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Missing models


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Greetings fellow super humans!


Working my way through the Blood Angels codex, I came across a few units who appear to have no official model. This made me wonder as what to use in their place. I'm thinking more specifically:


- Honour Guard? How do people make these? I'm thinking a mix between Assault Marines and a SM Command Squad?

- Sanguinary Priest - do people convert these or do they buy the metal-model?


Do tell <_<!

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As you mentioned, the Sang Priest does have an official model in the form of the direct only guy. There's also Brother Corbulo which people use too. Otherwise just use a mixture of BA specific shoulder pads and the like along with a narthecium (spelling?) arm.


Honour Guard have a lot more freedom of choice. The models in the codex are mainly differentiated by their full gold armour and also the style similar to the Sang Guard Artificier Armour, the models for which is no longer available. A lot of people choose not to paint theirs gold though, sticking with the older style gold helmet. There's endless kits you can use for them really. The Space Marine command squad, as you mentioned, is handy for the additional characters. The Sang Guard and DC boxes will leave you with enough spare parts to pimp out most standard Marine sets.


I had a spare few bits from a Grey Knight squad left over and mine are based on those but all with III and IV helmets to give them a little 'age'. My Sang Priests are plastic kit bashes just adding in the nartecium (?!) arm with white trim so they're easy to tell apart from regular troops.


They're two really characterful BA units so have fun making something cool for them!

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I have 5 Sanguinary Priests/Novitiates. 2 are old metal Apothecary models with a BA left shoulder pad added (and a BA jump pack added). 1 is the Sanguinary Priest metal model from direct order. 1 is Corbulo, and 1 is a Sanguinary Guard model with the blood chalice from Space Hulk put into his hand.


As for Honor Guard, the rest of my Honor Guard is made up of Death Company models.

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Honour Guard have a lot more freedom of choice. The models in the codex are mainly differentiated by their full gold armour and also the style similar to the Sang Guard Artificier Armour, the models for which is no longer available.


Please not that the fully gold honour guard in the codex was a specially converted model to be Dante's personal honour guard, appearing in pictures in the BA pdf codex. Therwas never an official model, nor is this the correct colour scheme. I believe that the design of these models were the inspiration for the sanguinary guard, as they are awesome.


If you look in the codex, there is a model with red armour and gold helmet with a banner, listed as an honour guard. This is the official colour scheme.


Use whatever models you like, generally command squad+assault squad boxes, paint them red with gold helmets, or whatever colour you want.

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Honour Guard have a lot more freedom of choice. The models in the codex are mainly differentiated by their full gold armour and also the style similar to the Sang Guard Artificier Armour, the models for which is no longer available.


Please not that the fully gold honour guard in the codex was a specially converted model to be Dante's personal honour guard, appearing in pictures in the BA pdf codex. Therwas never an official model, nor is this the correct colour scheme. I believe that the design of these models were the inspiration for the sanguinary guard, as they are awesome.



I beg to differ friend. :tu: There was a specific box of Blood Angels Honour Guard once upon a time that is no longer available as stated in the previous post. :tu: Never fear though, as other brothers have have said, they are easily created by kit-bashing from DC, SG and Command Squad boxes or the various 'bit' sites online.


As far as color scheme goes, only Dante's personal HG is gold head-to-toe as is Dante himself. The accepted scheme for the standard Battle Company HG is red with gold helmets, unless you're using a Successor Chapter, then different schemes abound.

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like my brothers here mentioned the honour guard is just a fancy blood angel command squad ^_^ sadly we dont got a vanilla " honour guard" but eh, cant have it all i guess? our IC's after all also suddenly lost the option for AA :(


*shrugs* as for priests, they just apothecaries with a blood angel touch. I made mine out of 2 honour guard boxes that i bought for bits (did you see the chapter champion bits? those alone are BRILLIANT!) and my normal honour guard i made from er....random bits honestly. so long as they look cool B) still got to make a sanguinary noviate though...hmm :)

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I beg to differ friend. ^_^ There was a specific box of Blood Angels Honour Guard once upon a time that is no longer available as stated in the previous post.


Nope, the golden power armoured models listed as 'Honour guard' in the BA codex were never models for sale. They were converted by the studio.


You are correct in saying that there was a specific HG box, now unavailable, but they were not the models being discussed:



...The models in the codex are mainly differentiated by their full gold armour and also the style similar to the Sang Guard Artificier Armour...
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