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Alpha Legion call of duty...


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So, lurking around in this and other forums a lot(Alpha Legion style) and posting here and there, I have come to notice the lack of Alpha Legion representation out there!


There are Word Bearers, Night Lords, Iron Warriors and renegades everywhere, but a certain lack of Alpha Legion. Sure, some here and there pop up, but largely there is an absence of Alpha Legion posts...


Some "inspirational material" gathered in one place would be nice to have, because the legio XX is behaving like it's fluff on the internet and staying hidden from sight, it's hard to find any Alpha Legion projects anywhere in comparison to other undecided chaos, not to speak of the loyalists and their ilk...



I myself play around with my Alpha legion cell 379, stemming from the liberated world of Ghorstangrad in the Segmentum Tempestus! Strangely enough, the majority of my battles are against our old 'friends' the Raven Guard, who one of my friends play. The victories go back and forth and recently we have reached a stalemate...we'll see how long that will last... :P


I am an extremely slow painter myself and such haven't got many models to show off, but here is one of my Alpha legion champs:



I would be happy to see your legionnaires as well! :huh:



Hydra dominus!

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Here is a part of my Alpha Legion cell "Medusa's Head".

And yes, one day i shall paint the bases...


And here in the center of the pic we see their current leader, Terminator Lord Thibor, who managed to overthrow his former captain, Terminator Captain Faethor, with the aid of their villanius sorcerer Janos and a good portion of luck.


Captain Ferency how ever is not dead, and is planning a gruesome revenge upon his former liutenant, and thinks that the old Dreadnaughts sarcophagus is in need of a new tenant since the old one Sergeant Ferency, has paid his dues to the legion. And Janos geneseed would be much better of in a new body - that of rouge psyker Jersild.

Captain Faethor is in need of a new coat of paint though...


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Alright, I'll play to your tune Excessus, although this is starting to feel like a daytrip ;)


Here's the majority of my force:


(More shots can be seen here)


Plus the two squads not in that shot:




Your turn Ageis....

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;) wow awesome. Are those Counts-As Thousand Sons?

I love all the colors especially the green and the glow effect. got a recipe/tutorial?

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thanks warp.


heres a few bits and peices for you.










good to see our takeover of the B&C going so well.


of back home now ;)

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;) Good timing Ageis; see how co-ordinated the Alpha Legion are compared to the rest of the legions!


@Quixus; Thanks :( They are indeed CATS. Enhanced weapons and Iron Haloes all round, with power sources in their backpacks:



No tutorial I'm afraid, but the recipes are pretty straight forward:


For the green, just start off with a normal metallic scheme; Boltgun Metal, Badab Black and then a Mithril Silver (quite heavy) drybrush. Then for the slightly lighter horns I then added Thraka Green (may have been two coats?), and for the other armour panels, a very watered down coat of dark angels green; something like 5:1 or 6:1 water to paint, although I'm not 100% sure on that ratio.


Glow is just ice blue, asurmen blue, then highlights of 50/50 ice blue/white, then white finish.

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RAWR!!! "Alpharius" likes to chop up Space Wolfs...maybe a little too much...my pride and joy on the battlefield this guy... :wub:









Funnily enough I don't have much experience facing Space Wolfs, hehe


Good timing Ageis; see how co-ordinated the Alpha Legion are compared to the rest of the legions!

Haha, we are keepin' it fluffy... ;)

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Hmm this is really making me want to paint some Alpha Legion. Especially after the frustration I had painting (well repainting technically) an old Iron Warrior I had. I don't know what I'm missing but I just can't paint metallics competently. Love the eye effects you did WarpWhisper, so few people can pull off the glowing eyes thing without giving their models raccoon eyes.
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Am planning to start an Alpha Legion army, and I guess there's no better place to ask a few questions about the sons of Alpharius Omegon:


(please answer all these questions fluffwise)


1) Do Alpha Legion only take Chaos Glory marks?


2) Do the Alpha Legion fight alongside cult squads (thousand sons etc)


3) Do they make use of termies?




