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Vallejo Model Air Metallics


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Howdy y'all.


Gonna go ahead and try out some of the Vallejo Model air metallics that have all of a sudden grown in popularity! Friend of mine said the one he tried was wonderful stuff.


Anyway I'm looking to get 3 silvers and I need matches for:


- Boltgun Metal

- Chainmail

- Mythril Silver


If anyone can help out that would be great! The vallejo site doesn't have any colour match references on their website for these paints ya see.

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I use the aluminium to highlight boltgun metal. So you could say it was a substitute for chainmail. I do use an airbrush though so only edge highlight in mithril. I also have steel which is a touch darker than aluminium, though not by much. Dont use the vallejo thinner with it though as it gives a duller finish, use tamiya if you have to. I know its model air but i find they need just a tiny amount of it as the metallics can clag the nozzle up a bit.

Hope this helps.


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