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Ironclad Dreads

Praetor Lex

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This topic has probably been resolved, but after ten minutes of waiting for a search on the subject "Ironclad Dreadnought" to show anything, I stopped it to ask directly.


The issue is the Chainfist arm. The wording regarding the Seismic Hammer implies to me that the Meltagun it sports is integral to that arm - in other words, no Seismic Hammer, no Meltagun.


Reading the entry further, there does not seem to be a way to purchase ANY armament for the Chainfist arm. As every other Dreadnought CCW allows for the inclusion of at minimum a Storm Bolter, and because the Chainfist arm IS a version of a DCCW per the SM faq, this seems quite strange to me.


Cue standard hate re: GW and proofreading.


My question is: how do you folks play it?

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I play it as the Chainfist arm retains the underslung weapon, and I refer to the first photo in the Ironclad product listing on the GW site:




I don't have the exact wording of the rule (Codex is at home), but think of it like this:


Base Package = Seismic Hammer + Meltagun

Chainfist Package = Seismic Hammer Chainfist + Meltagun


Since you're only swapping the weapon at the end of the arm, the underslung weapon remains.

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My understanding agrees with shinyrhino.


I also want to add that the chainfist counts as an additional dread CC weapon, just like the seismic hammer and there is no loss of attacks. Although there are some people on the forum who have debated this.

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@ ShinyRhino - yeah, that fits with my way of thinking.


@ pyroknight - I don't understand why anyone would think you lose an attack, since the number of attacks is based of the model statline and would only be adjusted by Charging (one more) or a result of Immobilization (one less, if I remember correctly). I have also read that because the only other "chainfist" in print is found attached to a Terminator's fist that the Dread should strike with that weapon at I1. I can't believe it took the faq to resolve that issue, but hey - 40K is serious business.


RAW taken to silly extremes.


Anybody else?

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You lose one attack of the arm goes away because the profile includes a third attack from the additional arm- wich is explained in the dreadnaught close combat weapon rules. Note: It doesnt have to be a DCCW to 'lose a weapon' as the rules state, the title is just misleading.
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My understanding agrees with shinyrhino.


I also want to add that the chainfist counts as an additional dread CC weapon, just like the seismic hammer and there is no loss of attacks. Although there are some people on the forum who have debated this.


A chainfist does not cound as a dread cc weapon, however the rules for aditional attacks for walkers does not require DCCW to operate, simply any CCW.

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My understanding agrees with shinyrhino.


I also want to add that the chainfist counts as an additional dread CC weapon, just like the seismic hammer and there is no loss of attacks. Although there are some people on the forum who have debated this.


A chainfist does not cound as a dread cc weapon, however the rules for aditional attacks for walkers does not require DCCW to operate, simply any CCW.

Check the FAQ its states that the Chainfist is a DCCW that gives 2d6 armour pen.

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