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Thunder Drake Riders and Jetbikes

Azrael Skyle

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Here I present you with the Thunder Drakes Chapter Thunderwolf and Bike Conversions that will serve in my Chapter feel free to use any criticism on them but explain why so that i can improve them if I have to.


First of the Drake Rider (and in honesty the cold one looks small for the rider)




Next up is my Brother Leximoor and his Epic mount Vulkurios which will serve as either a made up profile or as Canis Wolfborn




And Finally up is my special unit of Thunder Drake Jetbikes which will either serve as either the swiftclaws pack or the rules made up with a online friend to serve as the Vulkurios Pattern Jetbike rules.




So yeah If you have any opinions or feedback you want to give on these pictures please feel free to do so


Also here is a Link to my gallery if you are interested http://jkazrael.deviantart.com/gallery/

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The 2nd and 3rd pics aren't all that bad, albeit the bikes do just look like attack bikes with the wheel taken off and replaced with a boltgun that, for whatever reason, needed to maintain its iron sight. The first picture, however, is not particularly good. It just looks like you took a standing Marine, plucked it off its base, and wedged it onto a very tiny Cold One. The 2nd models proportions are actually okay, but the first looks slapped together and silly. Try using some modeling putty and a hacksaw to reposition the Marine if you feel you have to use that dinky Cold One, although you'd be a lot better off if you went with the Cold One the same size as picture 2, or skipped it altogether. Sometimes less is more. Except when you're talking ridable minidragons.
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As you say that mount is a bit small for a marine (also note that the standard humans [empire state troops] in WFB are smaller than the standard guard models in 40k) while the big thing underneath would be great for thunderwolves I can understand the cost restrictions on that...


So that aside not bad!


As for the Jetbikes... They don't do it for me but to be honest you have pretty tough competition from other jetbikes I've seen... often scratch built or based of the epic master of Ravenwing jetbike. I think the wings could be going somewhere but that the front needs a bit more work to make it look less like the standard bike floating with wings attached.


Anyway now to be a bit more helpful with my favourite model of the lot... The lord... He looks about right but I would suggest you do some work to the big dinosaur to make it look like it belongs to him... So it becomes his mount rather than just some big old lizard man dinosaur you stuck him on... I've seen an Eldar Exodite (Space Wood Elves) Baron on ones of these and the guy personalized it a bit buy adding a face plate that was something between high elf steed barding and the armour plating from an Eldar tank or jetbike and also some reigns that had various Eldar runes and other fetishes hanging off it. Now obviously I'm not suggesting you do that but think about your chapter and your lord and ask what would he stick on his giant lizard?

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As you say that mount is a bit small for a marine (also note that the standard humans [empire state troops] in WFB are smaller than the standard guard models in 40k) while the big thing underneath would be great for thunderwolves I can understand the cost restrictions on that...


So that aside not bad!


As for the Jetbikes... They don't do it for me but to be honest you have pretty tough competition from other jetbikes I've seen... often scratch built or based of the epic master of Ravenwing jetbike. I think the wings could be going somewhere but that the front needs a bit more work to make it look less like the standard bike floating with wings attached.


Anyway now to be a bit more helpful with my favourite model of the lot... The lord... He looks about right but I would suggest you do some work to the big dinosaur to make it look like it belongs to him... So it becomes his mount rather than just some big old lizard man dinosaur you stuck him on... I've seen an Eldar Exodite (Space Wood Elves) Baron on ones of these and the guy personalized it a bit buy adding a face plate that was something between high elf steed barding and the armour plating from an Eldar tank or jetbike and also some reigns that had various Eldar runes and other fetishes hanging off it. Now obviously I'm not suggesting you do that but think about your chapter and your lord and ask what would he stick on his giant lizard?


I do agree slightly with you on the ravenwing Jetbike But I Made it like that for two reasons; one: If you look at the tutorial i made on this link http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...howtopic=243184 you will see that in the world of ecomony it is actually cheaper to make 3 Vulkurios Jetbike and get 5 assault marines to convert all for about £45 to £50 instead of having to pay £90 for 3 Ravenwing Jetbikes. Also I will be posting a unique profile of these Jetbike I have made But thnaks for your Feedback on the Cold one and the other models :P

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The 2nd and 3rd pics aren't all that bad, albeit the bikes do just look like attack bikes with the wheel taken off and replaced with a boltgun that, for whatever reason, needed to maintain its iron sight. The first picture, however, is not particularly good. It just looks like you took a standing Marine, plucked it off its base, and wedged it onto a very tiny Cold One. The 2nd models proportions are actually okay, but the first looks slapped together and silly. Try using some modeling putty and a hacksaw to reposition the Marine if you feel you have to use that dinky Cold One, although you'd be a lot better off if you went with the Cold One the same size as picture 2, or skipped it altogether. Sometimes less is more. Except when you're talking ridable minidragons.


Hmmm that is actually helpful i didn't think of that, anyway thanks

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I saw those jetbikes on DA! They were the chief inspiration for my own jetbike project (here http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...howtopic=242705 ) so thanks a lot! It's a great idea for a conversion. The only thing I don't like about them -apart from the colour scheme, but that's a matter of personal taste- is the bike tyres on the underside. They simply don't work, if you know what I mean: they're too chunky, and it's impossible to see them as anything other than half-tyres stuck to the bottom of the bike. They sure are a low-cost solution, but I think you could have found something else that looked better.
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I saw those jetbikes on DA! They were the chief inspiration for my own jetbike project (here http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...howtopic=242705 ) so thanks a lot! It's a great idea for a conversion. The only thing I don't like about them -apart from the colour scheme, but that's a matter of personal taste- is the bike tyres on the underside. They simply don't work, if you know what I mean: they're too chunky, and it's impossible to see them as anything other than half-tyres stuck to the bottom of the bike. They sure are a low-cost solution, but I think you could have found something else that looked better.

Well I agree with you slightly but the point of this conversion was to make a jetbike using as little box sets as possible for parts i have used up the maxminum of 2 to 3 box sets But i will try and see if there is a better way for the hover pads and thrusters

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