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Nym468's Ultramarines


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I recently finished up my first drop pod.  It turned out pretty well.








I also finished up the 3rd Company Captain, one of the web exclusive figures.





I also finished up my first group of centurions.  I made a couple changes to one, adding a second heavy bolter to each arm as well as two drop pod missile launchers to his shoulders.  I think he turned out pretty great.





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I can just hear the Ork scum screaming "TOO MUCH DAKKA!" at the HB/Missle Centurion, Nice work overall, very clean painting!

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I can just hear the Ork scum screaming "TOO MUCH DAKKA!" at the HB/Missle Centurion, Nice work overall, very clean painting!

Thanks, I couldn't resist the urge to go a bit nuts with that one centurion. After I finished the drop pod I had the missile launcher just laying around looking lonely. I bought him a friend and made the ridiculous centurion just outlandish. He's definitely my favorite.

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  • 1 month later...

Today I give you the Perses Seige Tank.  I ordered the Puppetswar Big Momma Cannon.  It came with the main plate replacing the front and top and a rear section.  The rear section required me to remove the rear section of the main hull and a portion of the rear ramp.  After it was in place a little Milliput to fill in all the gaps.  I also ordered the front plow.  When the kit first came out it came with a crane and a couple cannon shells.  They no longer include those. 


I fashioned together a crain and a shell out of a wooden dowel.  I've decided I would like to have three of these monsters so I purchased some mold making material from Smooth-On.  I made of a mold for the crane and the cannon shell.  I then molded three crane arms and multiple cannon shells.  The clamp on the cannon shell is fashioned from two shoulder guards glued together and a dreadnought fist. 







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  • 2 weeks later...

Vindicator is epic! Also Land Speeder is very clean, I like it.

Loving some of the old models, the amount of time I spend searching for an old razorback to fit the turret onto the current body is unbelievable.

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Thanks for the praise.  I really enjoy being able to show off my work.  Today I give you the Chaplain from the Dark Vengeance set.  I finished him up a long time ago but didn't have the Forge World skull decal for his banner.  He is painted for 3rd Company.






And the first three members of the 10th Company 4th Scout Bike Squad.






And the second of the Web Exclusive Captains.  I replaced his banner with an Assault on Black Reach Banner.  He is the 4th Company Captain.








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  • 2 weeks later...



Today I give you the Rhino for the 2nd Company IX Squad.  Im very happy with how this one turned out.  I did the recessed areas in the company yellow and the forge world decals on all the doors.  One thing I did notice with the markings is the squad symbol used on the front armor is actually larger than the normal shoulder guard decal.  I have plenty of the old decals for the tactical symbols but no devastator symbols.  So I fashioned one out of a forge world tactical symbol meant for the tank doors.







I'm putting the final brush strokes on my first contemptor so I'll post that soon.

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  • 2 months later...

Well I finished up my first contemptor.  He is definitely gonna have some more contemptor friends.



And my Dreadnought Drop Pod.  This was a heavy beast, the cast was acceptable but there was some serious warpage.




And I finally broke down and completed all the Chaos Space Marines and Cultists from my Dark Vengeance set.  They are great casts and a lot of fun to paint.  I might pick up some more cultists to make a horde.



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  • 4 months later...

Well it’s been a while.  I've been working on the xenos half of the Stormclaw boxed set.  Tonight I give you the second company Predator armed with an autocannon and magnetized lascannon sponsons.  The heavy bolters can be quickly switched out.  The hunter killer missile is also magnetized.


Also the second company Razorback transporting half of fourth squad.


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  • 2 months later...

Today I give you the Perses Seige Tank.  I ordered the Puppetswar Big Momma Cannon.  It came with the main plate replacing the front and top and a rear section.  The rear section required me to remove the rear section of the main hull and a portion of the rear ramp.  After it was in place a little Milliput to fill in all the gaps.  I also ordered the front plow.  When the kit first came out it came with a crane and a couple cannon shells.  They no longer include those. 


I fashioned together a crain and a shell out of a wooden dowel.  I've decided I would like to have three of these monsters so I purchased some mold making material from Smooth-On.  I made of a mold for the crane and the cannon shell.  I then molded three crane arms and multiple cannon shells.  The clamp on the cannon shell is fashioned from two shoulder guards glued together and a dreadnought fist. 








Nice! Man I wish I had thought to buy a stalker for my next Big Momma Vindicator! Looks great. And Nice job converting the back piece. I left it off and used some other bits because I was too lazy to try and make it work. The old kit had a piece made for the rhino's rear hatch. Nice work man. Love your retro Ultra's and all the Forge World goodies.

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks everybody, I was working on a couple dirty xenos projects, some Blood Angels, Space Wolves, and some terrain.  I don't have any full army shots, I'll try to pull the whole gang out of the display case and see what I can do.  Today I bring you a couple chaplains.  The first is the 8th Company Chaplain on a bike.  Its the old metal model which was a hassle to work with.  I really hate the old metal stuff.  Then I spent half an hour messing with the camera to try to keep his face from being washed out, obviously I didn't win.




The second is the fourth company chaplain from the Reclusium Command Squad box.  I couldn't resist the temptation of an exclusive miniature......

20516549736_d2a41f5a6a_k.jpg2015-08-13_11-28-00 M=C by ShieldWall Studios, on Flickr

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And as requested, I give you the entire Ultramarines collection as of this date.  There are around 30 infantry, 1 stalker/hunter, 1 razorback, 1 landspeeder, 1 rhino primaris, and 1 land raider excelsior that have been basecoated but not finished.  Setting this photo up took forever with tons of lights and I'm still not happy with how dark it is.  We have nearly the entire 1st and 2nd Company, some from 3rd, 4th, 8th, and 10th in this photo.


20045070573_2f50a0565b_o.jpgmethod b by ShieldWall Studios, on Flickr

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  • 2 years later...
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  • 2 weeks later...

A few updates of past projects that didn't get updated here.  Major photo dump incoming.  I'm probably going to sit down and take photos of each squad and vehicle again so I have all high quality photos of everything.














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