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few questions


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1. When testing the initiative due to sweeping advance, you use I value of: the slowest model, the fastest model or majority of the squad?

2. When necron lord is attached to a squad, and that squad dies, does it mean that the lord is now an IC?

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1. When testing the initiative due to sweeping advance, you use I value of: the slowest model, the fastest model or majority of the squad?

2. When necron lord is attached to a squad, and that squad dies, does it mean that the lord is now an IC?

1. BRB, Pg.40 has the answer to that question.

2. Does the Necron Lord have the IC characteristic in his profile? If so, then yes he is an IC.

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Here's an odd twist for you. Suppose Saint Celestine is attached to a battle conclave in an assault. The conclave consists of 3 DCA and 3 Crusaders. Saint Celestine is I7, the DCA are I6 and the Crusaders are I3. According to RAW, they make the sweeping advance check (both falling back and advancing) at I7.
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Here's an odd twist for you. Suppose Saint Celestine is attached to a battle conclave in an assault. The conclave consists of 3 DCA and 3 Crusaders. Saint Celestine is I7, the DCA are I6 and the Crusaders are I3. According to RAW, they make the sweeping advance check (both falling back and advancing) at I7.

You could even argue that for a situation like 3DCA, 4 Crusaders, and Celestine, since by the proper definition a majority has to be more than 50% (a plurarality just won't cut it). Since we're rules-lawyering here, I think we have to go with the proper dictionary definition instead of the inaccurate common usage.


Granted, both those RAW tricks fall afoul of Rule 0, but that's ultra-literalist RAW for you.

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2. When necron lord is attached to a squad, and that squad dies, does it mean that the lord is now an IC?

He has the Independant Character rule, so he is always an Independant Character. When he joins a squad, he counts as being part of that squad until he leaves it. Think of it that way, and it's much easier to keep track of it all. :P

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Here's an odd twist for you. Suppose Saint Celestine is attached to a battle conclave in an assault. The conclave consists of 3 DCA and 3 Crusaders. Saint Celestine is I7, the DCA are I6 and the Crusaders are I3. According to RAW, they make the sweeping advance check (both falling back and advancing) at I7.


I thought Saint Celestine wasn't an independent character?

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Here's an odd twist for you. Suppose Saint Celestine is attached to a battle conclave in an assault. The conclave consists of 3 DCA and 3 Crusaders. Saint Celestine is I7, the DCA are I6 and the Crusaders are I3. According to RAW, they make the sweeping advance check (both falling back and advancing) at I7.


I thought Saint Celestine wasn't an independent character?

She is. It was fixed in the Sisters FAQ.

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Here's an odd twist for you. Suppose Saint Celestine is attached to a battle conclave in an assault. The conclave consists of 3 DCA and 3 Crusaders. Saint Celestine is I7, the DCA are I6 and the Crusaders are I3. According to RAW, they make the sweeping advance check (both falling back and advancing) at I7.


I thought Saint Celestine wasn't an independent character?

She is. In the Army List is says she is an IC. No where does it deny this. Evidence trumps absence of evidence.



Besides, they cleared it up in the SoB FAQ ^.^


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Fair enough, in the army list I'm pretty sure she didn't have the IC rule, but if the FAQ corrects it that's cool, which I must admit passed me by this time, probably because of my complete lack of interest in Sisters of Battle :D. Thanks for correcting me JamesI and Jacinda.
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He has the Independant Character rule, so he is always an Independant Character. When he joins a squad, he counts as being part of that squad until he leaves it. Think of it that way, and it's much easier to keep track of it all.


We talk necron lord, not overlord (which is an IC). Necron LORD is an infratnry (character). What does that character part mean is beyond me...

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He has the Independant Character rule, so he is always an Independant Character. When he joins a squad, he counts as being part of that squad until he leaves it. Think of it that way, and it's much easier to keep track of it all.


We talk necron lord, not overlord (which is an IC). Necron LORD is an infratnry (character). What does that character part mean is beyond me...

From what I can tell the (character) subtype is meaningless flavor text tossed onto HQ units and the C'tan shards. It has no relation to the Independent Character rule (though many of the units classed as Infantry (Character) have it).


Gotta love Matt Ward codices and their needlessly confusing rules.

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He has the Independant Character rule, so he is always an Independant Character. When he joins a squad, he counts as being part of that squad until he leaves it. Think of it that way, and it's much easier to keep track of it all.


We talk necron lord, not overlord (which is an IC). Necron LORD is an infratnry (character). What does that character part mean is beyond me...

The rules for Characters are found on Pg.47-49 of the BRB, along with the rules for Independant Characters. The primary attribute of a Character (not Indpendant Character) is that it is Unique and you may only have one in a list (BRB, Pg.49).

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He has the Independant Character rule, so he is always an Independant Character. When he joins a squad, he counts as being part of that squad until he leaves it. Think of it that way, and it's much easier to keep track of it all.


We talk necron lord, not overlord (which is an IC). Necron LORD is an infratnry (character). What does that character part mean is beyond me...

The rules for Characters are found on Pg.47-49 of the BRB, along with the rules for Independant Characters. The primary attribute of a Character (not Indpendant Character) is that it is Unique and you may only have one in a list (BRB, Pg.49).

I don't think that's what the Infantry (character) entry is referencing; only being allowed to take one of each Infantry (character) model per army doesn't really work when the Royal Court is supposed to be composed of 0-5 Infantry (character) Necron Lords and 0-5 Infantry (character) Crypteks. Models that are supposed to be one per army are usually noted as being Unique in their army list entry.

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He has the Independant Character rule, so he is always an Independant Character. When he joins a squad, he counts as being part of that squad until he leaves it. Think of it that way, and it's much easier to keep track of it all.


