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Swapping a contemptor head

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Bit of a long shot here chaps,


Basically, i want to convert the forgeworld contemptor dreadnought into a Khorne variant. I have the head from the black legion forgeworld dreadnought and amongst many other conversions, i want to do a head swap.

My question is does anyone have both a contemptor and one of the heads from the chaos forgeworld dreadnoughts that they care to post pics of so i can get a direct comparison of head sizes before i buy the model?


Many thanks,

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Hey dude, I've the Contemptor and can tell you the head is comparable to a SM head chopped in half. To use the FW WE Dread head, you'd practically need to cut off the bottom half. My suggestion would be to add the bezerker bunny ears to the normal Contemptor. I think theres one in the WIP forum, I'll add a link if I can find it.




Thanks for the reply bud. Bit gutted to hear how small the contemptor head is......that conversion would have looked sweeeeeeeeeeet! Ill have a look for the images you mentioned. I might end up cracking out the greenstuff and plasticard to the badboy. Damn shame i cabt use the skull head though. Might use a chaplain style helmet or one of those forgeworld renegade milita enforcer heads instead.


Cheers mate

After thinking a little more about it, if your not afraid to carve off the lip of the armour in front of the helm you'd open the area up a heap more, you could even lower the mounting point (it wouldn't be easy, but its do-able) of the helm to add space.


Here's some Google links

From Dakka Dakka

From Heresy Workshop


The Heresy Workshop is the one I was thinking of, I would suggest moving the bunny ears to the Body, beside the head though, it allows movement of the head.





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