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Blood angels noob!


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I have loved 40k since my first novel and LOVE the space marines as whole. I started to play space wolves and after some research found I really enjoyed the blood angels play style and HQ choices just a tad more. I've been studying battle reports and other forums for a while now and I guess I have a couple questions. I have purchased SOME of my army and have not put any of it together, I got into the hobby purely for the fluff and the painting (sorry if my thoughts are erratic tonight - been a long week) and I guess I'm a total table top and painting noob. So, I guess I can start this by posting my army list and what you guys think and I guess I'll tell a little what I learned after =)


Two of the battle forces - 10 tac marines 5 DC 5 Assault squad and 2 rhinos

2 baal preds

1 storm raven gunship


sanguinary guard

commander dante

furioso dreadnought

You'll forgive me if I left off anything atm =)

So, that said I guess after some reading the tac marines are a waste of time? Dante should go with the sanguinary guard the furioso and the DC should drop in VIA gunship? And I should completely trade out my tac marines for assault squads. So, I ran into the problem that I need the chest arms (both chainswords and bolt pistols) for the assault squads PLUS jump packs and then I guess I have to ask for a general paint scheme for these guys especially the sanguinary guard! I know it's a lot to ask and I know you guys probably think I'm lazy but I've been searching and reading for the past two months and have a few youtube references and other items I think I'm going to use but I wanted to get an overall consensus from guys and gals who have maybe fielded the blood angels and kind of have a better grasp on the blood angels playstyle! So if you have any advice on ANYTHING blood angels PLEASE feel free to let me know!

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So, that said I guess after some reading the tac marines are a waste of time?

They're not a waste but Assault Marines are more effective for the points. I'd keep one Rhino mounted squad for holding rear objectives personally.

Dante should go with the sanguinary guard the furioso and the DC should drop in VIA gunship?

If you plan on Deep Striking Dante, then Sanguinary Guard (and a Sang. Priest) make an excellent bodyguard. The reason why DC often go in the ThunderChicken is that Jump Packs are too expensive for them and it offers an alternative way to get them in CC fast. If you don't like that, get them a Rhino or Land Raider.

And I should completely trade out my tac marines for assault squads. So, I ran into the problem that I need the chest arms (both chainswords and bolt pistols) for the assault squads PLUS jump packs and..

See Above for Assault vs. Tactical debate. Ebay can get you good deals on bits if you're patient.

then I guess I have to ask for a general paint scheme for these guys especially the sanguinary guard!

I'd go on Lexicanum and look up Blood Angels. It has links to all the subchapters and the articles include the paint scheme where it is known. Look up background and match it to a paint scheme you like and there you go.



Punch 'em in the face. Learn when to use special abilities (smoke and Shield of Sanguinius especially.) Learn when punching won't work and do something else. Be able to do something else.

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Welcome aboard!


Why not have the Furioso as a Librarian. Sanguinary Priests are missing from your list. Apothecary or Sanguinary priest figure, or Corbulo. You want one with a jump-pack to accompany Dante.


Thinking about those arms, you probably will need ebay, but you could have relentless DC with bolters, and use left over bits of SG and DC to make a vanguard squad, freeing up more basic bolt pistols and chainswords. Buy one more DC set for the bits.

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Welcome aboard!


Why not have the Furioso as a Librarian. Sanguinary Priests are missing from your list. Apothecary or Sanguinary priest figure, or Corbulo. You want one with a jump-pack to accompany Dante.


Thinking about those arms, you probably will need ebay, but you could have relentless DC with bolters, and use left over bits of SG and DC to make a vanguard squad, freeing up more basic bolt pistols and chainswords. Buy one more DC set for the bits.

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