If there's anything else I should know about the XX legion, please say

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Am planning to start an Alpha Legion army, and I guess there's no better place to ask a few questions about the sons of Alpharius Omegon:


(please answer all these questions fluffwise)


1) Do Alpha Legion only take Chaos Glory marks?


2) Do the Alpha Legion fight alongside cult squads (thousand sons etc)


3) Do they make use of termies?




If there's anything else I should know about the XX legion, please say



Well, technicly by the old rules they could only take Chaos glory... but mine are Tzeentch based, and yes they can use all the tools of Chaos, but it must be clear they either manipulate them into it or are very insular in acting with them.


What would you like to know?

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Am planning to start an Alpha Legion army, and I guess there's no better place to ask a few questions about the sons of Alpharius Omegon:


(please answer all these questions fluffwise)


1) Do Alpha Legion only take Chaos Glory marks?


2) Do the Alpha Legion fight alongside cult squads (thousand sons etc)


3) Do they make use of termies?




If there's anything else I should know about the XX legion, please say


1) They can take whatever you want - but what would be better fluffwise would be to have some sort of count-as feature. So that, modelling-wise, rather than have a squad of devotees to Nurgle, you could have them equipped with better armor, shields, or something similar. Same thing goes with cult squads. Be creative! If you can think of a sneaky way to model terminators go right ahead! For example: I modelled a squad of loyalist termies gone bad after an Alpha Legionnaire let a Daemon Weapon slip into the squad commander's hands.

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A few images of my Alpha Legion army. I run my Daemon Prince with a mark of Tzeentch but everything else IoCG. I absolutely love their paint scheme and the background is really cool for them. I'm really hoping that the new codex does them justice and gives them lots of sneaky options. Also below I have done a few chosen models using the Sternguard models for infiltration.





Also ADB really needs to write an Alpha Legion series!!

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Am planning to start an Alpha Legion army, and I guess there's no better place to ask a few questions about the sons of Alpharius Omegon:


(please answer all these questions fluffwise)


1) Do Alpha Legion only take Chaos Glory marks?


2) Do the Alpha Legion fight alongside cult squads (thousand sons etc)


3) Do they make use of termies?




If there's anything else I should know about the XX legion, please say



1: As I see it they could use diffrent marks. Up until now i have just used Chaos Glory, but my new commander is going to be Tzeentch based. I feel Tzeentch is reasonable since the big T is all about plots, schemes, manipulation and twisting fate etc.


2: Don't know, but I don't see it unlikly that they do. They could probably use smaller units of cult troops as tools to achieve their own goals. Which is why I have a small Berserker squad comming up on my to paint list. But as others as said "Counts as" probably works as well.


3: At least they have a Terminator Captain (Ingo Pech) in the Legion novel, so I assume they have terminator squads. My Legion warband is lead by a Terminator Lord, and I plan on adding a few more terminators to my existing squad.

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Am planning to start an Alpha Legion army, and I guess there's no better place to ask a few questions about the sons of Alpharius Omegon:


(please answer all these questions fluffwise)


1) Do Alpha Legion only take Chaos Glory marks?


2) Do the Alpha Legion fight alongside cult squads (thousand sons etc)


3) Do they make use of termies?




If there's anything else I should know about the XX legion, please say

1) There have been reports in the fluff of marked Alpha Legions, and even Daemon Princes and Possessed! Though I expect them to be rare...


2) Yes, I strongly believe they do. They would employ whatever "tools" they can to make a plan work, and are cunning enough(not that you have to try hard with World Eaters, but still) to lure them into taking part in their plans...or simply just hiring their services. I doubt they'd stay put after the campaign is over though...


3) Yes they do. They had terminator suits like all the other legions, though I expect that they were rare and far between as the XX:th legion was the youngest one and the older more venerable legions got them first. But there were termies in "Legion" (or one, really) and it fits with Alpha Legions MO of striking from all angles, DS:ing down for shock and awe!

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Ok, would this fluff work???




