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Right then, once and for all, who's the best Chaos Marine HQ

Son of Iron

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Lords are no where near as useful or cost-efficient as daemon princes.

Sorcerers can come close, but the problem is that for the price you pay for a good sorcerer that can do about the same as a Daemon Prince, you're pretty much losing out on a huge amount of stat increases just so he can hide in a squad with a strength 4 force weapon (but then you have to pick between using his psychic power or using the force weapon, and if you don't want to pick then grab the Mark of Tzeentch. Now if you grab the mark of Tzeentch you're pretty much at the price of a comparable daemon prince with the loss of all of the prince's stats). Which is also why daemon princes are more cost efficient because if you want an effective sorcerer, you have to factor in his body guard too so a lascannon doesn't wipe 100+pts off the board in one shot.


In the end, 2x daemon prince with warptime and wings will probably be one of the best deals in terms of HQ options.

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Depends on your play style. :D


nope . no matter what kind of a build you make a DP will always out perform all the other chaos HQ . doesnt matter is in the list , is it mecha , is it LR rush or maybe if you made a build around AC/plas csm with AC havocks in support , the DP is always the best.

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Sorry about this, but it DEPENDS. I cannot just say this HQ will kick ass. In a dual lash list, 2 dp with wings, lash, slaneesh mark. In a raider rush abbadon or 2 dp's. In general dp with wings and warptime, wings, slaneesh mark (but again, only if you take 2).


Khârn, simply.


He is a second after abbadon, because he has no eternal warrior, krak missiles, power fist seargents, you get the idea.

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Daemon Prince with Wings and Warptime is the tippy-top. Abaddon comes next. Khârn and Typhus probably tie for third though the cost of Typhus is pretty harsh. If the Prince has any flaw (not counting being a chew-toy for the entire GK Codex), it's that he's hard to find Cover for against super shooty armies like DEldar or IG.
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As mentioned a few times, it depends on your playstyle and army. I feel that you need to build your army around the Chaos HQs to get the best out of them (for example with Lash you need units to take out whatever gets dragged around).


Anyway, I agree with what people have said that a Daemon Prince with Wings and Warptime is the best choice. Point for point you get a bargain when compared with the other Chaos HQs and even more so in comparison with the other codexes.


Abaddon is next up but you need a squad and a Land Raider for him to ride around with to get the best out of him.

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abadon is probably the best judged in a vaccuum, but i find alot of people dont use him becuase heshard to fit into your list.


Khârn uised to be my fave, but ive since given my love to the basic nurgle lord with daemon weapon, i find he kills more MEQ on average than Khârn aswell

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Khârn uised to be my fave, but ive since given my love to the basic nurgle lord with daemon weapon, i find he kills more MEQ on average than Khârn aswell

0-10 attacks hits on 3 wounds on 4 vs. 7 attacks hits on 2 wounds on 2...I know who I prefer there... :wacko:



Though a Nurgle DP with warptime easily wins out. For 100 points cheaper than abby it's no competition really.

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If I was forced to pick just one, it would be a stock daemon prince with wings.


Marks and powers are good bonuses but depending on your opponent they can be rendered useless (S8+ shots vs T6 Nurgle or anti-psychic wargear vs warptime).

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Khârn uised to be my fave, but ive since given my love to the basic nurgle lord with daemon weapon, i find he kills more MEQ on average than Khârn aswell

0-10 attacks hits on 3 wounds on 4 vs. 7 attacks hits on 2 wounds on 2...I know who I prefer there... :lol:


your maths fails to take into account that a nurgle deamon weapon re-rolls wounds vs MEQ, makes a huge difference

nor does it take into account kharns ability to kill his own men, not really relevant to kills but it is to survivablity.

also the lord is tougher and harder to kill than Khârn


also as an aside kharns attacks work better on the charge, whereas a nurgle lord isnt bothered, infact if attached to plague marines the blight greandes means that when recieveing a charge the lord will fare much better

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