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Convert starting a new army


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I recently converted to Chaos and am looking to build a, hopefully, very competitive list. The game store near my house is incredibly competitive.


I am looking to building a Nurgle army, hence my posting here.


I have read through the codex and have a few questions that I was not able to find answers for in the browsing I've done on this forum.


1) At a lower point value (750-1250) for an HQ, should you still take a DP?

2) Elite choices, suggestions? I really do not know what to take, everything looks good, but I don't know what would work best with Plague Marines.

3) Equipping squads of 7. Flamers, Meltas, or Plasma? what works in more situations, and is cost effective at all point levels.

4) Lesser Daemons as a small close combat when and where needed. Are they worth taking with plague marines, or with anything?

5) Heavy Support, I'm looking at an Obliterator Cult (3-man) and a Defiler, yay or nay?


any other advice would be great, I want to know that I have a good 2000 pt list before I invest in my initial army.



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Welcome to the dark side!


In response to your Q's -


1. A DP can be taken for pretty cheap. I run mine with Mark of Nurgle, wings, and warptime and he comes to 180pts. Cheaper than Typhus at 225, who is really the only other option in the list - everything else sucks.

2. Terminators may be your best bet, just realise that marking them for Nurgle is expensive if you only field a five man squad. If yo do so, I'd recommend twin linked lightning claws in a Land Raider, if you can spare the points.

3. In my small games I always make room for three seven man squads. Melta and flames squads in Rhino's, Plasma at the back holding your Objective.

4.I've never taken Daemons since they removed the proper rules from the CSM Codex. Sucky.

5. I field a three man Oblit unit, supported by a Defiler. A Predator with Lascannon's might be a good add on if you don't take a Raider.


If you're looking for a more advanced set if advice/tactics, you should check out the Death Guard tactica thread here in Legio Morbidus. It's helped me a lot!

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1: you should still take a prince, with wings and mark of nurgle he is 155? warp time is good, however it doesn't always need to be taken.


2: Our terminators aren't that good in a competitive environment. While cheaper then most other terminators, as soon as you start to buy them toys they get rather expensive, and without fearlessness or "and they shall know no fear" they are liable to run away when you need them the most. Unmarked chosen (5 strong, with 5 melta/plasma) in a rhino outflanking is a good choice, or termicide (3 terminators 3 combi meltas). Everything else isn't worth it.


3: I have 4 squads of 7 plague marines, 2 of them have 2 melta, and champions with fists and combi flamers. 1 squad has 2 melta (no champ) and the last squad has 2 plasma (no champ).


4: I don't have a lot of experience with lesser daemons, apart from killing them. A small cheap squad is great for capturing a home objective, or tying up an enemy for a turn. A larger squad could be ok at killing some enemies, or as a counter assault unit, sending them after dreads or MC's to tie them up and stop them destroying expensive plague marines.


5: Oblits are the best heavy support unit we have. It's not a surprise to see chaos forces with 2-3 squads of 2-3 oblits. Defiler's are a semi decent choice, though best run in pairs.


Chaos are decent, but not the most competitive army out there. I do love nurgle though, and try to theme my force so I generally end up with a rather short range force (at 1500 points only the weapons on my lone landraider can shoot further then 24....). Knowing how tough plague marines are when facing normal attacks, and how much they suck vs anything that gets round their FNP, is a rather important lesson when it comes to playing them competitively, and its also worth considering if you are aiming to be true to nurgle (every non plague marine squad having an icon of nurgle) or a nurgle based force with other units (khorne berserkers are nice :huh: ).

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1. A DP can be taken for pretty cheap. I run mine with Mark of Nurgle, wings, and warptime and he comes to 180pts.


175 actually..

but there is another good HQ option in a PA nurgle lord with daemon weapon, they excel at killing MEQ


1) At a lower point value (750-1250) for an HQ, should you still take a DP?

A DP is probably the better all round option tb, and can be as cheap as any other standard HQ choice


2) Elite choices, suggestions? I really do not know what to take, everything looks good, but I don\'t know what would work best with Plague Marines.

generally i dont take too many elites choices, you want a few squads of PMs with HQ choices and the rest goes on heavy support IMO


3) Equipping squads of 7. Flamers, Meltas, or Plasma? what works in more situations, and is cost effective at all point levels.

the advuce id give is to avoid spam, if youve got 4 squads of PMs dont give them all meltas, go for 1 melta, 2 plasma and 1 flamer or whatever you need given your local matchups (thats very important to factor in)

i find that if im using the Pa lord id put him in a squad with dual flamer, with his cc attacks it really helps vs large units.


4) Lesser Daemons as a small close combat when and where needed. Are they worth taking with plague marines, or with anything?

youll get differing opinions on these, they have the stats of a space marine veteran (without the power armour) and can assault on the same turn they deepstrike, they can be useful but it then means taking ions on most of your units..

id say proxy some and give it a go, see if they work for you


5) Heavy Support, I\'m looking at an Obliterator Cult (3-man) and a Defiler, yay or nay?

the common advice is to take multiple 2 man oblit units, defilers are great but work best in multiples

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  • 2 weeks later...

As Far as my Plaque Marine Squads go I use the Following for Special Weapons. 1 Plasma Gun, 1 Flamer, Champ Powerfist, Plasma Pistol, Then Give the Rhino a Combi-Melta. I do this so each unit of 7 can deal with anything. Makes the List a bit Hit or Miss sometimes 2 melta Guns would have been pro but I use the Rest of my List for more Anti-Tank. Just Play around with what you like. Honestly that is the only way to get ahead is to find what works and what you like player that works. Mileage may vary that is the beauty of a game that has so many factors involved. the weight of dice, Scenario, and Terrain can make all the difference really.


If you Meta is full of Assault base Armies Lesser Deamons are GREAT at being a Tarpit that is really about it. I run them Some time or when I feel like having fun. Some Players can handle that Turn or two trying to end the Assault gives you time to regroup and get in a better position on the board.


As far as HQs go I really like a Power Armor Sorcerer with Plasma Pistol and Warptime really effective at killing Marines. Not to mention the MoN Prince with Wings and Warptime is fancy too. Typhus when you have the points for the require Termie escorts and Land raider is a MONSTER.


Lastly Heavy Support, Whatever you posion Vindicators, Defilers, or Oblits. Run them in Pairs. This lets you actually get one of this Rock solid choices to work. And when the dice favor you overwhelming at times.


So to recap what a lot of us have said Oblits in Multiples of 2 so usually 2 3 man Oblits or 3 2 man Oblit Squads. Where as with Defilers and Vindicators run them in Doubles for Max effect.


Can't really go wrong the list has a lot a variation so what works for Nurgle/Deathguard Player A will be totally different for Nurgle/Deathguard Player B and Player C. So have fun experiment and you tell us what works.

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