From: Inquisitor Lord Greenwich, Ordo Malleus

Sent: Astropath Centre 8GHS4295AS7 Armageddon Sub-Sector Malleus

Encryption: Platinum Level

Subject: Ordo Hereticus/Malleus Joint Operation - Alpha Legion - Cell 141


This is Greenwich. Here is all the intel my sources have gathered. Please reply with all your intel on this cell.






Received: Astropath Centre 45HGRT96H798 Holy Terra Hereticus

Encryption: Platinum Level - Holding




Log In: Foran Tallioth



Log In accepted.


Welcome Inquisitor


Enter Encryption Key: XXXXXXXXXXX


Key Accepted


Message Decrypted


Opening attachment


Combining with previous intelligence


File Encrypted




From: Inquisitor Lord Tallioth, Ordo Hereticus

Sent: Astropath Centre 45HGRT96H798 Holy Terra Hereticus

Encryption: Platinum Level

Subject: Ordo Hereticus/Malleus Joint Operation - Alpha Legion - Cell 141


Here are all our notes on Cell 141.






Received: Astropath Centre 8GHS4295AS7 Armageddon Sub-Sector Malleus

Encryption: Platinum Level - Holding




Log In: Etheon Greenwich

Password: XXXXXX


Welcome Inquisitor


Enter Encryption Key: XXXXXXXXXXX


Key Accepted


File Decrypted


Opening File




Alpha Legion - Cell 141


Strength is unknown


Believed to be operating in the Armageddon Sub-Sector, entered while the 3rd war was in progress.


Believed to be under the command of Renegade Inquisitor (haven't come up with name yet, any ideas???) who was an interrigator under now presumed traitor Inquisitor Kravin. It is believed that it was (name) who was in contact with the Alpha Legion, and then fed back corrupting information to Kravin.


Cell 141 are experts at smuggling, and it is belived that they have smuggled various Arch-Enemy vehicles and troops planetside.


When cross-referenced with raids and ambushes attributed to the orks, it appears that various cases were passed over with very little investigation. If they had been properly investigated, chain weapons and bolt ammunition would have been seen, as well as stealth that would have been impossible for all but the very best orks.


It appears that we have an enemy operating on Armageddon that has passed under the radar, as that legion is renowned for. An Inquisitorial Team was sent in a year ago. They haven't reported back at all.


It is my belief that we should respong with everything we have in the sector. If a chaos cult takes root in an already war torn world, especially one as large and populated as Armageddon, we might lose all control of the planet. That cannot be allowed to happen.


This is a request that will require your go-ahead Lord Malleus, but if this cell is true, we must respond.


Please reply as soon as soon as possible






Encrytion failing


File Corrupting


Hereticus/Mallius System responding


File Deleting


File Recovered




Trojen found




File Reopening




Contents deleted on all systems


Hydra Dominus




Mutiple System Intrutions Hereticus/Malleus


System responding


Systems corrupting


Unknown System entries


System shutting down




System Re-Booting




From: Inquisitor Lord Tallioth, Ordo Hereticus

Sent: Astropath Centre 45HGRT96H798 Holy Terra Hereticus

Encryption: NA

Subject: Ordo Hereticus/Malleus Joint Operation - Alpha Legion - Cell 141


This message is sent unincrypted. They got into the Terran Archives!!!!!!!!! We got rid of them, but they knew what they were looking for. We've lost all intel on them, and we have no idea what they saw in our archive. This channel is no longer secure. We have a traitor in our midst. A Hereticus Investigation Team will be with you in a few minutes. Show them everything. If you don't co-opeprate, you will be branded

'Hereticus Diabolus' and burned.


Good Bye Lord Malleus






From: Inquisitor Lord Greenwich, Ordo Malleus

Sent: Astropath Centre 8GHS4295AS7 Armageddon Sub-Sector Malleus

Encryption: NA

Subject: Ordo Hereticus/Malleus Joint Operation - Alpha Legion - Cell 141


How Dare you Hereticus. I am not your heretic. You have an operative in your team Tallioth, and I'm not taking this fall. Call your team off, or I'll




Message ended






From: Interagator Decion, Ordo Hereticus

Sent: Astropath Centre 45HGRT96H798 Holy Terra Hereticus

Encryption: Alpha Gold


I'm in. Malleus gone. Codes enclosed. Have fun.


