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Nurgle Rubric Marines


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Hey everyone after reading Battle of the Fang about the rubric marines I was wondering since the Thousand Sons have their rubric marines is it possible for a Nurgle sorcerer to bring dead space marines back to life (like necromancers raising the undead) so they effectively function kind of like what the Rubric marines do except being more zombie like, this would greatly help me as I am currently revising my DIY Nurgle Renegade chapter background (The Ghost Knights) and was wondering if it is possible to have a Nurgle chapter that is mainly sorcerers with Zombie marines that follow the sorcerers commands as I really like the sound of it.


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If for nothing else I think that would offer a great conversion opportunity. fluff wise I would see it operating along the lines of a Sorceror daemon pacting himself up so when Astartes die, the souls get captured and handed over to the sorc so that he could bind himself some thralls. (Or another way of explaining it could possibly be that he kills regular people, binds their souls to himself then places them in the dead astartes body).


Rule wise, Thousand Sons (Now all you gotta do is work out a way to explain why you have 'zerkers and Noise Marines (bile marines?) in your army and you're good.)

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I think it would be a nice little touch to a Nurgle army.

Zombie plague marines lead by the squad necromancer, visually you could have them pieces together from a variety of different parts kind of like frankenstein's monster.


As for AP3, if I remember correctly the Plaguereaper's main weapon is AP3 as was the Plague Hulk's and the IG's Banewolf so you have some precedent for AP3 poison/acid/chemical weapons.

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I've thought about this myself. I like the idea of some kind of morbid grand master pulling at the strings of his long dead(betrayed?) comrades.


Ive been toying with the idea of starting a DIY chapter with a scourge from Warcraft background except forty k it up a tad lol.


As Ah-a-noth already said the inferno rounds can be bile rounds or acid rounds. Each bolt round could contain a viral strain that seaps into the power armour killing the victim from the inside.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Most of my Deathguard are Heavily Damaged. Helmets half Melted Arms melted off. I like the Look of obvious Dead Guys still fighting. Fits the Typhus makes Zombies Fluff. I even use Crypt Ghouls as my Lesser Deamons lots of fun. I like to think all Plaque Marines really are just the Walking Dead in Power Armor.
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Yes. Please, please, please do this. It's basically my own little personal crusade to move people out of having the only view of each Legion/God being 2d parodies of what they actually are. After all, Nurgle is the God of Disease, and gifts his followers with every disease known to man, and yet somehow the only disease that ever appears on the battlefield is slowandfatzombie-itis? ;)


It's entirely in character to have a "Necromancer" character who keeps the bodies of Marines alive long after they're dead, having toughness beyond even Plague Marines because they're essentially animated corpses. Why not go with another idea as well, and have some Nurgle Berzerkers, representing Marines infected with super-rabies? Fever-ridden, manic, hyperactive Marines representing Noise Marines?


The Death Guard are characterised by being primarily a slow, lumbering infantry force, but not all Nurgle warbands are Death Guard. You might also like to look into the Forge World special character, whose name escapes me at the moment, who is essentially a necromancer like you want. Even so, good to see we've got another member out there moving away from the stereotypical Chaos warbands, and actually exploring the limitless possibilities that are Chaos!

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There's a reason for that LC. It has to do with the fact that Nurgle is not actually the "god of disease" that's just an oversimplification drawn from those that observe Nurgle followers and from the physical manner in which his gifts manifest. Nurgle is the god of hopelessness, cynicism, and the fear and sloth that accompany those emotions. This has led many of those that are stricken with disease to seek out Nurgle to free themselves from the fear and inevitability of death, and in a little circular play on this, Nurgle also infects people to cause them to lose hope and turn to him. This is what he did to the Death Guard to break their toughness and drain them of hope, which in turn fed him and forced them to turn to him once they realized that they would just be trapped forever if they did not (again with the inevitability and helplessness theme).


