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Eldar Question


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Hey, I was wondering if we had any Eldar players or enthusiasts here who might be able to help answer my question. I had a chance to briefly go through my buddy's codex but it wasn't enough to get a strong grasp, especially since I was in the car trying to hold a conversation with someone else at the time haha. Anyways, here are my questions...


1) Eldrad can cast 3 spells a turn, it states in his rules that this 3rd spell may be one he has already cast. Does this mean he can cast two different spells and then the third can be one of those two spells already cast or does it mean he can cast the same spell three times in a row?


2) In the Farseer entry (I think it was) it says that all enemy psychers must roll psychic tests on 3d6 and suffer perils on 12+. I couldn't find this portion listed for Eldrad when I looked. Does he also force tests on 3d6? Is this a piece of gear that must be bought or is it all the time throughout the entire board?

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1) As per the FAQ, no psychic power may be used twice in the same turn. However, Eldrad's special rules allow him "to use a third psychic power per turn, which may be a psychic power he has already used that turn."


2) It's a piece of wargear called Runes of Warding. Eldrad has these runes, and yes they are always on and affect the whole board.

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1) Eldrad can cast 3 spells a turn, it states in his rules that this 3rd spell may be one he has already cast. Does this mean he can cast two different spells and then the third can be one of those two spells already cast or does it mean he can cast the same spell three times in a row?

He can use three different psychic powers, or use one power twice and cast a second power; he can't use the same power three times.


2) In the Farseer entry (I think it was) it says that all enemy psychers must roll psychic tests on 3d6 and suffer perils on 12+. I couldn't find this portion listed for Eldrad when I looked. Does he also force tests on 3d6? Is this a piece of gear that must be bought or is it all the time throughout the entire board?

3d6 enemy psychic tests come from a piece of wargear called Runes of Warding. Normal Farseers can purchase them, and Eldrad has them.

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Nope... just Eldrad. He also informed me that his warlocks were scoring units. I don't know enough about them to know if this is true, I only had time to glance at the codex a little last night... I will do full research tonight when I get off work.


This was my first game with a new group of guys and my first against Eldar. I've seen them played a few times but I always take people's word that what they're saying is true and if I feel something was messed up I will research it after the game.


It was a 2 on 1 game with a total of 3500pts to each team and there was enough debating of rules going on (like having to shoot a Vendetta's base rather than the model itself... which I'm pretty certain is wrong) that I didn't want to be that kinda guy on my first game with them nor did I want to spend more than the 8 hours it somehow took us to play this game one game.

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Warlocks are only scoring if attached to a scoring unit- IE a unit of gaurdians, or a full 10 wraithgaurd. Warlock Bodygaurds- wich are just 3-10 warlocks that may or may not be on jetbikes- are not scoring units, theyre HQs that dont take up a slot, like a command squad.
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and no you dont shoot a models base, we have true line of sight now.. you have to be able to see the vehicle itself


AS GC says...


It seems that those guys are cheating, have lots of house rules, wrong or maybe playing a different edition XD


Pro tip! Play small games with them first! That will make it easier to see what they are doing wrong and allow you to correct them without it taking forever.

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