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Daemon Obliterators

Lord Avernus

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Let's say there is an Obliterator, just wandering around doing what an Obliterator does. One day, he comes across a Daemon Weapon, and picks it up. Now what would happen when the Daemon Weapon merges to his flesh? Would he become a Daemonhost Obliterator?
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Awesome question! Basically you can write any fluff you want about it, because, you know, we are talking about a real daemons and mechanical viruses of far future, while playing toy soldiers and making scary noises while playing. But...

I'd say that it depends what type of daemon weapon that is. If daemon's fury is fully bound to weapon that you'll get Obliterator with BFG, like Plasma Cannon type Assault 4. From the other hand it may be something like Fulgrim had, when daemon will be able to enslave Obliterator's body to his will. Or may be Obliterator will not have enough power to use that kind of weapon for a long time, and he will just burn resource of his body in few days, of course after putting to flames everything he saw in those few days.

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Obliterators are half daemonic already, I believe it would be hard for a daemon to try and take over an obliterator's body, having to fight the daemonic power it already possesses...


It would be like a daemon trying to take over a Daemon princes body, oblits are pretty strong willed after all since they are mercenaries, not following warbands and lords without some sort of payment in artefacts. I doubt one would succumb too easily to the whispers of a daemon...depending on the power level of the daemon of course...

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  • 3 weeks later...

I can see two ways of looking at this. Firstly, the obliterator has a strong will which, combined with his previous experience of controlling his daemonic aspect, allows him to dominate the daemon in the weapon and use it to increase the power of his weaponry. On the other hand, the obliterator has stronger ties to the warp due to his daemonic aspect, which could make it easier for another daemon to possess him, either directly or by taking control of the daemonic virus and manipulating it.


Either way it's a pretty cool idea!

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Now I'd say there is one fatal flaw in this reasoning.


You are already assuming that it's possible for the Obliterator to assimilate a Daemon Weapon. :P


Which by itself pose quite an interesting question. All the mentions I've seen so far of Obliterators assimilating stuff have had that "stuff" being purely things of the material plane, never things from the immaterium.


And all I've read about Daemon Weapons paints a rather consistent picture of items not of this world which in only rare cases can actually be changed once they have been created. Almost always the items will always remain unchanged for eternity, not even dirt being able to stick to them.


So before we go on and ask ourselves what would happen with the Obliterator we have to ask, will he be able to absorb it? Or will the Daemon Weapons unique constitution and existence make it a weapon that for once can't be absorbed by him?



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Maybe the Daemonic presence in the Obliterator and the Daemon weapon can be fused together inside the Obliterator? Create a new-uber Obliterator? I mean if Chaos vehicles can possess a Machine Spirit and a Daemon and the two be infused, why not in an Obliterator? Why can't the Daemonic Presence in the Obliterator be the Obliterator's original soul somehow partially ascended with a permanent anchor in the form of a mutable body? And personally I have yet to find anything in the fluff against the Obliterator being able to absorb anything warp-related since they are already warp-related and the warp is a reflection of the material universe so it should be a possibility.


But hey the fluff is fluff for a reason, you can do whatever you want to with it.

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Ah but the Machine Spirit is not an actual spirit but in actually a pretty well restricted AI, and since it's an AI it can still be corrupted by a virus. Especially lethal daemon viruses who are truly sentient.


Which by itself creates another whole batch of fun things to discuss about :)



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First, Überbliterators.


Second, I think it would be kind of interesting to have divergent types of obliterators. For example, melee-centric ones that absorb warp-infused swords and axes alongside power weapons etc.


Although, as I type this, I think that an Obliterator with absorbed Daemon Weapon(s) sounds like an all-new Finecast IC that changes your FOC or provides army-wide special rules.

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Considering that it's usually greater daemons bound into daemon weapons I'm sure that the daemon in the weapon is powerful and smart enough to change/meld to whoever/whatever it chooses and and would easily overwhelm the daemon virus. So an Obilterator with a greater daemon virus. That he's in control of. :)
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Ah but the Machine Spirit is not an actual spirit but in actually a pretty well restricted AI, and since it's an AI it can still be corrupted by a virus. Especially lethal daemon viruses who are truly sentient.


Which by itself creates another whole batch of fun things to discuss about :)



An Obliterator that can fire one shot at BS 4, and a second shot of another weapons at BS2?




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