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Alpha Legion call of duty...


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Really need to post over here more....

Good looking Alpha Legion guys! I've been opting for a more teal colour for my guys.










These guys are all getting Dragon Forge Concrete Rubble bases soon for that infiltrating look.

Kinda going for a Black Crusade style army, but my first and planned force is Alpha Legion. All generic units will be Alpha Legion, though I've got some aspects like Slaaneshi Terminators, Khorne Berserkers, Abaddon, etc. Can't wait for the new codex, I really hope the Alpha Legion rumors are true. Infiltrating and Scouting? Yes please!





Very nice! I especially like the Vindicator, it looks very Bad A**!

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How many has read Deliverance Lost by now? i finished it yesterday and i liked most of it apart from when

the Alpha legion guys meet up during the assault on the gene-seed factory at the end. Not only do they start squabbeling about who's in charge, and fail to kill the chief apothecary. Otherwise i was pleased with how they portraid the Legion. Too bad they died way too easy in the fire fights.


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Thanks guys! The Vindicator's not finished yet, I can't wait to get it done, but I need to get through a ton of commissions before I can even think about working on them! Personally, I was really happy with the way the Legion was portrayed in both Legion and the Siege of Vraks. Need to add Arkos the Faithless to my group of models at some point, does anyone know if they redid his rules?



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  • 1 month later...

I also posted this in the WIP section wich I will be updating when I paint some more models.


The freehand A of the Legion will be painted in the same colour green as the bandana and the icon on the bolter to stay in uniform with the Legion.

As you can see all my models got all there equipment with them, both of them got ammo pouches and grenades with them and even while they not wearing it they still take there helmet with them cause I use them as Chosen and they need to infiltrate the field so they need to take all there equipment with them :P


Standard bolter Marines



Let me know what you guys think and let me know if you wnat to see more cause Im painting al whole squad of 10.

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I really like the Alpha Legion, they are my favorite legion, I like most of their background. They are real "outside the box" thinkers and get stuff done.


However, what I don't like about them, is the whole "one of many" thing, where they all get surgically altered to look alike (well to look like Alpharius). That's just...weird and reminds me of the difficulties I had trying to identify with my Tau army.


I love the fact that they put an emphasis on teams in training, when I was reading about them, I was immediately reminded of the SPARTAN II and III programs from the Halo series, where they broke the initiates into teams and had them compete against and with each other through their training. Your average Space Marine (or Chaos Space Marine) is a far future knight, fighting individually, alongside his brothers for personal and Chapter/Warband/Legion honor and glory. Your Average Alpha Legionary is a soldier part of a team, and while they are different, they fight for the mission at hand and they fight to win.


If it weren't for the whole "surgically altered to look alike" and the mental conditioning to repress individuality...it would be the only 40k background that I like 100%.

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The surgical alteration buisness was dang important pre-heresy (due to trying to cover Omegon's existance, or hide Alpharius in plain sight, etc), but this is 10,000 years later. The Legion is nothing like it used to be. Cells have broken away, some to continue mission, some to pursue their own agenda. Some are pure still, others utterly corrupt, worse than even Horus's children. No one alive truly knows what Alpharius/Omegon looked like anymore, so I ceased with the surgery for my cell. Who is to say nowadays Alpharius didn't have a beard, especially 10,000 years later when our history is mostly myth now, and many of our cell-brothers bodies are polluted with mutation and corruption, lost in madness and absent of spirit?


Go with what you like, man. Create a new identity. Hell, make a rogue cell! For example...


-------------------------------Alpha Legion Cell OD-A 517 +++ Call Sign: Cadejo (Motto: Fortium Fracti)-----------------------------------


My Alpha Legion OD-A 517 cell (Cadejo) consists of ten Astartes operators (maybe more later, lol), puritan, specializing in infiltration, HALO, combat diving, Air Assault, mountain warfare, maritime operations (both void and wetwater combat), teleportation strikes, and urban operations. When the Legion was still loyal, they were the 'dynamic entry' team called upon to break command groups (headhunting), special reconnaissance (sabotage), and other covert direct action operations. During the Heresy, their skills were called upon often to cripple Imperial Army command centers, sabotage critical targets (capital ships, supply convoys, etc.), and asymmetric warfare against Astartes attempting to reach Terra; including shatter-strike missions on Tallarn against the White Scars, and shock tactics against The Rout on Yarant. After the 'Eskrador Feint', OD-A 517 broke away from the Legion forever, disgusted at their brother's use of the warping effects of Chaos on their own bodies as a tool against the Imperium, veiwing such abuse as an action of the desperate, and utterly irrevesible, thus a waste of manpower and resourses. Using their heavily-modified Gladius-Obsidian class frigate as a base of operations, OD-A 517 still strikes out at the Imperium, favoring decapitating command units at critical junctures, leaving the rest of the battlegroup to die at the hands of whatever force they were fighting prior to the Alpha Legion strike. They refuse all contact with their former brothers, and will fade out instead of fighting their erstwhile bretheren.


The Cadejo's were once purely of Alpharius's gene-seed (both Terran and void-born), but time and losses have forced OD-A 517 to adopt recruits from elsewhere. The team will only adopt operators who can add to the success of the team, usually those who are capable of team-focus, and already have skill sets compatable with the OD-A's mission. Purity is paramount as well, as the Detatchment Commander believes that chaos worship is a detriment to the mission, both short- and long-term. At this time, the Cadejo's currently have a former Night Lord and a Raven Guard amongst their numbers. Their seperate skill-sets have benefitted the Cadejo's operational abilities greatly, adding expert terror tactics and perfected silent infiltration to the OD-A's mission parameters.


---Hydra Dominatus, Fortium Fracti---


Edit: Various typo's and clarification...

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Heathens makes an excellent point. My Alpha Legion army, Force Omicron, continues to utilize the surgery as a link to the past, but their standard operating procedure is to never remove their helms in the presence of non-Omicron personnel anyway (thus, I have no unhelmeted models in my army).
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HA!! Sorry, running on coffee and no sleep right now, lol. Tell you what, man...if you want, I'll model the former Night Lord to your specs, and name him Kol Saresk. Just let me know, and I'll adopt you into OD-A 517.
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  • 2 months later...

Well, have painted a few more models since last time, and the local tournaments are going okay. Mostly wins for me...only the pesky dark eldar escapes my grasp! :D


But now when Khâlpharius is done, maybe I'll get them as well...maybe...




Slowly painting my new squad...these were done ages ago...others are just past the boltgun metal phase...




How are things on your ends, my fellow legionnaires? Awaiting the new codex I assume? ;)

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In case you guys missed it, Algorithm is currently writing a story on a AL Legionnaire.


I have a new found respect for the AL since reading that and "Legion" :D Still don't know too much about them though, but that's surely par for the course in their case ;)

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You should read Deliverance Lost as well, they are sneaking around in that too! :)


I will definitely check that story out at a later time! Now I got a date at the movies! :cuss

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I will definitely check that story out at a later time! Now I got a date at the movies! :)

Yes, it is a great story.


The movies? And a date? *explicit string of Nostraman curses that untranslatable into Gothic.*


lucky bastard

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It was a covert operation! I wouldn't be playing Alpha Legion if I left valuable evidence all over the place, now would I? :P
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