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How does the traitors and renegades pay for their stuff?


I can't imagine the Dark Mechanicus just giving away free Defilers, Rhinos, Hell Blades and what not. So how do they operate economicaly? By strict communist five year plans dictated by whoever controlls a dark Forge World or by more liberal market economical rules?


And how do they get paid by their customers? Imperial credits that are of little or no use, slaves that work themselves to death, raw materials, blue prints for new stuff? What does the Dark Mechanicus want for their services, because i can't imagine them doing it just for the fun of building new and awesome killing machines, what's on their agenda?

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I'm sure there would be some variation based on the individual(s) in charge of any given forge world or equivalent but the standard payments would be:


base raw materials

precious metals & gems

advanced equipment & technology

new schematics & designs


assistance in some part of a plan of theirs

gaining favor with a faction

"you owe me one"


Credits and other monetary payments could easily be justified as well, especially if they function as a black market for both the Imperium and the forces of Chaos as well as neutral factions like rogue traders or mercenary groups.


From a daemonic standpoint, the oaths sworn by daemons who are bound into soulgrinder bodies gives you more insight into what is of value in the warp.


*Edited per Excessus' request. :D

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slave materials artefacts are traded for stuff legions/renegades need . they probably could also do what forge wants them to . lets say Perturbo wants some huge demon engines , he pays in that he "gives" the forge control over a grand company of IW for some time [maybe for ever depands how big the company is and how many engines we are speaking about here] .
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I'm sure there would be some variation based on the individual(s) in charge of any given forge world or equivalent but the standard payments would be:


base raw materials

precious metals & gems

advanced equipment & technology

new schematics & designs


assistance in some part of a plan of theirs

gaining favor with a faction

"you owe me one"


Credits and other monetary payments could easily be justified as well, especially if they function as a black market for both the Imperium and the forces of Chaos as well as neutral factions like rogue traders or mercenary groups.


From a daemonic standpoint, the oaths sworn by daemons who are bound into soulgrinder bodies gives you more insight into what is of value in the warp.


*Edited per Excessus' request. :D


A pretty good list, but I'd also add in "protection" (different than protection), and services, although marines have one service, and if comes in the form of someone being turned into Targo's executive powder.

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i imagine raw material is pretty high on the dark mechanicus "wanted" list, since most of the background i've read suggest that "natural" resources is pretty unstable, and can in some cases only work or be used inside the eye/maelstrom, such as ore from a daemon world.
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There is a swift mention in the Warriors of Chaos book regarding Chaos Dwarfs and their creations and style of barter that I think fits nicely in the 40k verse if you change "Nords" with "Chaos Marines", "Chaos Dwarfs" with "Dark Mechanicus" and "Sorcerer" with "Psyker".


"These artifacts of war they[Chaos Dwarfs] barter and trade with the Northern tribes in exchange for gold, slaves and more esoteric treasure - folklore has it that the fabled Crimson Armor of Dargan was traded for nothing more than a pickled Bloodletter's head and a hempen sack of Sorcerer's bones."



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From some of the Black Library books, we see that some warbands still have their 'in house' tech adepts who are practically members of the warband. They seem to serve the Legions in return for direct access to artifacts and knowledge. Some are probably still carrying out their pre-heresy oaths of service.
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