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need some clarity


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i got a pm from B&Cs captainloken about Ics with move through cover and i looked up the rule and it seems ive been doing things wrong.


heres the thing: Ics have move through cover (and skilled rider), and according to page 75 of the BRB only lose those abilities if they join a unit without them..

so if i had an IC or two join a unit of scouts they would all still keep the move through cover rule?


can someone confirm im reading it right please..



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BRB page 47 does say ICs have Skilled Rider and Move Through Cover.


According to page 74, USR's marked with an * are only lost if the IC or unit doesn't have them; if they both have the rule, they get to keep it.


Also, Skilled Rider doesn't have an * next to it, so an IC won't lose the rule even if he joined a unit that doesn't have it.

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Crusade don't feel bad ... I been doing it wrong just as long with my scout unit... I thought of it after looking at the rules book again for a tech-marine. Its nice to know a scout army in all entirety has move threw cover even the characters...


yeah after our convo i read through it in the rulebook, and it looked so simple..

figured i was wrong so id check with the chaps here

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BRB page 47 does say ICs have Skilled Rider and Move Through Cover.


According to page 74, USR's marked with an * are only lost if the IC or unit doesn't have them; if they both have the rule, they get to keep it.


Also, Skilled Rider doesn't have an * next to it, so an IC won't lose the rule even if he joined a unit that doesn't have it.


The Unit has to be bikes or cavalry.

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BRB page 47 does say ICs have Skilled Rider and Move Through Cover.


According to page 74, USR's marked with an * are only lost if the IC or unit doesn't have them; if they both have the rule, they get to keep it.


Also, Skilled Rider doesn't have an * next to it, so an IC won't lose the rule even if he joined a unit that doesn't have it.


The Unit has to be bikes or cavalry.

Well, if the HQ itself is not a bike or cavalry Skilled Rider doesn't do anything, but the rules don't say he loses Skilled Rider if attached to a non-bike/cav unit.


Of course, running a bike captain with an infantry squad is a pretty big waste of the bike's potential, so it's not likely to come up all that often.

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Grinding my gears ... does the skilled rider then give the Character a chance to re roll failed Dangerous terrain rolls even if he is on foot? Don't have my rule book on me but ... its got me thinkin the moment i get back into my stuff of 40k...



If I recal no, I believe it just refers to a mobile vehicle/beast: bike, wolf, etc. I could be wrong, I never noticed because I keep my troops in armoured beasts called "Rhinos". ;)

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