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Nym468's Ultramarines


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Thanks for the comments. It was a lot of fun putting all those cyclone missile launchers in one squad. After spending so much time painting those behemoths I put a close combat terminator next to them and he just looked tiny. The next squad of shooty terminators won't feature a cyclone as I think I already have that area of weaponry covered.


Here is the first completed sniper. He's kneeling in front of the Deimos Razorback I just finished washing (just needs decals).








Any thoughts?

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The Deimos Lascannon Razorback is complete. This is the second transport for the 2nd Tactical Squad. 2nd Squad is transported in a 2nd Edition Razorback and this one. The upcoming squads will alternate between Rhinos and Razorbacks except for the 7th Squad which is using the Storm Raven and 8th Squad which is on bikes.





I had to freehand the squad arrows. They didn't turn out as nice as I would have liked but decals wouldn't work across the gap between the doors and the rivets.







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That is some very nice crisp paint work there.....

- the shading in the later models really brings them out and alive. I wasnt impressed with the pics on the first page at first, but the ones on 3/4 were much better. Im not trying to be overly critical just giving my honest opinion.

- get those washes and slight drybrushing of the ridges and they will look totally alive.

- I really love your storm raven that thing is gonna make cultists crap their pants lol. The old predator is cool to, i got one of those in a box somewhere, one of the old Baal ones.

- Anyway, keep it up it looks awesome.

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That is some very nice crisp paint work there.....

- the shading in the later models really brings them out and alive. I wasnt impressed with the pics on the first page at first, but the ones on 3/4 were much better. Im not trying to be overly critical just giving my honest opinion.


Thanks for the comment, I took everyone's advise about washes and spent about six hours a couple months washing every marine and tank that I had. I just didn't post pictures of them post wash.

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- I didnt want you to think i was being a forumjerk, cause im not trying to be. I would expect the same honest opinions on my paint jobs when i post them, its the only way i get better.

- You have so many marines painted, and the fact that youve stayed consistent through so many marines is impressive. Mine change slightly the more i paint, especially if i take a few days off from painting.

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- I didnt want you to think i was being a forumjerk, cause im not trying to be. I would expect the same honest opinions on my paint jobs when i post them, its the only way i get better.


That's exactly why I post them. Comments like yours have taught me many things to improve my painting style. Looking at the whole army the only real noticeable difference to me is the drastic improvement the airbrush has given me in putting a consistent and even basecoat versus basecoating by hand. Not to mention its a lot faster.


Up next I start on a tactical squad outfitted in MkII armor.

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I give you the first member of the Ultramarines 2nd Company 6th Tactical Squad. The entire squad is outfitted in MKIII armor. The forge world models are fun to paint and great diversion from the standard marines in the GW boxes.






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Wow... I really like your paint job on the MkIII armor..so much detail in that model.


Did you ever pick up a Space Marine Codex (rule book)? Not only is it packed with info background and squad formations, the pictures are typically the ultramarines. Even if you don't play, it is an excellent resource.

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I bought the latest codex and found that Black Library still offers the Insignium Astartes as a custom print so I picked that up a little while ago. I don't own the rule book, I have no idea whats inside it.
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Are you going to paint over those bases? Those marines need some awesome battlefield to stand on!



Nope. I'm a big fan of the simplest approach is the best. I like the basing a lot of people come up with its just not for me.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On your terminators' legs... is that script? ^_^



Its a forgeworld decal. I wish it was done by hand.


I just finished up the first member of the 9th Devastator Squad.




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Thanks for the praise, a lot of WIP threads and helpful suggestions have given me some really great tips.


Finished up the Sgt. for the devastator squad. I'm really happy with how he turned out. I'm a big fan of backpack banners for sergeants but the backpack didn't have a good spot to attach one. So I pulled out the green stuff and molded a small shelf to mount it on.




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The heavy bolter marine is ready for battle!





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Finished up another MKIII marine




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The Devastator armed with a missile launcher is ready to go and another scout sniper has joined the ranks.










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Well the five man devastators are done. Now just to fill out the rest of the squad with bolters.





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  • 3 weeks later...

Made some serious progress, finished off two MKIII squad member.









And another member of the 3rd Tactical Squad.





And a member of the 5th Tactical Squad which will be armed with shields.





I also picked up 2 Rhinos and 2 Landraider Crusader/Redeemers and 1 Landraider. They'll be coming in the mail soon.

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