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Battle of the Fang


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Whilst it did prevent the wolves becoming the dominant chapter (which would have been nicer then another blue chapter), it only did so temporarily, as whilst all the research and records was lost, what happens if another wolf priest starts the work again? I'm sure the second edition codex mentions Ulfric having managed to make some kind of breakthrough with the canis helix and the rest of the geneseed, the wolf priests and the ad mech could start the project again working from scratch? The fact that the majority of the chapter disagreed also lessens it somewhat, and with the situation in "current" 40k you could well have the whole thing starting again, and this time the legion won't the catathracts (not sure on the spelling) again. Another thing I just thought, and this may be a sign of the way I read the book (in breaks between writing essays) did the sons have any titans fighting alongside them? I imagine Magnus could have got some..
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Hmm, personally I didn't read the set back as being temporary I felt that it was quite a permanent end to that thread of a potential future. However, no I don't think there were titans deployed by Magnus, just lots of army units and tanks.


I'd forgotten about the cataphracts though, that was a shame to lose such priceless mechanicum tech...

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I really liked this book alot, and ot's so petty that this is one of the things that stands out for me but what was up with...



"Greyloc, leaping back to his feet, saw one of his warriors torn apart by a plasma blast and another one thrown bodily to the ground by a punch from the drill-arm.

Thrown to the ground.

In Tactical Dreadnought armour"


emphasis mine, but the idea seems to be that it's crazy that can happen


but earlier in the book..


"Rossek started to reply, so missed the uppercut. Sharp as a jaw-snap, Wyrmblade had let fly with his left fist, connecting cleanly and sending the Wolf Guard crashing to the floor...His armour was more than twice as powerful as Wyrmblade’s, and the Wolf Priest was old."


so first how the hell does someone uppercut a terminator? just the shape of the armor seems to prevent it, and if a giant robot doing it was surprising to Greyloc, doesn't the wolf priest doing it seem crazy?


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Read it, loved it - A Thousand Sons was also a great read


Always felt sorry for Magnus ever since, especially after the events in Aurelian, he isn't even the top psyker primarch anymore

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Read it, loved it - A Thousand Sons was also a great read


Always felt sorry for Magnus ever since, especially after the events in Aurelian, he isn't even the top psyker primarch anymore


He notes how strong Lorgar has become. That's about it. Magnus is half a freaking galaxy way, appearing by sheer willpower, and his slightest irritation still starts fires in Lorgar's presence. He's very clearly the most powerful psyker among the primarchs.

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i think the 1k sons is a little bit to weak in this book, if you look at their magic and so on there is no way the space wolfs could inflict so much damage on them, ok in the begining when the S-W had there runes all over the fangs walls, but when magnus comes a space wolf almost kills him.. ok if bjorn killed him but that was not the case..


Apart from that i give the book 4 of 5.


"Sorry for my english grammar.."

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i think the 1k sons is a little bit to weak in this book, if you look at their magic and so on there is no way the space wolfs could inflict so much damage on them, ok in the begining when the S-W had there runes all over the fangs walls, but when magnus comes a F-cking space wolf almost kills him.. ok if bjorn killed him but that was not the case..


Apart from that i give the book 4 of 5.


"Sorry for my english grammar.."

Best portrayal of Thousand Sons awesomeness was in 'A Thousand Sons' I think first when they were cleaning their boltguns with their minds (that was just freakin' sweet) and then in the battle itself where they were nigh on untouchable (until the damn null maidens rocked up...pfft women ;) ).

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but when magnus comes a F-cking space wolf almost kills him.. ok if bjorn killed him but that was not the case.

What are you talking about?! When Magnus turns up

almost all the main Space Wolves characters start dying in their droves


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