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Alpha Legion call of duty...


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Nice fluff Snejk :tu:


I especially like the last paragraph :lol:





I wasn't sure which one of them, the Astartes or Pripyat who'd say it though.

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Legion recruitment,


How does the Alpha Legion recruit new Astartes? I imagine them harvesting the gene seed from their fallen legionaires, storing them until a suitable new possible recruit shows up. The Lord of the Medusa's Head recruits exclusivly from his human operatives who survive long enough to have proven themselves worthy of becoming Astartes. This keeps their numbers relatively low and extremly loyal since the operatives have been with the legion for decades.


The operatives rise from the Cruisers crew, some being slaves or serfs, others being human security personel, gunners, artificiers or even officers. They all posses the mindset needed to be legion operatives. Successful operatives become Handlers, overseeing a smaller group of operatives and carrying out their Astartes plans and orders.


Both Operatives and Handlers become subjects of both physical and mental alteration (steroids, implants, psycho indoctrination etc, to be able to handle the long periods of mental and physiological stress they are put through by their Astartes masters. Many perish, a few survive and even fewer become operatives. And even fewer survive long enough to become Handlers.


Successful Handlers may if they survive long enough have the great fortune to be seen as valuable enough have the great fortune of taking the final steps towards becoming an Astarte with the XX legion. These men recieve the gene seed of fallen Legionaires.

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How they recruit varies, but I believe they do at least one thing still that they did before the heresy, namely have them trial as a team, not individuals...before becoming marines...
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Legion recruitment,


How does the Alpha Legion recruit new Astartes? I imagine them harvesting the gene seed from their fallen legionaires, storing them until a suitable new possible recruit shows up. The Lord of the Medusa's Head recruits exclusivly from his human operatives who survive long enough to have proven themselves worthy of becoming Astartes. This keeps their numbers relatively low and extremly loyal since the operatives have been with the legion for decades.


The operatives rise from the Cruisers crew, some being slaves or serfs, others being human security personel, gunners, artificiers or even officers. They all posses the mindset needed to be legion operatives. Successful operatives become Handlers, overseeing a smaller group of operatives and carrying out their Astartes plans and orders.


Both Operatives and Handlers become subjects of both physical and mental alteration (steroids, implants, psycho indoctrination etc, to be able to handle the long periods of mental and physiological stress they are put through by their Astartes masters. Many perish, a few survive and even fewer become operatives. And even fewer survive long enough to become Handlers.


Successful Handlers may if they survive long enough have the great fortune to be seen as valuable enough have the great fortune of taking the final steps towards becoming an Astarte with the XX legion. These men recieve the gene seed of fallen Legionaires.

The problem with that is that the transformation process must start at a pretty young age, 13-14 IIRC, to have a high chance of success. People cannot acquire that much experience in that time. The AL of course may have some kind of cheat to get around that newer restriction, but even during the great crusade there was a maximum age for implantation.
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Legion recruitment,


How does the Alpha Legion recruit new Astartes? I imagine them harvesting the gene seed from their fallen legionaires, storing them until a suitable new possible recruit shows up. The Lord of the Medusa's Head recruits exclusivly from his human operatives who survive long enough to have proven themselves worthy of becoming Astartes. This keeps their numbers relatively low and extremly loyal since the operatives have been with the legion for decades.


The operatives rise from the Cruisers crew, some being slaves or serfs, others being human security personel, gunners, artificiers or even officers. They all posses the mindset needed to be legion operatives. Successful operatives become Handlers, overseeing a smaller group of operatives and carrying out their Astartes plans and orders.


Both Operatives and Handlers become subjects of both physical and mental alteration (steroids, implants, psycho indoctrination etc, to be able to handle the long periods of mental and physiological stress they are put through by their Astartes masters. Many perish, a few survive and even fewer become operatives. And even fewer survive long enough to become Handlers.


Successful Handlers may if they survive long enough have the great fortune to be seen as valuable enough have the great fortune of taking the final steps towards becoming an Astarte with the XX legion. These men recieve the gene seed of fallen Legionaires.


Being the secretive bunch that they are its entirely possible that they are still recruiting from whatever planets they were doing from during the great crusade. Its also possible they may make sneaky trips to loyalist recruitment planets and take a few from those.

