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Flesh Tearers and the more bloodthirsty marines.

sword brethren

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I have started building a Veteran Flesh Tearers squad and i was about to add a deathwatch shoulder pad to the sergeant when i thought. "ummm... would inquisition want these guys around?"


i dont think we can question the flesh tearer's (and a few others) abillity but would the =I= question the loyalty of these chapters and not request members for a deathwatch squad?


how far does the fear for these chapters go?

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In my personal opinion I would say no, but if the Inquisition is desperate enough yes. You must also remember how disrespectful the Flesh Tearers are to their peers. I would find it very hard for them to be chosen to join the Deathwatch for that reason and what you said. Yet if they really needed a skilled marine from said chaapter then I could see the guys sucking it up and dealing with said marine from said chapter (phew lots of saids). This isn't really a scientific answer but more of a IMO type of thing.


Hope my two cents count for something :).

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What you really should be asking is wcould there be a use for one of the pre-eminent assault specialist marines in a Deathwatch squad. Yes. If the Inquisiton ask for a Flesh Tearer, I doubt the chapter will sned theri most rabid loon - they will send a level-headed (for a fleash tearer) marine who can actually function alongside others...


And you could argue that asking for marines to be sent to the deathwatch provides the perfect opportunity to observe the loyalty of the chapter.

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i appreciate the merit of both comments i feel the "a level headed flesh tearer could cope" point is a very good one. in theory a flesh tearers could easily pass for an angry blood angel but i doubt the =I= would have a problem with and angry BA if they brought the required skills to the party...


im sure at one point the FT didn't not have the bias they do now and the DW Marine i have could easily have had the DW shoulder pad from past honours when the FT were not so feared.


thanks for the opinions guys :)



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I can see it now


Groax -- Hey lads I hear I am off to Day care

Rest of Squad -- Death Watch?

Broax -- Yeah


~~3 weeks later~~


Groax -- Curr Check my Luggage.

=I= Servitor -- Checking 1 Crate of Chain axes 72 cages of Orks and 1 cage of SoB

Groax -- Thanks guys you got me a present

Squad Mates -- Yeah we thought you would need something for the ride.

Groax -- But why the Chain Axes you know how we do things....

Inquisitor -- *jaw drops* ........................ You Sure he is "level headed"

Seth -- Yeah well as good as your getting anyway fancy pants, Say did you have a Servitor shine up your metal pants especially for us?


But yeah Even with the Bad blood between the FT and the Inquis I can still see the use in a Flesh Tearer.

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To add yet another answer, I would say yes. First off, the Inquisition doesn't care about any extenuating circumstances (like your chapter being under half strength). They would tell Seth to send a Flesh Tearer. End of story. Seth would totally be okay with that for two main reasons: It's a step in proving his chapter's loyalty (something that the Inquisition doubts) and the veteran would return with valuable experience for the rest of the chapter. But the real question you're asking is would a Flesh Tearer continue to display the =I= with pride. I would say it depends on the Flesh Tearer. If he is honored by his inclusion in the Deathwatch and has fond memories of his brothers there, then yes. If nobody let Brother Rudolf join in any Deathwatch games, then he's not going to be too proud of his time with the Inquisition.
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A small, yet crucial detail to keep in mind here is that while the Deathwatch may serve the Ordo Xenos, it is not an actual part of the Inquisition itself.

While its duties, organisation and recruitment are certainly extremely specialised and unique, the Deathwatch is technically still an autonomous Chapter. That means that the Inquisition, let alone individual Inquisitors, has no say in who joins, what Chapter they're from and how they serve. In practice there is of course a great deal of cooperation and deliberation between Deathwatch officers and the Inquisition, nobody wants to be tried for heresy after all...


That said, I'm sure a reasonably experienced Flesh Tearer with above-average mental stability and social skills could be quite successful in the Deathwatch. Sending such Marines on a tour in the Deathwatch actually makes a great deal of sense. Having a few Battle Brothers claim glory and honour would really help Gabriel Seths quest to redeem his Chapters reputation. And any such veterans returning from their tours would no doubt be greatly respected by their peers. Having an officer wearing the Deathwatch pauldron would also improve the Chapters standing with any other Astartes forces he might encounter.

But it would probably be best if it were replaced should the veteran succumb to the Black Rage. Giving other Space Marines the idea that the Flesh Tearers think frothing madmen and blood crazed berserkers are good Deathwatch candidates would not do their reputation much good...

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