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Building an "all comers" GK list...


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foot lists struggle to compete with that. the codexes that can do decent foot lists are: DA (deathwing), orks (the green tide - very rare due to the length of time it take to move 180 models), IG (same issues as orks) and Grey Knights. Grey knights really though, do it with paladins and terminators (and even then vehicle support is preferred).


Or Steleks 65 man Crowe footslogging list? :lol:



Didn't he also say that the 10 vehicle, 10 infantry squad, 20 psycannon list was better, for the reasons highlighted above? I'm building a variant of that that doesn't have as many vehicles (8 at 2000 points), but has techmarine grenade caddies and more psycannons in the purgation squads.


I won't deny that his Crowe list (and your list above) are nasty, I was merely trying to highlight WHY people are taking the rhino/razorback spam lists


GK are more condusive to spam anyway as psycannon equipped units have inherent duality - S7 multiple shot against infantry and S7 multiple shot rending against AV.

Dear Jeffersonian,


I've been toying with a Ghostwing Build. But I baulk at the thuoght of a 600 point unit (Mordrak + Libby + 5 Ghost Knights) to be the cornerstone of my list.


They would obviously be needed to come in behind some solid cover, and you'd need to wait a turn or two to call in the cavalry. Once the calvary has been called, do you find it feasible to then footslog Mordrak's unit to enemy lines to setup a charge?


It does come across as "flexible", as that 1st turn accurate DS allows you to respond accordingly after seeing your enemy units and where they're deployed. It's just that 600 point non-scoring unit that holds me back!



I've been doing quite well versus most armies I've faced with the exception of non-shooting MC-heavy Tyranid lists (just too many CC attacks/no success with psychic power use). Flexibility comes from being able to pick which Grand strategy will work best before deployment (the right ability of the right unit can = win!), the ability to chose to combat squad or not upon arrival, and the reduction in scatter when deep striking (Mordrak, Homer). Placement is key, as well as playing aggressively from the start (you set the tempo of the fight, not your opponent).


That said, I've been crushed vs "nidzilla in Kill Points and objectives only. At no point have I lost more than just a few units in any given game.




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