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The problem with that is that the transformation process must start at a pretty young age, 13-14 IIRC, to have a high chance of success. People cannot acquire that much experience in that time. The AL of course may have some kind of cheat to get around that newer restriction, but even during the great crusade there was a maximum age for implantation.


IIRC, some operatives had some implantation of SM 'upgrades'; AL operatives couod well perform the same function as SM Scouts, being tested 'in battle' as further prodecures are implemented on those deemed worthy.


Of course, there's always the Emperor's Sword from the codex, and it could well be that there are chapters that exist as loyalists, but who are just a front for AL activities...


@ Deus Ex Ferrum - looking forward to seeing those pics :)

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IIRC, some operatives had some implantation of SM 'upgrades'; AL operatives couod well perform the same function as SM Scouts, being tested 'in battle' as further prodecures are implemented on those deemed worthy.


Of course, there's always the Emperor's Sword from the codex, and it could well be that there are chapters that exist as loyalists, but who are just a front for AL activities...


@ Deus Ex Ferrum - looking forward to seeing those pics :P


I really like the idea of chapters reporting losses only to have those losses turn up later working within a AL cell. If they are fighting a steady war against Orks or Eldar it would be pretty easy to have a thunderhawk full of marines "blow up" in the line of duty with few witnesses.

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Some fluff for Cell 141:


Interragator Elana Decion. That sounded good. Ordo Hereticus. That sounded better. Terra. That sounded amazing.


The first feamle Operative, as far as she knew, and also the best. She had made it to Terra after all.


But here greatist strength was her Beta Class Psychic mind. And her ability to hide it.



She thought back to her recruitment, all those years ago. She had been a Bounty Hunter, sent to kill what turned out to be her recruiter. She had tried poisons that would have killed a normal man, but had had no effect. She'd used her mind for a psychic assault, but that hadn't worked either. She'd finally decided to go in with her knife. She got into the room the man was using, and then realised why her previous attempts hadn't worked.


He was astartes.


At that point she had realised why she had been payed so much, and she turned to go. She would disapeer, and then reapear in a different sector in a few years. It wouldn't be hard.


It was at that point she heard the bolt pistol rack.


She turned slowly, gently pushing at his phychic defences. She could break it, but it would leave her weakened. She couldn't afford that.


''How did you get in here?'' he asked, his voice deeper than any she had heard before. It was then she saw the 3 headed hydra mark on his front.

''Alpha Legion'' she said.


She knew she shouldn't know about the Alpha Legion, but on one of her hacking trips into the bowels of Imperial Knowledge, she had found a trap door into the Ordo Hereticus on the world, and found a file on an 'Aplha Legion Cell'

She'd had no idea what that meant, so she opened the file. It had changed her entire mindset. She had questioned things she had known before, all her Imperial faith had been turned on it's head.


''Yes'' said the astartes, clearly wondering how she knew that.


''You could have killed me. No one else has ever got that close''


''Come with me'' He said




And then her life changed forever.


She became an operative.




Her first mission had been laughably easy. She had had to seduce a warlord, and then kill him.


It had taken less than a week.



Her second had been a little harder.


It had taken 2 weeks.



She had then been chosen to go deeper than any operative had been before.


She had been chosen to go to Terra.



She had been given a contact on Armageddon, and then left on the edge of Solar Segmentum. Through her looks and skills, both violent and otherwise, she had got to the Solar System. There she assumed her now-role - an ex-bounty hunter who had converted to become an Imperial Preacher. She had been sighted by Foran Tallioth, an Inquisitor Lord of the Ordo Hereticus who was stationed on Terra. She had gone through so many checks she'd lost count by the end of the first day. But she passed. She had hid her phsycic powers, and she had never been branded with the Hydra, so passed easily enough. She had been recruited to become part of Tallioth's retinue, issued her own codes, and let loose to 'investigate for taint' in the archives of Terra's Munitorum. The work was taxing, but she was easily able to send off small amounts of information to her contact on Armageddon, and cover her tracks.


It was extremely easy, but then she had been told to plant a virus and pull out.


It sounded so easy....


Coming soon

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Elana approached the terminal. She had drugged Tallioth, and he wouldn't disturb her. He wouldn't be disturbing anyone anymore.

She had delt with everyone, everyone except....


''Elana, what are you doing?'' asked her fellow interragator Declan Seducan


Damn, she thought, how could she have left him. She knew, of course. He was her lover.


''Nothing Declan'' She said, trying to sound off-hand.


