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Tournament Devastators


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I have a 2000pt tournament this Saturday, and I'm not sure how I want to kit my Devastators (As part of a BloodHammer list [RAS+DEVs with Libby&Priest Support)-- understanding that Space Wolves, Grey Knights and Imperial Guard are dominant in my local-meta, please weigh in on how you think I should take 'em


390 pts: 15 Devs with 12 Missile Launchers


420 pts: 15 Devs with 6 Lascannons


380 pts: 10 Devs with 8 Lascannons


Also knowing I have 6 Meltagunners in my RAS. Thanks!!

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With all that melta in your RAS I personally would go with missiles but I love my missiles (I also play SW with 3 packs of Long Fangs carrying missiles in almost every list I play)


Honestly I would ask, what do you feel the probability of seeing 2-3 AV 14 vehicles on the table will be? If it's not likely then you're fine with missiles, if it is likely maybe you should look into 1 or more squad packed with 2 missiles and 2 lascannons or perhaps assault bikes with multimeltas?


If I had to vote on the above choices I'd go with pure missiles.


EDIT: Oh, and best of luck in the tourney! May Sanguinius be at your side!

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Should have added one last piece of context: The theme for the tournament is "Bring Your Hero to Work Day"-- basic rules being:


Each player will be fielding a great hero of their army. The rules for the creation of this hero are as follows: Each player will start with the highest cost named HQ character from their codex with the following restrictions (-) and modifications (+):


(-)Cannot be a vehicle

(-)Must have the independent character rule and be unique (only 1 allowed per army)

(+)Does not count toward the 2000 point limit for the army

(-)Cannot be a multi-model unit by default

(+)Increase each stat by +1

(+)May purchase any wargear normally available to that character

(+)Model will have a 2+/4++ save (unless the model would otherwise have better)

(+)The character gains the eternal warrior special rule



So that means I'll be seeing Super-Grimnar and Super-Draigo for sure (Probably Super-Calgar too). And when those guys come to the table they usually bring Termies with them. I think the AP2 of Lascannons is really gonna pay off in contrast to the AP3 of the MLs... under normal conditions I'd feel that the 12x MLs are certainly the superior choice but in this specific environment I'm not so sure. :lol:

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Yeah, that'd be Dante. A shame too since Astorath would be awesome with the bonuses. I picture Creed with the +2/+4 EW, nice.


Go for the lascannons, you'll need them to knock the big guy out of any transport he's got early and then whittle down his bodyguards. Plasma Cannons may even be warranted in this case (for 1 squad perhaps.)

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Actually, with +1 on all stats and Eternal Warrior, I think I'd take Dante in most lists anyway as that counters my two pet peeves about him (low S and vulnerable to ID weapons).


On the question of Devastators, I personally take 2 units when points allow. One has 2 missile launchers and 2 plasma cannon, the other has 2 missile launchers and 2 lascannon. Nice mix of weaponry (especially if Super Draigo is accompanied by his paladin buddies) and only 300 points the lot.

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Yea I'm not sure how the organizers are going to handle a 'nids player.... Super-Swarmlord with exception to the IC rule?


I think I'll be staying away from Plasma Cannons to be honest-- first you lose ID to Paladins/Vindicares/Zoanthropes/etcetc, second you lose utility for AT, and thirdly mine always seem to blow themselves up....


Either I'll take MLs (and if I play GKs then I'll be playing a "Keep Away" game using mobility to avoid/ignore Termies as best as possible) or I'll take LCs and go for the win. IMO MLs are better against nearly every army except Death/Logan/Draigo-Wings.... but I've got a feeling those are the exact type of armies that will be coming to the tourny.

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You can take the Parasite.


Hooray. :|



(I kid, I love that guy, but seriously? Who thought up those rules? The "let's see who is MOST PUNCHING MAN FOREVER" is kinda crap, and it outright punishes codices that aren't full of expensive combat monsters. Draigo is all but guaranteed to win that fight every single time because he has some of the best natural stats and his special rules allow him to beat most other chars fairly handily. Lysander and Vect are the only other people I can see giving him a run for his money at all.)

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Bit unfair for nids though, no?


You can take the Parasite.


Nids what about tau?!



Farsight. Slightly problematic with the unit restrictions he brings, but the other Named Characters come as part of a multi-model unit by default.


I know but thats sort of my point :P . Parasite might be abit lame but at least he doesnt drastically change what you can take in your army.


Bad Tournament Formats are bad :huh:

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