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Huron black heart. Probably the most controversial characters to grace the pages of a chaos codex. I've found players love him, hate him, hate to love him or love to hate him lol. I actually like the wee bugger. The fluff before, during and after the badab war is solid and enjoyable. His model is IMO one of the best I'm the citadel range and although his stats aren't very competitive he isn't the worst I've seen. The only thing I find letting him down is the current fluff diarrhoea that says he's managed to build a force that rivals the legions.


So just wondering what the b&c views of him were fluff, gaming and model wise? Also has anyone seen or attempted to make their own model of him? I've never seen a home made Huron. Maybe his current model does him enough justice.

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Probably the most controversial characters to grace the pages of a chaos codex.

not realy I think the title goes to those SW who suddenly decide to rebel from that one new pice of fluff we got in the gav dex.


The fluff before, during and after the badab war is solid and enjoyable

realy ? dude loses a war , escapes with almost nothing and then a few years later his forces are sacking WB ships without any fear or repercusions [which is odd not only because legions generaly dont take such behavior well from forces they see as inferior , but also because the corsairs have their home in the same place as the WB main base] and his force suddenly rivals legions in size . His old fluff of being an ex rulers and being turned in to more or less a pirate[yeah duh red corsairs . I know] made sense . Him suddenly having 100k+people under him is not . His badab war fluff is realy good , but everything after that is lame . A generic chaos lord with a claw for his arm .


His model is IMO one of the best I'm the citadel range and although his stats aren't very competitive he isn't the worst I've seen.

well that is a taste thing . I find the fist/claw arm over done , but that is just me .



So just wondering what the b&c views of him were fluff, gaming and model wise?

gaming . he sucks plain and simple . warp time with so few attacks means he is worse then a lord , his fist/claw would be ok if chaos was the only army with str 8 weapons in 5th ed . why couldnt they make him like straken with a boosted stat line ? ah yes , thorpe the genius codex maker .


fluff . well pre chaos fluff is nice and makes sense . post badbab fluff doesnt make sense at all . a dude[half dead] escapes with just a few people with him and a short time later he has a legion of followers .



model wise . a taste thing .

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Errrrrrrm is it stated that he matches the legions in terms of marines... or just in terms of rabble as Huron has a lot of none marines serving him and if he is being compared with the WBs is it all of them or just the WBs in the the maelstrom which is a significant group but not all of them by any means.



I really like the Badab war... I'm waiting for the current Huron to be developed more and maybe have a few things clarified.


Jeske is it said he has no fear of repercussions and how is it stated. It is pretty easy to hide in the Maelstrom... The lamenters did for a long time and some of them may have joined Huron and if not he has had time to learn some of the bits and bobs himself... If his home is well hidden then he could get away with a lot... If his home is well defended it might also be a pain for the word bearers to punish him and that is assuming they even know it was him who took their ship.


I admit I'm not up to date with the modern Huron and his red corsairs... I'm more of a Badab war person :D

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Errrrrrrm is it stated that he matches the legions in terms of marines... or just in terms of rabble as Huron has a lot of none marines serving him and if he is being compared with the WBs is it all of them or just the WBs in the the maelstrom which is a significant group but not all of them by any means.


The latest reference to his power is in the Grey Knights codex and simply states that "his fleets and armies rival those of the Traitor Legions themselves." Seems like an all encompassing statement. Blood Reaver states his resources are second only to Abaddon's in scope and might. Again, nothing specific. I may be wrong, but I don't recall anywhere else his forces directly compared to the Traitor Legions (maybe in that Gildar Rift book, but I haven't read it). Either way you cut it, dude is a big deal.

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Sorry I'm definitely with the Jeske on this one. Pre-Badab and during the war, Huron was pretty awesome. Post; his rules are a joke, model is nothing special and fluff really makes no sense. He had better not take the focus away from Abby or I swear I'll finally quit this game.
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I like what he becomes after the war. A soul so infuriated and bitter he throws his lot in with the dark gods becoming a sort of pirate/renegade king. I like the image of him and his few remaining warriors carving out alittle empire of their own and slowly building a force of ragtag renegades to cause the imperium harm. But as I stated before the idea of him accumulating a legion size force is pure arse water. I'd like to see him expanded on in future but as has already been said as part of a renegade dex separate from a legion dex.
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Guys I think you might be neglecting the most recent background change concerning the Red Corsairs.



We know that Huron now leads the Red Corsairs.


We know that around 200 escaped Badab.