''That intel shouldn't be being accesses by anyone under Inquisitor Lord ranking Elana. Close it now.''




''Now'' He said, as he drew his autopistol. ''You have been lapsing in duty, so I followed you. I've uncovered you, haven't I, Operative''


She moved faster than he was ready for. One minute he was pointing a gun at her, the next he was on the floor, his own weapon pointing at his face.


''You should have left me alone Seducan'' Elana said, cocking the gun.


''Elana, what happened to you?'' He asked


''I never changed'' she said with a smile, shooting him between the eyes.


She turned back to the terminal, but suddenly heard the alarm. Damn him, he'd set off an alrm some how.


She finished uploading the virus, and turned to run.


She drew her own side-arm, a hot-shot laspistol that had been given to her by her late handler Gerthran, and ran from the room. She headed for her rooms, and arrived at the same time as a security officer investigating her room. He looked up at the sound of the footsteps, and his last thought was an autopistol smashing into his face. She entered her rooms quietly, picking up her power sword and hot-shot lasgun, an overpowered rifle that could penetrate power armour. She slipped out again with her backpack filled with her few possessions - a Hereticus ident-card, spare clothes, ammunition and her manuscript - a book containing all her personal notes, something all Operatives had to use - and, drawing her pistols, she snuck down the corridor. She put a lasbolt through the first security officer, then an auto-round through the other. The rest of the journey passed without difficulty, until she reached the landing pad.


She came out onto the pad, and greeting her was a platoon of guardsmen and commissar. She dived for cover as the lasguns opened fire. She snapped off a couple of shots, but knew it wouldn't be enough.


''Sir, shouldn't we push forward?'' asked a guardsman.


The platoon went quiet as the Commissar drew his ornate plasma pistol. Elana risked a glance over her cover.


''In the name of the God-Emperor'' said the Commissar, ''I execute you for insolence''


He pulled the trigger,


and the plasma pistol exploded.


The commissar and the Platoon commander and vox-unit were atomised in a micro-second, and many other guardsmen sustained severe burns. Elana took here chance.


''What in the name of........'' she could no longer say God-Emperor without her anger showing, ''Well, what are you doing? I am an Inquisitional Interragator!''


She showed them her ident-card, which bore her name, number and rank. The guardsmen stood to attention abruptly.


''Sorry maam, I....'' stammered one of them, ''We were ordered to....''


''I don't care what you were ordered to do, just go and get me a shuttle, and quickly, there is a heretic escaping, and any caught aiding them will be executed for heresy!''


Her gamble had paid off. The average guardsmen didn't have a clue what he was doing, just doing what he was ordered. Without the Commissar, Sergeant and vox-caster, they couldn't check anything, just following what they were told. They had no idea who she was, just following her ident-card. Stupid system, she thought to herself.


Her thoughts were disturbed by the downwash of a heavily modified Valkyrie Assault Carrier. It had been reinforced for trans-atmospheric flight, and equipped with heavy rotating cannons ans missiles. The guardsmen had done the best they could, she smiled to herself. Stupid sustem, she thought again.


The pilot didn't seem to be coming out, so she rapped the window and gestured with her thumb to exit the vehicle. The man obeyed at once, seeing her ident-card, now hanging around her neck.


''Maam'' said the pilot, ''Do you want me to...''


''No'' she interrupted, ''Just hold this pad until I'm away, then go and report your losses to your commander''


''Yes maam'' He said, as Elana climbed into the cockpit.


She quickly became aclimatised to the controls, testing them slightly, and then she took off. She had to get out of the Solar System, away from Terra, and then to the Angolan System, 3 months warp travel away. There she would be picked up by a contact, and taken on to her next mission. She just had to get there.


The predictable servitor drone came through the headset, asking for her codes. She didn't dare use her Inquisition ones, knowing that they would have been flagged by now, so used one of her others, an agriculture specialist from Angolan V. The servitor drawled back that she was cleared to pass, and she headed for the upper atmosphere. She was hoping to find a rogue trader vessel, or something that could at least give her transport with little questions asked. She voxed around, and eventually found a rougue trader vessel named 'Hamadrien' that would take her to the Declanon System, halfway to Angolan. She agreed, and added 25% above the usual price to sweeten the deal. He openned his hanger for her, and as she jumped out of the cockpit caught him admiring her assets.


''Hope your looking at my ride and not elsewhere'' she said, putting on her best Angolan accent.


