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A Question of Pre - Heresy

Yellow & Purple

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Hey all,


Okay so Christmas is rolling around and I've been thinking of delving into a Pre Heresy army as my third army. Having beaten around for a choice, I have settled on the World Eaters :blush: RARARARA. Anyways because I don't want to confine the World Eaters to only being used in rare occurrences, I'd like to find an excuse to field a 30k army in a 40k setting, with the original color scheme, alongside my undivided chaos space marines. Any thoughts? The only idea ive had so far is that this specific warband (bcuz the world eaters are decentralized in 40k setting) left their armor unpainted to hide from Khârn the Betrayer's wrath. However....Khorne would be rightfully ashamed of such cowardice and promptly wreck them up. So, any other thoughts?

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  • 4 weeks later...
Blood there is some hints that the WE did not repaint there armour they just did not clean the blood off after taken skulls for the blood god. maybe your war band was made up of newly raised marines who held on to there sense of honir and marital pride and refused to succumb to the madness over taken there legion.
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Apart from the fact you can paint your marines in any colour YOU want there could be fluff justification.


When the WE were fractured by Khârn the various war bands would have repainted their armour to signify their allegiance to whichever lord took them. Who's to say that some painted them in the original colours to show they were the "original" and we're adhering to Angron's plans for the legion after Istvaan? A least that's the excuse I'm using :)



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