We know that Red Corsairs existed before the Badab War >


The San Leor Massacre

A Red Corsair strike force invades San Leor, the original home world of the Daughters of the Emperor. The Chaos Space Marines are unprepared for the fury of the Adeptus Sororitas reprisal, as they come under assault from nine separate Orders Militant and are utterly annihilated by the combined counter-attack.



So he might have just taken over a pre-existing force that was already substantial.

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Errrrrrrm is it stated that he matches the legions in terms of marines... or just in terms of rabble as Huron has a lot of none marines serving him and if he is being compared with the WBs is it all of them or just the WBs in the the maelstrom which is a significant group but not all of them by any means.


The latest reference to his power is in the Grey Knights codex and simply states that "his fleets and armies rival those of the Traitor Legions themselves." Seems like an all encompassing statement. Blood Reaver states his resources are second only to Abaddon's in scope and might. Again, nothing specific. I may be wrong, but I don't recall anywhere else his forces directly compared to the Traitor Legions (maybe in that Gildar Rift book, but I haven't read it). Either way you cut it, dude is a big deal.


Unfortunately the Grey Knight Codex claims that Huron's armies and fleets rival those of the Traitor Legion's themselvs..Pg 40 under Mordrak


Thing I like about that though is that it also confirms the Legions are still operating and not all warbands now.

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We know that Red Corsairs existed before the Badab War >

The San Leor Massacre

A Red Corsair strike force invades San Leor, the original home world of the Daughters of the Emperor. The Chaos Space Marines are unprepared for the fury of the Adeptus Sororitas reprisal, as they come under assault from nine separate Orders Militant and are utterly annihilated by the combined counter-attack.



So he might have just taken over a pre-existing force that was already substantial.


However it also states that they were utterly annihilated. To me that does not leave many if even any alive.

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Thing I like about that though is that it also confirms the Legions are still operating and not all warbands now.

They have always operated as warbands since the heresy, but that is like saying that a strike force of Ultramarines are going out doing whatever they do. The Ultramarines doesn't cease to exist as a chapter just because they send out some troops under a commander to do some work.


ADB said it the best though:

Either legions or warbands.


Not quite. Any Chaos Marine force is a warband. A lot of warbands are, however, warbands derived from one Legion. A Night Lord warband, f'rex. The misunderstandings arise when people start to think "warband" is a separate concept from "Legion", when really "warband" is a catch-all term. A warband of a Legion can be "The Iron Warriors' 4th Grand Company" or "The Skulltakers" or whatever else. "Warband" in that usage is no different from a Chapter being divided into Companies.

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The lamenters did for a long time and some of them may have joined Huron and if not he has had time to learn some of the bits and bobs himself.

the lamenters where not a chaos legion which has control over the storm , neither do they have demon packts and sorc which can locate stuff fast . the WB did wipe out the thunder barons and they didnt realy have problems with finding them . heck they were able to find a single member of their own legion [or at least a dude who borrowed his body+personal craft] hiding on one of the demon worlds inside the storm .


and hardly any lamanters could have joined huron after their fleet was borded and destroyed/taken from them . to be honest unless there were like 30+ chapters going rogue in that side of the space there wouldnt even be enough marine to rival the size of a legion [a lot of renegades die when a chapters goes rogue , some leaders wouldnt want to work under huron etc] , even If by "size of a legion" the fluff authors means the realy small legions like 1ksons .

They have always operated as warbands since the heresy, but that is like saying that a strike force of Ultramarines are going out doing whatever they do.

they didnt operate as warbands durning the legion war and that was post heresy . EC broke up only after the Black Legion destroyed the horus clones and shatered their might [mostly their cloning facilities which gave them more marines faster then other legions could produce] . the WE were a legion till Khârn broken them up and more then a few members of WE still hate him for that . The BL always worked under abadon rule , there was no going solo doing what you want to do yourself .



Seems like an all encompassing statement. Blood Reaver states his resources are second only to Abaddon's in scope and might.

which totaly doesnt make sense . because A abadon is the chaos man [and not because he is cool . because he actualy is chosen by all the gods and he has the mark to prove it]


B he would never tolerate someone that powerful [how huron even gets so many supporters considering he starts with less then third of a chapter is beyond me] , he would have to destroy him . Powers can tolerate weak forces , they can for a very short time ignore medium ones , but second to your own power? it would be an automatic war . the last time a legion tried to be as powerful as abadon and his black legion we had a legion war in the eye which ended with at least 2 legions shattered.


