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Multiple Detachments

Possessed Marine

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Hey all, quick question... if I use multiple detachments, do I need to fill out compulsory choices on the second FOC?


For example... I picked up an Imperial Guard battleforce, which is basically 1 troops choice, can I put that 1 troops choice into a separate FOC next to my Space Marines, which are a legal army?


Thanks in advance.

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First, you have to agree with your opponent on using multiple detachments; usually this only happens at 2500 points and up, as well as allowing him to also use a second detachment.


Otherwise, "Each detachment will be a separate army, using its own force organization chart." This means the minimums must be filled in both, ie you need two IG Troops and one IG HQ for it to be legally used.

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Don't give up just yet; those 25 men can still be usable. Instead of a platoon, make it two veteran squads and a company command squad. That allows you to use them still, and with a much better Ballistic Skill.
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