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If you have not seen the FAQ, it boils down to 5 things. 3 are "well, duh" one is "should have wrote it that way to start with but now you broke the other end ... maybe" and the last ... well.


So here are the clarifacations:

1. Arcos have S5

2. Saint Celestine is an IC

3. Where they say "Power Swords" they really mean "Power Weapons"

4. A unit can only attempt the same act of faith once per turn. Note that some acts can be used in multiple phases. With this FAQ, you can only use it in one phase that turn. You can not use Devine Guidance in both the shooting and the combat phases. Was this intentional from the beginning? Only Crudace knows for sure.


5. Saint Celestine can return even from powers that "remove from play." Jaws of the World wolf? Come back. Monolith door? Come back. I am a Sisters of Battle player and I don't think it should have worked this way. Is it safe to assume that other characters with similar abilities will also be immune to "removed from play" as well?

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It doesn't "boil down" to five things...there literally are only five things on there! Shortest FAQ ever, which equates to best written codex ever, right? :P

Its GW's new secret marketing strategy; lop out most of the content and make a codex so awful nobody wants to use it, and they don't have to do nearly as much FAQing. Worked great for Chaos and DA too... <_<

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It doesn't "boil down" to five things...there literally are only five things on there! Shortest FAQ ever, which equates to best written codex ever, right? :lol:

5 points of clarification over an army with 16 different units brings it in at only 31% needing clarification.


C:GK requires an FAQ with 64 points covering 33 units for an obfuscation rating 193%. Surely the Sisters of Battle must be the new paradigm of codex craftsmanship.

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You guys really hankering for the end of 4rth edition huh?


Anyways Im glad they did come out, even if I dont agree with it all. Celestine was already a steal for her points, this just over does it I think.

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