C why did the WB who wiped out renegade chapters before if they were seen as a problem [and building up power to be the second biggest force to abadon the all champion of chaos . is a HUGE problem if your the new guys next door neighbour] , why didnt they act . their ship get take over and they do nothing ? Whats next , joining huron [because if is second only to abadon , he is more powerful then the WB this means either destruction for the WB or assimilation . Would the WB being the "faith" dudes pick assimilation ?

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they didnt operate as warbands durning the legion war and that was post heresy . EC broke up only after the Black Legion destroyed the horus clones and shatered their might [mostly their cloning facilities which gave them more marines faster then other legions could produce] . the WE were a legion till Khârn broken them up and more then a few members of WE still hate him for that . The BL always worked under abadon rule , there was no going solo doing what you want to do yourself .


Yet even the Black Legion dont work in their original formations of companies, they like the rest of the Legions have gravitated to the strong and powerful. Hence the Black Legion is purely comnprised of warbands who just happen to owe fealty one man. So when the Black Legion go to war at the order of Abaddon, it isnt the 5th Company but the warband of Jimmy the Forsaken. Every single Chaos Legion seems to have regressed to this lack of military cohesion, so all operate in warbands... except possibly the Alpha legion... which we dont really know, I still see them as operating in smaller Cells as opposed to pure military might... but that in itself may be considered a warband... although a small one....


Seems like an all encompassing statement. Blood Reaver states his resources are second only to Abaddon's in scope and might.

which totaly doesnt make sense . because A abadon is the chaos man [and not because he is cool . because he actualy is chosen by all the gods and he has the mark to prove it]


Whats your point? Its not said hes more powerful than Abaddon... Just that Huron has the second largest concentraion of forces?


B he would never tolerate someone that powerful [how huron even gets so many supporters considering he starts with less then third of a chapter is beyond me] , he would have to destroy him . Powers can tolerate weak forces , they can for a very short time ignore medium ones , but second to your own power? it would be an automatic war . the last time a legion tried to be as powerful as abadon and his black legion we had a legion war in the eye which ended with at least 2 legions shattered.


What can Abaddon exactly do about it? Its not like their vying for the same space or resources... Their half a galaxy away, for Abaddon to take any kind of punitive action, he would need a sizable fleet to break the Cadian fleet, fly through Segmentum Obscuras and the Majority of Segmentum Solar. The odd individual ship or small fleet can do it... but in significant numbers to cause Huron a problem... not a chance. In short..., Abaddon may not like it... but their isnt an awful lot he can do about it.


C why did the WB who wiped out renegade chapters before if they were seen as a problem [and building up power to be the second biggest force to abadon the all champion of chaos . is a HUGE problem if your the new guys next door neighbour] , why didnt they act . their ship get take over and they do nothing ? Whats next , joining huron [because if is second only to abadon , he is more powerful then the WB this means either destruction for the WB or assimilation . Would the WB being the "faith" dudes pick assimilation ?


Who knows... but Huron is also marked by Chaos, hes not faithless and the Hamadrya whispers the intent of others and a gift of the Gods... Huron may actively support them initially, by the time hes become big enough to be a problem then its too late. Not to mention that we dont actually know the state and size of WB forces following Calth.



One reason I can think of his meteoric rise to power in the Maelstrom is that 200 Astartes is still an extremely potent force. It doesnt have the concentration of the Legions vying for the same resources and planets as the EoT, one of the first bases he took was a Pirate base I understand so it can be presumed he complemented his forces with improved naval assets almost immediately, so the Corsairs would be a major player, by absolving the smaller forces initially, a squad here, and a squad there, capture a ship on a raid, in largely uncontested raids. then as it gets big a Company of a smaller warband, and assorted traitor Guards and lost and the damned. it would be relatively easy for him to marshall forces. It takes time and careful planning, and as his resources grow and his base of operations improve, he becomes the go to guy for any new renegades.

After all the Maelstrom would be the first point of call for any renegades in Ultima Segmentum, Solar, and anywhere where the EoT is a bit too far.

Careful marshalling of forces can go somewhere to explaining his rise to power...


As for all this rival the size of Legions in power... all depends on what a Legion is..




The broken up warbands of Legionsfollowing the heresy so about 5000?

The Legions were shattered so are we judging him on the Legions of the Crusade or teh remnants of them...


