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Dawn of War Deployment question...


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I'm pretty sure that it goes by how far you did move onto the table. The edge of the table is 0 and you move from there. So if you want to shoot, you can only move 6 inches onto the table. At least that's the way I've always played it.
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It depends on the vehicle. It moves as far as it can at whatever speed you decide. Dreads can walk on 6". A Predator could move 6" and fire one weapon or move on 12" and fire none. Jet bikes can turbo-boost 24". And of course, all those special rules in different codices can change things like an Ork Trukk can move 13" if it has a red paint job or that almost all BA vehicles are fast. Then there is the exception of immobile units which arrive via deepstrike rather than moving on board.


So in short, you can move on at any speed you need. Nothing says you have to move at your slowest rate. Be sure to check out the rules for "Arriving from reserves" on page 94.

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One thing to add.

Large models (especially vehicles) may not be able to move at combat speed due to their size, they have to move faster so that they fit onto the table. It's not written as clearly as Arriving from reserves, but Rulebook FAQ says: "End of the table is end of the world" :o

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It depends... start by placing the model where ever you want them to come in at ... if you want it to stay close to the board edge but considered moving over 12 inches it will from my practice at my community we allow the player to move the model down the side of the table edge. As long as it moves over 6" your good. Thou this is really heavy to regional styles of playing ... you have to find what your community of gamers like best.
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