We talk necron lord, not overlord (which is an IC). Necron LORD is an infratnry (character). What does that character part mean is beyond me...

The rules for Characters are found on Pg.47-49 of the BRB, along with the rules for Independant Characters. The primary attribute of a Character (not Indpendant Character) is that it is Unique and you may only have one in a list (BRB, Pg.49).

I don't think that's what the Infantry (character) entry is referencing; only being allowed to take one of each Infantry (character) model per army doesn't really work when the Royal Court is supposed to be composed of 0-5 Infantry (character) Necron Lords and 0-5 Infantry (character) Crypteks. Models that are supposed to be one per army are usually noted as being Unique in their army list entry.

You mis-understand : I'm not stating that all Characters are Unique, just that the primary component of a Character is the ability to be Unique. Unlike Independant Characters were they have several components :

>the ability to be Unique (Characters have this)

>the ability to be single model units on their own or part of another unit (Characters do not have this)

>Move through Cover USR (Characters do not have this)

>Skilled Rider USR (Characters do not have this)


Although, making this list also made me think of another component characteristic of Characters (Independant and non-), which is that they will always be considered as a seperate Wound Allocation group from other models in a unit with identical stats. So a unit of 4 hypothetical, identically-armed, WS4/BS4/S4/T4/W1 models with WS4/BS4/S4/T4/W1/(Character) Upgrade Character will have two Wound Allocation groups due the UC having the Character rule.

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Although, making this list also made me think of another component characteristic of Characters (Independant and non-), which is that they will always be considered as a seperate Wound Allocation group from other models in a unit with identical stats. So a unit of 4 hypothetical, identically-armed, WS4/BS4/S4/T4/W1 models with WS4/BS4/S4/T4/W1/(Character) Upgrade Character will have two Wound Allocation groups due the UC having the Character rule.

So, would that mean you could play crazy wound allocation games with a royal court even when they all have identical wargear?

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Although, making this list also made me think of another component characteristic of Characters (Independant and non-), which is that they will always be considered as a seperate Wound Allocation group from other models in a unit with identical stats. So a unit of 4 hypothetical, identically-armed, WS4/BS4/S4/T4/W1 models with WS4/BS4/S4/T4/W1/(Character) Upgrade Character will have two Wound Allocation groups due the UC having the Character rule.

So, would that mean you could play crazy wound allocation games with a royal court even when they all have identical wargear?

Probably not, because (I assume, I've not studied the Codex yet) that they would all be identical even to all being Characters. If they are identical in all respects then they are a single group for Wound Allocation.

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Although, making this list also made me think of another component characteristic of Characters (Independant and non-), which is that they will always be considered as a seperate Wound Allocation group from other models in a unit with identical stats. So a unit of 4 hypothetical, identically-armed, WS4/BS4/S4/T4/W1 models with WS4/BS4/S4/T4/W1/(Character) Upgrade Character will have two Wound Allocation groups due the UC having the Character rule.

So, would that mean you could play crazy wound allocation games with a royal court even when they all have identical wargear?

Probably not, because (I assume, I've not studied the Codex yet) that they would all be identical even to all being Characters. If they are identical in all respects then they are a single group for Wound Allocation.

So then I was right that the Royal Court all being Infantry (character) doesn't have any gameplay effect vs if they had all just been normal infantry?

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Although, making this list also made me think of another component characteristic of Characters (Independant and non-), which is that they will always be considered as a seperate Wound Allocation group from other models in a unit with identical stats. So a unit of 4 hypothetical, identically-armed, WS4/BS4/S4/T4/W1 models with WS4/BS4/S4/T4/W1/(Character) Upgrade Character will have two Wound Allocation groups due the UC having the Character rule.

So, would that mean you could play crazy wound allocation games with a royal court even when they all have identical wargear?

Probably not, because (I assume, I've not studied the Codex yet) that they would all be identical even to all being Characters. If they are identical in all respects then they are a single group for Wound Allocation.

So then I was right that the Royal Court all being Infantry (character) doesn't have any gameplay effect vs if they had all just been normal infantry?

Well, I believe that Dark Eldar have special wargear which affect Character targets, maybe some other armies have them also...

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Well, I believe that Dark Eldar have special wargear which affect Character targets, maybe some other armies have them also...

The Dark Eldar wargear (Soul-traps and Mindphase Gauntlets) targets Independent Characters, not infantry (character).


In fact, no codex before the GK one uses infantry(character), so it's a fairly recent change.

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Well, I believe that Dark Eldar have special wargear which affect Character targets, maybe some other armies have them also...

The Dark Eldar wargear (Soul-traps and Mindphase Gauntlets) targets Independent Characters, not infantry (character).


In fact, no codex before the GK one uses infantry(character), so it's a fairly recent change.

Ah, good. Perhaps there will be such in a future Codex? Maybe some kind of C:BT Challenge rule for Champions to target Characters...

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I have a feeling that character will have some sort of use in 6th ed. Beyond that the necron lord is just part of whatever squad he is put in, so if he is the last one left alive he cannot join another unit. Similar to SW wolf guard.
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I have a feeling that character will have some sort of use in 6th ed. Beyond that the necron lord is just part of whatever squad he is put in, so if he is the last one left alive he cannot join another unit. Similar to SW wolf guard.

Unless he dies gets back up from Everliving with squad cosolidate of another squad and then he can join that squad. That is the way it is RAW anyways.

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ummm... units don't consolidate with other squads. If his whole unit dies I'm not even sure he can get back up (though I think Everliving says that he can), but then he is on his own.

I didn't mean consolidate I meant within squad conhearncy. If he gets back up within squad conhearncy of another squad he can join it by what the Everliving says. All RAW.

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