Even if he aquires just 20'000 astartes, that is still a significant number of Astartes exceeding the number of the likes of the Thousand Sons even before the heresy, and may very well equal the number of remaining troops per Legion following the Heresy. So hypothetically saying that 25'000 Iron Warriors survive the Heresy in varying warbands, would Huron not rival them in terms of numbers and power?

I personally think people have taken this rival the power of the Legions far too literally expecting 100'000 Astartes, and I agree that is not feasable. But to rival a Legion, you dont need to get anywhere near that number. Huron like Abaddon takes on new forces they dont restrict themselves and in so doing have achieved dominance in their respective areas.


Personally I like Huron, and the concept of the Corsairs. I agree sometimes the fluff can be a little squiffy, most notably is the timeframe of Hurons rise to power and exactly how did he deal with the Word Bearers, but as for character he and the Corsairs are an interesting dynamic, that could certainly be expanded upon whilst not having the drawback that Abaddon has in that GW can never really let him suceed as it would be the end of the Imperium, but Huron really doesnt have that drawback.

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Huron has always been described as a highly charismatic leader, able to change people's minds and change them to his opinion. He was able to convince 3 entire chapters to join him when he went renegade and it took the combined effort of 13 different chapters through-out the war to stop the rebellion.


So would it be possible for him to 'recruit' other warbands into his command after his chapter took refuge in the Eye? Yes, in fact it's more likely that warbands would rally under his banner because of his natural leadership and drive for command and conquering.


The fact that his Red Corsairs rival the size of the Legions doesn't mean he has 100's of thousands of followers, none of the legions survived the Heresy(Or shortly there-after) with nearly the same amount that they began with. And the fact that it is organized and led by Huron means that even against an opponent like the Word Bearers, who are still a strong legion, the Red Corsairs would be able to beat them time and time again until Lorgar moves from his meditations to lead the Word Bearers as a whole once more because the Red Corsairs have a much better command structure than the Word Bearers currently do.


Also on a side note, it would seem that in order to gain strength as Chaos you must be undivided: Black Legion, Word Bearers, Red Corsairs. All are strong and all worship Chaos undivided, where other legions dedicated to one God or another seem to falter and break due to the flaws that their chosen deity has against the others.


EDIT: On a quick side side note, something I forgot to mention. His Familiar is the gift of Malal!!!! BAAADAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! Mind=Blown...yeah I know right?

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That argument does make sense Eetion. I imagine Huron made a deal with the WBs but it seems after awhile they'd realize that he was growing too powerful and smashed him. Personally I think I'm going to ignore that little piece of fluff there (just like I ignore Draigo <_< ). Who knows though, if Lorgar ever gets done praying he might decide he doesn't like neighbors.....
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There is no real reason for Abbadon to dislike Huron...


Huron makes sure the Imperium has to divert forces to the maelstrom more than they would have otherwise, leaving Cadia with even less reinforcements...it's a win win situation!

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Survivors of the heresy isn't all the legions have... At least the Black Legion and Iron Warriors have taken significant action to recover the losses they suffered in the Heresy. Other Legions do get new recruits as well but significantly less I would hazard.


Also wasn't Huron in that tournament (Tournament of Flesh?) where chaos warlords battled each other and when you won the rules said that the loser's war band had to join the winners and if that is the case and Huron won... That would get you a few followers... Lets say 16 war bands... with 50 marines each... If you only had 200 marines that would make a big difference. It is possible one or more of those war bands was large...

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Yeah it doesn't make sense but it's a "rule of cool" type thing because GW decided that he was going to be the new face of Chaos during the Gavdex period when they brought him back from not having been mentioned really since 2nd edition. And while Abaddon would probably have difficulty confronting him because of the distance between the Eye and the Maelstrom, making him eclipse the WB in that region of space really rubs me the wrong way though maybe that's because of my bias in favor of legions as being much more interesting than renegades.
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the warp is not lineare . If it was then traveling from one point to another wouldnt make it faster . the travel does take longer/is impossible for the imperials , because the warp is trying to activly kill them . no such thing for chaos dudes , specialy for the chosen champion of all chaos.



There is no real reason for Abbadon to dislike Huron...

and am looking at the history of famouse leaders and I see only hate [followed by active trying to get rid of them] . It is not a question of like or dislike there cant be two single powers of more or less equal power near each other or worse in the same organization . Rulers had even problems with their own sons , because while prolonging the dynasty is a goal , a son when he hits adult age is the enemy . What you say would be true if huron had a very active warband . If he was like an actual corsair from our worlds past. But he isnt , the fluff says he has the second largest force in whole chaos meq world , this puts him higher in the foot chain then most legions .

