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Metallic Paint

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Hey guys, today I saw some insanely beautiful minis on a website today and there was a particular Chaos Lord I saw painted expertly in what looked like a Metallic Red color. I saw a showcase of his Metallic blue Ultramarines as well and this guy knows something I don't apparently. Unfortunately, his entire Blog was in Spanish... =/ Does anyone have any good recipes for Metallic paint or know where I can buy some?


Here's a link to the model:



Also, I ran a search in the forums. Apparently there's a lot of different painting techniques to obtain a metallic look. Am I looking at real metallic paint or some very clever shading skills?

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To begin with, lighting is important, the front of the model is brighter then the back, this is because, the person who painted the model, has the "light" coming from the front of the model, this allows you to see where you need to paint to make an "reflection" or "glint" of light appear as if its reflecting of a metalic surface, its easiest to do by buying a lamp and shining it on the model, then when painting the model remember the angle to the lamp the model is. I believe this to be correct but I am no pro painter, so please feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

The main problem with adding metallics to red is that it usually comes out a rosy pinkish color.


Could try first painting red and then making a metallic wash with some really thinned down bolt gun metal. Had this happen once back when GW used to use actual ink and not washes... The metallics brush accidentally got dipped in the wrong pot. Not sure it will be your desired effect but you could try it out.

As has been said, I've found that for metallic colours that use actual metallic paint, several well placed wash layers is the key to a smooth blend. 'Real' metallic paints can be a pain to try to blend since they are not just colour pigment suspended in acrylic, but actual ground up aluminum flakes suspended in acrylic. When you thin the paint to blend it it can produce a 'sparkly' effect that might not be what you want. However, that effect can be built up and smoothed out with several layers, and very thin washes can help with that too.


In my WIP thread I've shown how I 'wash-up' the Gold that I use, and I would use the same technique with any metallic, using a logical colour wash to achieve the desired look. The short process is: Very thin wash to start the effect > Second wash placed in strategic places and blended with a second clean damp brush > Third wash placed even more selectively and blended as before


Be sure to let each step dry completely before moving on. Once that's down you can leave it for a dirty/dark/tarnished look, or add some 'clean' metallics to brighten and highlight. Again, if it gets 'sparkly', try a very thin wash to bridge the gap that you're trying to blend between.

What's your guys's opinions on Autobody or Car Paint? I had a buddy of mine conveniently show me a Grey Knight he sprayed in Silver while doing some scratches on his car. It looks excellent in silver and he said I should be able to find Red at an Ace Hardware or something. I haven't had a chance to go look, but it looked surprisingly neat. My only worry is about being able to touch it up with similar color. I did some searching on the internet and there are metallic acrylic paints, but its hard to buy a single tube or pot...


Edit: I'm tracking down the brand he had used before. Dupli-Color "Perfect Match". Apparently it's used for touch ups on cars. Could potentially be a good find if this works. It's an Acrylic Lacquer. And from what I see, they have 8oz Spray cans and Touch Up tubes. Even found a few threads on Model Car websites that praise the stuff. Next time I'm over I'll snag a picture of his Grey Knight and post it. (Inclement Weather on the way tonight)

if you want straight up 'metallic red' there is a paint additive 'metallic medium' which will put the 'metallic glitter' in any paint with minimal color impact. Vallejo sells it, among others. NMM red is better looking, obviously, but harder.
Very nice Experiments with the gold. In the comments you mentioned the Mithril Silver is good for a silver color? The color scheme I'm looking to do is a dark metallic red on the Armor, and a silver trim for my Berzerkers and CSM. I'm probably going to end up with what will appeal to be Cherry Red Corvette Marines, but I'm not quite opposed to that. Then atleast I can call em the Khornate Khorvettes. :wub:
if you want straight up 'metallic red' there is a paint additive 'metallic medium' which will put the 'metallic glitter' in any paint with minimal color impact. Vallejo sells it, among others. NMM red is better looking, obviously, but harder.


Funny you should say that - I've just found out about it. B)


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