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Flesh Tearers Mephiston


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Good day everyone. I made a massive claymore for another conversion, then decided not to use it. That left me with a massive claymore, and nothing to do with it. One thing led to another, and left me with this. I could think of nothing better to do with it than this, my Flesh Tearers Mephiston.

Thoughts? Criticisms? Advice? The only further thing I may do with it is add a cloak to the back - any thoughts on that?




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I really like this model. I mean really...

I do not even bother that it has not so much in common with how Mephiston should look like concerning the artwork etc.


That's one hell of a plasma pistol by the way. Where did you get from?


It's from the old berserkers plastic sprue.

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Thank you for the kind words - the power fist is there because even a marine should have trouble wielding a sword that long without assistance...and that was easier than drilling/cutting/fixing other hands to hold it. I think it'll be clear enough that he's using his sword, not a power fist.


Any thoughts on sculpting a cloak on the back? The backpack came off easy enough, and I'm kind of excited to try it as it will be my first use of green stuff outside of filling cracks, securing metal models, and using press molds. My thoughts on why it would be good is because 1) cloaks are awesome, despite hindering movement and being a liability where mobility is king and 2) I could paint it red, which will be needed to solidify his Flesh Tearer appearance. The rest of him will be painted death company black (in fitting with his fluff, which mirrors Mephiston's).


Another painting effect I'm looking forward to trying is painting on "sparks" or something all over the body, more heavily concentrated around the psychic hood and power fist (areas where his unchecked arcane energies would be focused).


I'm undecided as to how to paint the sword. I usually paint force weapons like power weapons, but a different color. My power weapons are all green, my other librarian's force weapon is light blue. The sparks on his armor will be blue, but I'm tempted to try a different effect on this sword, as on the link below. My internet is being stubborn, I can't find a link for the finished project, but it's essentially the mirrored finish, fading from blue to white on one edge, white to blue on the other, andt he inverse on the back. When it's well executed it looks awesome.



A fix he needs is cleaning up the press molds in a few places.


How do the eagles on the legs look? One of my molds is much thinner than the other - if I do that again I will use that mold twice, and I'll probably scrap the thicker mold.


Any thoughts on painting, the cloak, etc.? Anything I should add to really solidify his BAWS appearance?

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That Model will look awesome even without a cloak, and although i like your powersword logic and the fist really makes up the model, I can't help but think he's overcompasating somehow..., still, epic fig, and if you go with that painting method and do a really good job, I'd bet you could win a Golden Demon with that model.
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