''You know I wasn't'' Said Deseo, the seemingly vulgar man who was in charge of the 'Hamadrien'.


''Am I going to have a problem with you Deseo?'' she asked.


''Only if you want one'' He said


She shook her head. The tight leather she had put on was working a treat, and she had lengthened her hair considerably just for that moment when she swished it. He was hers completely.


''Just show me to my rooms'' She said.


At the Declanon System she left his ship. She had him in the palm of her hand by the time she left. He would have done anything for her, including giving her his ident-codes for refuelling lanes on Declanon Prime. It was going so well.


As she entered the lower atmosphere howerver, she had a nasty shock. There was a Hereticus Kill Team made up of Adeptus Soritas Sisters of Battle. They broadcast orders to land and power down. Ha, she thought. That wasn't going to happen.


The Sister's gunships homed into view, and Elana loosed off 2 of her 5 missiles, forcing the gunship to veer away. Elana loosed off a few shots with her cannon, sheering the engines off another of the ships. She loosed her remaining missiles at the third gunship, sending it burning to the ground. Her gunship took hits from the 2 other gunships, and she sent cannon blasts across the cockpit of one of the remaining gunships.


Then her starboard engine exploaded.



More coming soon

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I'm gonna ramble.


One day someone will take on the Alpha legion but theme it with a spin.


Essentially Red Cell Alpha Legion. Red Cell was a US thing were they had some Spec Ops badasses test their own security. As I understand they used to kidnap important people and rather effortlessly extract their nuclear launch codes, stuff like that. From what I read they were too good and disbanded.


Except This is 40k so I would be more literal and more extreme. They would be Alpha Legion with a red Hydra. Their mandate would of been issued early by Omegon, and they only answer to him. Since he's either dead or a daemon or pretending to be Alpharius now, they answer to no one. Completely isolationist they would evolve over time. They would begin to choose their own targets, and begin to kill their brothers wholesale. Relishing the chance to cut out the weakness of the Legion. Eventually Red Cell would get hunted down. Alpha Legion mind games vs Alpha Legion mindgames. A hidden war over centuries. Finally warbands of the true Alpha Legion would band together and wipe out Red Cell. Some say its was strength of numbers, others say it was a double bluff. But Red Cell was dead. Except it wasn't because this is the Alpha Legion. The 'Horizon Contingency'* a small group of experienced Red Cell members sent to the Northern Edge of space, to slowly rebuild Red Cell should they lose.


The year is 998 of the 41st millennium, a new Red Cell has returned, no longer to expunge the weakness of the Legion. Hatred fuels them, none left alive have every been anything but Red Cell. Their goal is now to kill ever last member of the Alpha Legion and rightfully take their place as the greatest warriors of Alpharius.


Essentially Alpha Legion paranoia and compartmentalization blowing up in their face. :)


This is what I would make if chaos had a codex worth reading.




*Core Contingency Total Annihilation was a good game.

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Legion recruitment,


How does the Alpha Legion recruit new Astartes? I imagine them harvesting the gene seed from their fallen legionaires, storing them until a suitable new possible recruit shows up. The Lord of the Medusa's Head recruits exclusivly from his human operatives who survive long enough to have proven themselves worthy of becoming Astartes. This keeps their numbers relatively low and extremly loyal since the operatives have been with the legion for decades.


The operatives rise from the Cruisers crew, some being slaves or serfs, others being human security personel, gunners, artificiers or even officers. They all posses the mindset needed to be legion operatives. Successful operatives become Handlers, overseeing a smaller group of operatives and carrying out their Astartes plans and orders.


Both Operatives and Handlers become subjects of both physical and mental alteration (steroids, implants, psycho indoctrination etc, to be able to handle the long periods of mental and physiological stress they are put through by their Astartes masters. Many perish, a few survive and even fewer become operatives. And even fewer survive long enough to become Handlers.


Successful Handlers may if they survive long enough have the great fortune to be seen as valuable enough have the great fortune of taking the final steps towards becoming an Astarte with the XX legion. These men recieve the gene seed of fallen Legionaires.

The problem with that is that the transformation process must start at a pretty young age, 13-14 IIRC, to have a high chance of success. People cannot acquire that much experience in that time. The AL of course may have some kind of cheat to get around that newer restriction, but even during the great crusade there was a maximum age for implantation.