Hydra Dominus




Message Log Deleted




Recieved: Astropath - Unknown - Armageddon

File Decrypted




From: (name)

Sent: Astropath - Unknown - Armageddon

Encryption: Alpha Gold


Codes recieved. Transports Planetside. Countdown beginning.


This World will be ours.


Hydra Dominus



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@ Son Of Iron; That's an interesting link you've got there, I don't think I've ever seen the AL linked to armageddon like that before :P


Quite nice that it opens up the armageddon arena for future conflit too.


One point; the text is very vague and non-commital which is perfect for AL fluff, but right at the beginning there's the stark statement:

Estimated strength is around 250 marines, unknown armour and cultists.

As the rest of the text explains how vague the theories are, and that no one has even confirmed the existance of cell, where would this seemingly random number come from? Unless there is evidence of them entering the Armageddon war zone, in which case you'd need to explain that these numbers are from previous contact, and then maybe where and when this contact was; which would also expand your back story a little...


@ Dark Apostle Thirst; :P no probs

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Some fluff.



Security officer Bram Hemlock thought that he had finally made a case. A real case. Not some petty theft or breaking up a minor bar brawl in the mess. But a real case that would get him off this fat pig of a supply freighter in the arse end of space, namely the Koronus Expanse and onto a real void cruiser. A real battleship where void battles, glittering C-beams and burning enemy ships would become a reality. A case that would get him off this tour of duty hauling food, medical and munitions supplies to Rouge Traders and real navy warships.


Commander Tatiana Pripyat watched over her command crew, making sure the preparations were on schedule. Her passengers were about to disembark along with the supplies. The Cruiser was some light minutes away and she estimated the supply transfers to be done in less than two hours. She gazed over the bridge. The vox officers listening out into the void. Weapons offers checking in with their crews. A normal day in the Imperial navys supply train.


The blast doors to the command deck opened and Bram hemlock rushed in. Gasping for air as he approached the commander and made the Aquila salute. “Commander. We have a problem!” He blurted. “The passengers. They are not who they claim they are. I checked the records three times. Rouge Trader Zephyr Ulma perished in the warp ten standard years ago along with his ship Star Halo. These men are imposters!


The command deck went silent. Tatiana Pripyat stared at the security officer. “And who exactly would they be? IF they are not who they claim to be? ” She didn’t wait for the security officer to answer her question before she turned to the vox officer. “Check their identitys again. Double check them. Prepare the security teams. Possible intruders onboard! Code Alpha!” Pripyat barked her orders, and Hemlock was surprised at her efficiency. He thought a commander of a freighter would be less sure of what to do, but she seemed very confident and capable.


Bram Hemlock’s heart raced. His adrenalin pumping as he felt the ships command crew go to red alert. The commander turned to him and asked “Is anyone else aware of this? Have you contacted anyone?” Bram replied sharply “No ma’am, I came as quick as I figured it out. And I didn’t want to use the vox in case someone was listening. I think these men are renegade Astartes ma’am.”

Hemlock saw how the commander drew her auto pistol from the holster at her hip and how she aimed it at him. He even thought he heard the two shots before he was thrown to the floor. He could definitely feel the pain of the two bullets in his chest. Slowly life pumped out of him in red streams. He could still gaze up and saw the commander holster her gun as the command officers kept to their businesses.


In the corner of his eye he saw the blast door open and a robed Astartes walk in. “Is this him?” he heard a rough male voice. “Yes Lord. Somehow he figured it out. Not everything but enough. I’ll write him off as a training casualty. Your ship will arrive any second Lord, and you and your men will be brought onboard with the supplies.”

Blood bubbled from Hemlocks mouth as he whispered his last words “Why..?” The Astartes looked down at him and spoke the final words Hemlock ever heard: “For the Emperor.”


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