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In Chaos Might is Right, sad but true so if anyone can even match Abaddon in power then the big guy will do what he does best, Huron may have the Maelstrom and all the pirates and renegades under his rule, but Abaddon has the support and respect of everything inside the Eye of Terror...as well as the backing of all major powers.
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the warp is not lineare . If it was then traveling from one point to another wouldnt make it faster . the travel does take longer/is impossible for the imperials , because the warp is trying to activly kill them . no such thing for chaos dudes , specialy for the chosen champion of all chaos.


Nor is it an instant means of transportation/teleportation. If it was then the reinforcing of the Cadian Gate would have been a completely pointless exercise as Abaddon could just turn up at terra/whatever far flung target he likes, and commence the final assault. As it it is Blood Reaver shows that their are still Navigators and Sorcerors piloting vessels, but equally a journey through the warp is quick but it is not instant.



The Covenant of Blood and Octavia needing to take several forays into the warp, admittedly Octavia was new to the turbulance of the warp and the hostility of the Covenant, but it does show that the endurance of them merely proves that someone more accomplished would be able to travel within the warp for longer and achieve their destination quicker.




There is no real reason for Abbadon to dislike Huron...

and am looking at the history of famouse leaders and I see only hate [followed by active trying to get rid of them] . It is not a question of like or dislike there cant be two single powers of more or less equal power near each other or worse in the same organization . Rulers had even problems with their own sons , because while prolonging the dynasty is a goal , a son when he hits adult age is the enemy . What you say would be true if huron had a very active warband . If he was like an actual corsair from our worlds past. But he isnt , the fluff says he has the second largest force in whole chaos meq world , this puts him higher in the foot chain then most legions .

Thats the thing. they are not near each other.., and if they were Im sure they would be at each others throats. What Huron does and achieves is completely out of Abaddons control. And were they near each other I have no doubt that they would be at each others throats if Huron had even been allowed to build up that power base in the first place... But they are seperated by distance, and not even competing for the same resources.


With the WB a couple of possible explanations as to how they escaped extermination....

The Word Bearers own a Forge wold, a mutual trade pact, raw materials for processing, slaves and other vitals for a Chaotic economy to be traded could prove beneficial.

The Word Bearers Dark Apostles are known to have visions and plan teir tactics accordingly even if those visions and tactics make no conventional military sense. Huron also has a favor of the Gods with the Hamadrya and pledged his soul. Its not an inconceivable event that the Gods of Chaos dont want their new pawn exterminated as soon as he converts, and send KorPhaeron a vision.

The Red Corsairs are open to worship of the Chaos Pantheon... The word Bearers desire above all that worship and conversion. Here is an opportunity to spread the names of the Gods across the stars and another faction acting in their name. Huron may have even requested a couple of Chaplains as guides to his new band and educate them to their worship. The Word Bearers I believe would react positively to such a request, and certainly buy them a 'stay of execution' initially, until finally they became too big to effectively carry out.

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if you are in the warp you and your chaos then you are always near something . just like technicly eldar or DE are near everything due to the web way. And chaos doesnt even need stuff like navigators or has to worry about galler field etc.



With the WB a couple of possible explanations as to how they escaped extermination....

The Word Bearers own a Forge wold, a mutual trade pact, raw materials for processing, slaves and other vitals for a Chaotic economy to be traded could prove beneficial.

yes that would make sense If It was every other non cult legion . WB are religiouse fanatics the way we dont realy have in the real world . In many ways they are like cult legions , in that they cant realy stop doing their thing . I mean an AL or NL dude probably would co operate [he would of course do everything to undermine the leadership of huron , but that is only natural] . But a nurgle one ? Can you imagine huron walking up to a nurgle guy and saying . you know dude stop the plague thing for the trip , some of my other followers dont like it and I wouldnt like to catch anything . In fact he does have a sub sect of khorn berzerkers [leader is a huge ex ultramarine :)] which he feeds his own followers so they wont go out of their own quarters. Even he understands that cult guys cant turn the god X/Y/Z thing off. WB are the same only they are all gods at the same time .


+I find it quite offending that a huge force legion has to be subservent to a random dude who just barley escaped alive with less then a demi chapter . Of course that in no way make the fluff invalid . It is of course cannon [and stupid] . It looks like someone tried to make him our spirtual liege , only while MC is a god of war[and no I dont mean the rule] huron kind of fails. I mean destroyed planets , small incrussions ? that is something lords did before him and its nothing special . Now even dudes that lost did more . Look some of the khorn champs , whole sectors scourged , crusades[not just the black ones . but stuff that tyfus did for example] . If GW tried to make us like him and find him awesome well they kind of a failed . Because it is funny how he is awesome before going full chaos and after that not os much.