I've looked around for the age limitations you mention, but can't really find any notes on that. And what little I have read about people becoming Astartes they seem (to me) to be young adults, maybe in their early 20's when they are choosen (except for in Sould Hunter where Talos seems to be pretty young). But in other fluff (Flight of the Eisensten I got the impression that the Garro's serf was a young adult whenhe failed his Astartes test, and in a comic about the black templars i think it was the main character was an adult when he got choosen by the BT) but yes, I agree that the transformation from Man to Astartes is not a simple one and would probably take years and years of gene manipulation and training to become one, but I imagine that if the Legion start modifying their operatives in their late teens, say 18-19, and by the time they become Handlesrs/Sqouts they are pretty much ready for the final steps.


And as for entire squads to be tested it could be possible that an entire cell of operatives are being transformed at once. Becoming a new AL squad rather than operatives.

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According to the Lexicanum the recuit become a Battle Brother at age 16-18. Implantation ideally begins between age 10 and 14. The article mentions that the recruits should be young but it does not mention at which age a potential recruit (according to their genes) can no longer receive the implants.


IIRC Talos's age was pretty standard.

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According to the Lexicanum the recuit become a Battle Brother at age 16-18. Implantation ideally begins between age 10 and 14. The article mentions that the recruits should be young but it does not mention at which age a potential recruit (according to their genes) can no longer receive the implants.


IIRC Talos's age was pretty standard.


Sloppy reading on my part then since i read at east parts of the Lexi article.:-(

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Elana was taken to a holding block in the capital. She was interragated about the Alpha Legion, and her involvment in the Hereticus HQ break-out on Terra. Then she was left alone. Left for days, then weeks, then months. She knew the punihsment for failed Operatives: dishonor, abandonment, death.


After nearly a year of no outside contact, there was a rap on the outside wall.


''Operative?'' asked a familiarly deep voice.


''Stand back'' said the voice.


The wall exploded, showering Elana with brick dust. She gazed up into the face of the first Aplha Legionnary she had ever met.


''Hello again'' She said.


''How did you get in here'' He said with a smile. She smiled too, as she remebered the words.


''Come with me'' He said, with a smile.


She followed him to a group of 3 other people, 2 Astartes and a fellow Operative, she supposed. As she drew nearer she gasped.


''You'' she gasped, ''I had you.''


''No'' said Deceo, the Rogue Trader, or so she had belived, that had brought her here.


''No'' He said again, ''I had you'' He showed her his Alpha brand.


''Well Played'' She said.


''Yes, it was'' He said, with no hint of irony. She glared at him.


''Do you know how they knew me?'' Asked Elana.


''Yes we told them. Now get on the ship'' Said the unknown Astartes.


They left her alone. I was bait, she thought.



After a 1 and a half month warp-transit, they appeared in a system full of ships.


''Welcome to Armageddon'' Said the Astartes

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In 2008 I started an Alpha Legion force based on the previous Chaos codex. Just after I finished collecting 36 metal Chaos cultists from ebay the new Chaos codex came out and did away with them. I didn't like the new codex and stopped playing Chaos with my Death Guard army. Having just read 'Legion' and 'Deliverance Lost', and hearing the rumours about a new Chaos Legions codex I've started to paint my Alpha Legion figures again.


I liked the old Storm Blue paint scheme but can't match it and don't want to paint scales for the newer versions, so I'm using Regal Blue as a base coat and washing it with Midnight Blue to darken it and give a purplish hue. Looks pretty good so far though I'm going to experiment with Hawk Turquoise and Goblin Green washes. The Dreadnought has been finished and used the FW paint scheme except for the blue being darker.


I have 2 squads of CSM, 20 Terminators, a Raptor squad and a few vehicles to paint. I'm considering Fabius Bile as an HQ and painting 26 of his 'enhanced' metal SM figs. in Alpha Legion colours.

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Really need to post over here more....

Good looking Alpha Legion guys! I've been opting for a more teal colour for my guys.










These guys are all getting Dragon Forge Concrete Rubble bases soon for that infiltrating look.

Kinda going for a Black Crusade style army, but my first and planned force is Alpha Legion. All generic units will be Alpha Legion, though I've got some aspects like Slaaneshi Terminators, Khorne Berserkers, Abaddon, etc. Can't wait for the new codex, I really hope the Alpha Legion rumors are true. Infiltrating and Scouting? Yes please!



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