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Red with green trim.


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I would look into a book on Heraldry. Two colors like that create a "Discord", and actually don't look as good as you would think.


"Metal Colors" are White (Silver), or Yellow (Gold). ANY other color with a 'metal' seems to work better. Two metals are also a discord.


It's gets a tad complicated. :)

Same sort of theory is in the How to Paint SM book.

They even use Red/green as an example, and suggest adding white to the green and black to the red, which makes your pale green a sort of Metal colour (off-silver) and then the rich red to complement it. On the opposite page (not exactly) in the same book there are some oriental themed marines painted ruby red and jade green and they are fantastically painted but can't help agreeing that although red and green are complimentary the results aren't ideal, IMO.

Hey now, don't bash the red & green to badly. (or orange and green for that matter)


True green (1/2 yellow, 1/2 blue) and true magenta do look horrible together. Once you start playing with the values you can make the two work well together. Adding white to the green and black to the red is one way. (though still keeping very vivid colors)


The best green/red combination I've seen didn't have black and white added to the paints, but grey and brown. Put a small amount of a light grey in the green paint in progressive amounts for each layer of highlights you're adding. With the red you want to start dark (basecoat chaos black, place a solid layer of scorched brown, and work your way up)


Muted red/green combos work wonders. I doubt the OP wanted to make Santa's Elves for an army.

Red and Green are 'clashing' colours, the opposite of 'complimentary' colours. Certain colours will literally look bad beside each other, even causing an odd visual 'glow' as they clash. This can be a good thing if you want that discord effect, but otherwise people tend to avoid it.


It's totally true that if you 'adjust' the colours by darkening and/or lightening them that you can get around this, and make it work. A very deep Red/Green beside a light or bright Red/Green might be ok, but it will take some trial-and-error. You also have to avoid the 'Christmas-effect' that can happen with Red and Green being used.


Unless you want to create disharmony, lean towards complimentary colours.

Er, red and green are complimentary colors, at least on the red-yellow-blue color wheel.

You need not fear the Christmas Curse! Red and green (when used sparingly) work together fantastically well. I'm not suggesting that you use super bright colors, like Blood Red and Scorpion Green (although that might be cool too, in a Rogue Trader/Second Edition nostalgic kind of way), probably go a little more muted than that. Maybe even use a metallic green for the Company trim. A little messing around with the Painter gives us this:


Not too shabby. I'm not saying they won't be referred to as "Christmas Marines". That may well be the case. My wife refers to my unit of Sanguinary Guard as "those Christmas guys". They are primarily gold, but have accents of both red and green. Despite this, they are also her favorite of my models, and the most aesthetically pleasing.

Re-reading what I wrote, you are correct, I made a getting-late-plus-a-few-bottles-of-beer mistake. :lol: I shouldn't have said 'opposite', but more like, they are complimentary colours that can clash.


You are correct, Red and Green are opposite each other on the colour wheel, and so are complimentary. Despite what definition the word complimentary has in the dictionary, with colour it doesn't always mean they 'play well' together. When colours are complimentary it means they usually intensify each other by virtue of being side-by-side. With most complimentary colours this is a good thing, and they will 'feel right' and add a certain 'pop' to the pair. Red and Green is one of those cases where the wrong shade of each will over do the effect, and it looks... odd.


Purple and Green are another combination that can have this effect, even though they are also almost opposite on the colour wheel. Shift the Green slightly towards Yellow, and suddenly they are much-less-likely to clash.


No 'rule' with colour is set in stone, either for or against complimentary colours, in this case. Usually complimentary is a good thing, but sometimes it goes really wrong. On the flip side, by no means does a colour pair prone to clashing have no possible combination, but it will take a bit of testing to avoid a clashing result, if that's not what you want. Your example proves the point perfectly. Deepen and/or lighten one or both colours, or shift one of the colours a tiny bit on the wheel and the potential to clash is much reduced.

  • 1 month later...

Not to dredge up an old post, but i am currently in the same predicament as yourself (OP)


Im trying for a Genesis Chapter army too, but the drawback is im after 4th company aswell. The only way i can think of bypassing this issue would be to stick with the Red with Yellow trim (gold if your into shiny stuff) and then paint the Right kneepad in the relevant company colours.


Drawback to this is predominantly fluff-wise, where the Genesis Chapter is seen as a strict Codex follower and therefore might not take the 'knee pad option'.


But if you think about it, if you saw a Blue marine (with U symbol) with black trims, or perhaps even red, would you really make the immediate assumption thats its an Ultramarine from the 5th/3rd battle company? i dont think alot of people would, though im sure some of the 'Fluffers' would catch on quickly and make the connection.


Therefore i am probably going to stick with the yellow and make the kneepad the company designator :) better than having a 'christmas marine' :o



One small drawback to the kneepad option might be the Veteran/1st company Trims. you see Ultras with white trim and know they are 1st company becos they are advertised as such, you dont see the above example of 3rd/4th/5th company marines being advertised (first ive seen is the current 5th Ed codex, in the painted mini's section) i like the look of red with white trim and white helmets for my sternguard yet, then it would clash with my kneepad option as they contradict one another... for that, i blame GW lol




ps: seeing as this is almost 2 months old, how did you proceed with painting? :)


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