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Thousand Sons Fleet Assets


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So I'm just building a little fluff blurb for my Thousand Sons sorceror lord. Iv got to thinking however just what fleet assets are available to them.


Following the Battle for Prospero and the events in 'a Thousand Sons' and in particular the fleet movements and the rather unorthodox way of escaping prospero. Just what fleet capabities if any do they have. All I can think of is that in escaping prospero they left themselves stranded.

Did their fleet find them again? Do they barter for lifts or sell their services to others and thus no longer operate as a legion.


I'd like to link my gothic and 40k and I'm trying to figure out how to do it.

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When does your army take place, 30k or 40k? If it is a 40k army then ten thousand years have passed since they made the escape from Prospero. Thus it is pretty negligible what happened to their original fleet from crusade era days. There was plenty of time since then to acquire ships by every means thinkable. Bartering, buying, stealing, capturing, tricking someone into giving it to them for free. If a sorcerer lord who serves the architect of fate wants a new ride he'll sure be able to figure a way to get one.


So my assumption is that any class of Imperial or Chaos ship can wind up in a TSons warband's service.

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Have you read Rebirth in Age of Darkness?

That includes the Fourth Fellowship (not mentioned in A Thousand Sons) which had been sent away from Prospero at the time of the Space Wolves' attack (presumably along with the rest of the Prosperine fleet), and their return to the homeworld. I won't say any more but if your Thousand Sons are part of/descendant from the Fourth then they could potentially have access to those vessels.

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Well in my fluff the Lord was written up to have been around on a Strike Cruiser called the Scholar of Light in 40k.


I'm just trying to figure out how the TS on the planet of sorcerors managed to link up with their fleet elements, or did they not and have to barter, steal, beg as mentioned.

I can write my way out of it just want to know the most likely events if regaining fleet elements following theit magical disapearence to the planet of sorcerors from prospero.

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