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Nurgly Plog


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Hey guys, here is the future site of my nurgle plog :D [see below for picture of whole army]




Starting this post off with a x-mas lsit.


2 Forgeworld deathguard conversion kits

death guard termy kit

2 boxes of chaos space marines

Chaos Termys

2 Rhinos

Land Raider

Typhus '

Maybe old nurgle daemon prince.



I think this is a decent start to the list.


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starting small? Sounds like most of an army to me. I personally like it as a start but I'm sure others will say that Typhus in the landraider with termis is too many points in one thing. It all depends on how you manage to deploy them. Make sure your rhinos cover them from fire after they have wiped out thier first target. And don't be afraid to reload them in the landraider if no one is close by to assult.

I'm assuming your going to run the troops as plague marines. But with what loadout? What grouping? Have you given it a thought to actual points?

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I personally like it as a start but I'm sure others will say that Typhus in the landraider with termis is too many points in one thing. It all depends on how you manage to deploy them. Make sure your rhinos cover them from fire after they have wiped out thier first target. And don't be afraid to reload them in the landraider if no one is close by to assult.


I don't think it's all that much considering how chaos is all pointed out, I was thinking maybe possesed but termys fit the theme better.


I'm assuming your going to run the troops as plague marines. But with what loadout? What grouping? Have you given it a thought to actual points?


Yes, 2 units of 10 in rhinos. I'm not really looking into points at this point. More into hobby aspect. I hate the 40k ruleset as it stands. Too much abuse from the players, too many holes, and waayyyy too much rule debate. So until 6th comes out. This is a purely hobby aspect. I've also heard that the chaos marines are in the box, I'll wait and see what they get. If it's anything worth two :cusss, I'll just throw some greenstuff on it and call it good. As for the loadout, one unit with 2 meltas and one with 2 plasmas. I don't plan on really going to tourneys with them any time soong. When I do, the meta, and hopefuly ruleset will be changed for the better.

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CSM box is awesome, lots of weapon load-outs and way too many spare bits after you've built your squads. Little bit of greenstuff for bellies/guts and instant Plague Marines.


As for the units sizes you could rock something like 2x7 man squads and a single 6 man squad to hold your home objective with-out needing to buy more models. Give the two 7 man squads Meltas and powerfist champs and the 6 man squad plasmaguns and a powerweapon champ if you care to spend 30 more points on the squad.


And I would consider dropping Typhus from DS separate than your Termies in the LR. He can come in off of one of the Plague Marine Squad's Personal Icons(Plague Champ) to wreck face Turn 2+ while your LR steadily moves forward to unleash some rage on the enemy.


How many points were you thinking of running? 1.5-2k? Just the 3 squads could do it for you at 1.5k but anything over that you should be bringing 4-5 for objective holding/rushing, but what you have is definitely a great start to a pretty solid list.

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