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servo skull storm shield?


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Probably a bit of a silly question and I suspect I know the answer already but just thought I'd double check


Ive recently slung together a captain with relic blade and planned on putting a storm shield on him too. But, when I mocked up the model the shield just hid too much nice detail and it seemed a shame to cover up half the model. Instead I decided to stick a servo skull hovering over his shoulder (the one with the halo from the dev set) imagining that the little fellow contained some sort of advanced shield tech that would act in the same way as a storm shield.


would this stand in tournaments or regular games. I can think of at least two players who would kick up a stink about it but would I have the rules on my side?


Thanks all

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If You stick a Storm Shield to Servo-skull (even on a separate base) it might work. I emphasised might as it is not the standard way to represant this piece of wargear on model. For Tournaments just ask organizer before.

Otherwise I don't think it will be ok with WYSIWYG.

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My opinion : so long as it is clearly modified so as not to look like a normal Servo-skull (which, i believe, the model in question can't take as wargear normally) and no other models on the table are using a similar model to represent anything else - there should be no problem. The thing you want to avoid, which WYSIWYG prevents, is having some option clearly shown on the model which you are not using in the game (the model has a Bolter but you paid for a Stormbolter).
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thanks for clearing that up guys!

I imagine I'll be fine in most casual games but just wanted to know how I stood if someone started waving the rule book at me and scowling lol, it just seemed like such a shame to hide like half the model behind a shield. I may just paint one up and blue tack it on if anyone challanges my shield skull


Cheers all

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thanks for clearing that up guys!

I imagine I'll be fine in most casual games but just wanted to know how I stood if someone started waving the rule book at me and scowling lol, it just seemed like such a shame to hide like half the model behind a shield. I may just paint one up and blue tack it on if anyone challanges my shield skull


Cheers all



one word.....



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