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Flesh Tearers characters and Command Squad


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I finished these guys a while ago.

I play Flesh Tearers, and I've finished a 2000point army for them. Here's my Epistolary and Reclusiarch, as well as an Honour Guard when I play apocalypse games with them. I've written some fluff for them as well.

A warning - the photos arent the greatest. They were taken on an Iphone at work.

Kynedyr -

Kynedyr truly believes that he exists in his current role to die in order for the Chapter Master to live, and has proven that he is willing to lay down his life on many occasions. His left leg from the hip down was taken by a Tyranid bio-titan as he pushed a melta bomb down its throat, destroying the creature, rendering the swarm leaderless, and easy to cleanse. His right arm from the elbow was incinerated by warp-fire from the Chaos sorceror Vallik of the Word Bearers during their duel in an orbital station above Gwynedd, a forgeworld held by the Mechanicus. His signiture weapon is an ancient relic powerfist that interfaces directly with his elbow. This particular artifact is the bare colour of ceramite, but during battle is more likely to be covered in viscera and blood as Kynedyr upholds his reputation; a man too stubborn to die.


Sanguinary Novitiate Colwyn Tondu.

Inducted into the Priesthood 36 years ago, after six decades of service to the Chapter, More a scientist than a warrior, Seth chose him as a member of his guard, as his sanguine temprement offsets the fury of the other members. He was present at the battle of Gaius Point, and afterward showed signs of melancholia, due to his brother’s actions. However this has spurred his work on the Chapters geneseed rather than stunting it, as he does not want to Chapter to be remembered for the atrocities associated with its namesake. He shows great wisdom for his age and is one of the new order of the Flesh Tearers, understanding Seth's need to prove the Chapter's honour before they become extinct.


Amaranth Vakerian -

An artist with a blade, his sword and shield are extensions of his limbs, and he weaves a tapestry of destruction through the battle. None can face his fury and live. He is most outspoken of the guard, and his choleric temper can often lead to tension between the other members and himself. He was chosen as a member of the Honour Guard for his combat prowess rather than his attitude, as he cares not for Seth's work to redeem the chapter, he would rather kill than maintain good relations with the Imperium, and often needs to be reigned in before the black rage consumes him.


Gregor Panos-

A tactical prodigy, he rose up through the ranks of the Flesh Tearers, proving his ability to read a battlefield,and exploit his enemies weaknesses while at the same time channeling and directing his brothers rage into attacks that decimated the ranks of any foe they faced. His ability earned him the notice of the Chapter Master, and after only one hundred years he was promoted to the rank of Captain. His tactical prowess ensured that the Chapter Master is always willing to listen to any advice he is willing to give, and he was offered a role in the Honour Guard to serve as Seth's right hand man on the battlefield. At two hundred years he is one of the oldest Flesh Tearers, but his skill with a sword has not dimmed with age. In contrast to Amaranth's fury, his fighting style is very controlled, and applied with clinical precision, not an ounce of movement wasted.


Feodor Gracchus -

Seth has made a practice of keeping a close eye on the new initiates of the Chapter, looking for individuals of skill and daring. Feodor was one such novitiate, and after only fifty years as an Adedptus Astartes his ferocity in battle was rewarded by the Chapter Master with a place in the Honour Guard. He still has a lot to learn but Seth has high hopes for this relative youngster, as his youth and viguer drive him to strive for honour and glory in every battle. He is the future of the Chapter - a ferocious warrior, albeit one who understands the severity of the Flesh Tearers current situation, and the need to rebuild their shattered reputation.


Epistolary Cortigan -


Reclusiarch Anaziel -



Now there are some things these photos have shown to me that Ive now fixed. The green stains on Feodor, and Cortigans bastard sword has been repainted.



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