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Alpha Legion call of duty...


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Oh I left them in the theater. Welcome to Sweden and try to figure it out...though I suspect the trail has gone cold by now... :)
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i am starting alpha legion soon...i was wondering if anyone has had any luck using stegadon scale green??? or any tips with the new paints...

i picked up that color and was gonna do that and maybe a blue wash or green wash ideas???

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I haven't tried out the new colours yet...I got plenty of the old ones left...


I dread the moment I run out though, I haven't been able to properly memorize the new names yet...

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Heh, don't you have snow in the south? Queenstown is a skiing resort is it not? I was there a few years back in march and it was lovely weather! ;)
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  • 2 weeks later...

If I would have started now I would have bought one loyalist box and one csm box, and then I would have mixed and matched the bits for two full squads with various equipment! :lol:


Basic CSM will most likely always be our bread and butter. The regular bolter marine is a classic concept in PA armies and we will always find uses for them somewhere in the lists... (even if it's just as meatshields for havocs or something)

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