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Tactical Squads!


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Howdy y'all,


In the last few days since I received my BA battleforce in the mail I successfully painted my Rhino to what I believe are good standards.

I also found my camera to be dead, and so no pics on that.


In other news I am now working on my Tactical squad, and before I do more than glue legs I need to decide on the squads loadout. Though I'm a new player, I am in fact aware of the general lack of enthusiasm for fielding Tac Squads in a BA army but for now I want to wean myself slowly into the realm of DoA, and to do so I must first master my DoA units without foregoing the option to use other tactics.

I'm curious to know what you all equip your Tac squads with [when] you do field them.


My current idea is to run 10 w/ PF Sarge, a Plasma and Melta gun. That brings it to... 225(ish)

This Tac squad is a filler squad while I acquire the units necessary to make my army strictly DoA,

and they will serve mostly against an Ultras army. Therefore I plan on using them to camp on objectives while the triggerhappy (there's a trigger on a chainsword, right?) DC rip my opponents 'nilla marines BF apart.





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My current idea is to run 10 w/ PF Sarge, a Plasma and Melta gun. That brings it to... 225(ish)


You mean PF sarge, melta gun, plasma cannon?


At any rate, My two tacs are armed with power fist, plasma gun, rocket launcher. The meltaguns go to the assault squads, while the rapid firing marines keeps the plasma gun for added firepower.

The rocket launcher is there because it's cheap and offers dual horde/anti tank capabilities.

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When I run tacs, its usually ->


10man, Power Fist, Lascannon (cheapest place to put one), Melta gun and Rhino!


260 Points.

For 10 points more you can get a combi melta, or combi flamer.


I really like this set up as it goes with my general philosophy of having a unit that can do everything.

If you need the lascannon shot, you can always bunker down in your Rhino - where as if you need support for your other squads or even just an anvil of sorts, you can blaze up 18".

If you're not too overwhelmed in combat, and you need fire support you can combat squad and do both!

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Morticon has the right idea. When I was building my Salamanders army I believe I came up with the ultimate Loadout for my Tacs as it was going to be a tac heavy army in drop pods. But for my Blood Angels, I switched up the heavy weapon as they are objective holders.


10xTAC - PF + Combi-Flamer, Lascannon, Meltagun (for when that Khorne Berzerker filled Landraider gets close cause it somehow made it through 6 other meltashots...Fail...). It's up to you if you want to spend points on a vehicle for them. I generally don't, because ours cost too much. I would definetly keep something around them as support. I recommend DEVs armed with whatever you want. I stick to lascannons, cause i generally have enough Infantry grinding units :)


Keep in mind I was a big fan of the Plasma weapons all around the squad, but the averages for damage with it isn't very high and the price for a miss could be annoying.

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I would have to agree with both Morticon and I am Legion. I feel like taking a Lascannon in tactical squads always pays off in the end. Sometimes I swap the special weapon out from melta to a 2nd flamer but that is just cause I REALLY like flamers with what gets played at my shop.


Lascannons seem to be on the rise again I have seen a ton of SW players starting to drop that 5 Missle Launcher Longfang squad down to 3 Missle Launchers and 2 Lascannons. Course that is probably in reaction to the crazy amount of Paladin units seeing play in my area too.

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