He isnt even a deus ex machina like Draigo who is awesome because he is awesome . He just is the second biggest commander with the second biggest force and we dont know how other chaos organizations let it happend . Its as if some random shoe/sports wear company went 2ed biggest producer in the world , while starting from scratch when there is nike and puma around .

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I suspect that renegade marines in the Maelstrom called themselves Red Corsairs for thousands of years before the Badab war.


It's been almost a century since the Badab war, plenty of time for a guy like Huron to assimilate the warbands of renegades under his command.


I can see why being in Huron's 'legion' would appeal to most renegade marines, he clearly has plans beyond the norm for pirate leaders. Being a former chapter master and coalition leader he obviously has some credibility.

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if you are in the warp you and your chaos then you are always near something . just like technicly eldar or DE are near everything due to the web way. And chaos doesnt even need stuff like navigators or has to worry about galler field etc.


Thats simply not true. And as for Gellar fields and Navigators, yes they do... certainly Navigators... Present within Chaos Vessel in Blood Reaver.

As for Geller fields why wouldnt they be used? What would stop Khornate Daemons flooding into Slaaneshi ships or vice versa?


The only difference in navigation between Chaos and Imperial vessels is that Chaos vessels can be navigated by Sorcerors and they generally have more experience at navigating the more turbulant areas of the warp. They are bound by all the same rules that the Imperium is.



+I find it quite offending that a huge force legion has to be subservent to a random dude who just barley escaped alive with less then a demi chapter . Of course that in no way make the fluff invalid . It is of course cannon [and stupid] . It looks like someone tried to make him our spirtual liege , only while MC is a god of war[and no I dont mean the rule] huron kind of fails. I mean destroyed planets , small incrussions ? that is something lords did before him and its nothing special . Now even dudes that lost did more . Look some of the khorn champs , whole sectors scourged , crusades[not just the black ones . but stuff that tyfus did for example] . If GW tried to make us like him and find him awesome well they kind of a failed . Because it is funny how he is awesome before going full chaos and after that not os much.

He isnt even a deus ex machina like Draigo who is awesome because he is awesome . He just is the second biggest commander with the second biggest force and we dont know how other chaos organizations let it happend . Its as if some random shoe/sports wear company went 2ed biggest producer in the world , while starting from scratch when there is nike and puma around .



Why would you expect the WB to be subservient? Its never stated their relationship? hate? War? Distrust? Supplies and Slave Trading?

As for how hes not awesome... Good... Theres enough over the top rubbish out there, Calgar and the Avatar, Draigo and all the rest. Hurons background consists or repeated solid military victories, with the crowning jewel of taking down a Fortress Monastary. It is good solid background, not over the top on his exploits. It is what a Special Characters Background ought to be.


yes that would make sense If It was every other non cult legion . WB are religiouse fanatics the way we dont realy have in the real world . In many ways they are like cult legions , in that they cant realy stop doing their thing . I mean an AL or NL dude probably would co operate [he would of course do everything to undermine the leadership of huron , but that is only natural] . But a nurgle one ? Can you imagine huron walking up to a nurgle guy and saying . you know dude stop the plague thing for the trip , some of my other followers dont like it and I wouldnt like to catch anything . In fact he does have a sub sect of khorn berzerkers [leader is a huge ex ultramarine ] which he feeds his own followers so they wont go out of their own quarters. Even he understands that cult guys cant turn the god X/Y/Z thing off. WB are the same only they are all gods at the same time .


Sorry whats your point here? This is surely an issue for Abadon as well. In fact the Black Legion have sugested they have at least 1 company devoted to each of the gods at anyone time in their IA as well as their own retinues of cult troops. As for WB been the same as cult troops I would have to disagree, they are undivided in the same way as the other Legions. They are certainly zealous fanatics, but they are not incapable of conversation. They can and do have excellent oratory skills in their background and turning populations to their cause. They are capable of negotiation and alliances can be made.

And why would Huron need to ask people to give up the God? Hes sold his own soul to Chaos so like Abaddon he accepts God and Chaos worship providing loyalty is to him. This is not an issue unique to Huron, and id argue if this WAS an issue then Abaddon has more of a problem then HUron.

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