Running Typhus I will Auto Include him once a Game hits 2k. Just below that is a bit too much.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Personally I find his biggest problem is his 5+ inv save. If they boosted it to a 4+ and gave him eternal warrior he'd be more worth it. Alright his always wounds on 4+ force daemon weapon is really nice. But in my opinion he's a tad too squishy.
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I liked running the Above-mentioned typhus/termi Landraider Deathstar, but I just ran into too many hidden pfists,or especially dreadnoughts. He has no way to kill walkers, and they will instakill him. I love the model, so he occasionally shows up as a nurgle termi lord w/ deamon weapon for 165, and gives me similar abilties vs infantry, and w/o the complete loss of points if he gets squished.
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