For this reason, something like "rabies" is pretty out of theme because Nurgle is really all about the slow march of the inevitable, he intentionally uses wasting diseases, and even on his Chosen (who don't "die" from his infections) the point is to instill in them the realization that they will decay and fade, as do all things. That said, there are Nurgle "undead" of a sort, though canonically none of these are Astartes and I have no idea why hypothetical Astartes undead would have invulnerable saves or AP3 bolters, I mean if the DG had access to "acid rounds" why would they only give such a destructive weapon to the "undead" and not the still aware marines?


So yeah, like most "counts as" it doesn't really make sense if you think about it, but it's better than the people that play Space Wolves with World Eater minis.

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Not if you read the material that specifically focuses on Chaos/Nurgle it's not. Read the Liber Chaotica: Nurgle. Saying Nurgle is the god of disease is like saying that Slaanesh is the god of breasts. Do breasts often cause sexual thoughts? Yes. Do those thoughts feed Slaanesh? Yes. Does Slaanesh therefore approve of breasts? Yes. (Actually, having the left breast uncovered is even a symbol of Slaanesh worship, both for the sexual connotation and because Slaanesh's left half is female in its favored form, with the female breast uncovered). That said, this board tends to go into uproar about how that's an oversimplification, and it is.


Put it another way, Chaos gods feed on emotions. Being sick is not an emotion. Despondency, depression, those are emotions, and those are what feed Nurgle, and what cause those are wasting diseases. Something that causes mania causes the opposite of that and would be of no use to Nurgle. At the end of the day though this has to do less with that (as 1k sons are slow and plodding anyway) and more with the idea that the rules exist for a reason and we have to accept their abstraction for any suspension of disbelief in the connection between rules and fluff.


In other words, there are certain stats that represent a Nurgle worshipper, and different ones that represent a Tzeentch worshipper. Yes you can say that the inv save is some kind of "special protection" from Nurgle, and that the bolts are "acid" but then why not use Ork rules and just say that your marines have ramshackle armor so they lost their 3+ saves, and their brains are rotted so they have BS2. Or use Tyranid rules for a "CC guard army" or whatever else. It just becomes silly and absurd, and I and players like me don't like it that way. That said, I and players like me cannot control your army so you may of course do as you see fit, but this guy is asking for opinions so I am giving him mine.

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After all, Nurgle is the God of Disease, and gifts his followers with every disease known to man, and yet somehow the only disease that ever appears on the battlefield is slowandfatzombie-itis? :;)?

I have a nurgle kroot project going on in papanurgle with a nice ebola theme :tu:


And Yes for zombie marines!

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Yes. Please, please, please do this. It's basically my own little personal crusade to move people out of having the only view of each Legion/God being 2d parodies of what they actually are. After all, Nurgle is the God of Disease, and gifts his followers with every disease known to man, and yet somehow the only disease that ever appears on the battlefield is slowandfatzombie-itis? :huh:


It's entirely in character to have a "Necromancer" character who keeps the bodies of Marines alive long after they're dead, having toughness beyond even Plague Marines because they're essentially animated corpses. Why not go with another idea as well, and have some Nurgle Berzerkers, representing Marines infected with super-rabies? Fever-ridden, manic, hyperactive Marines representing Noise Marines?


The Death Guard are characterised by being primarily a slow, lumbering infantry force, but not all Nurgle warbands are Death Guard. You might also like to look into the Forge World special character, whose name escapes me at the moment, who is essentially a necromancer like you want. Even so, good to see we've got another member out there moving away from the stereotypical Chaos warbands, and actually exploring the limitless possibilities that are Chaos!


I agree just because a renegade chapter worships Nurgle the God of Disease does not mean they have to be a slow lumbering force that soaks up firepower, after all just because the Deathguard are the major Nurgle worshipers in the 40k universe does not mean every other Nurgle worshiper fights exactly like them. It is a good thing I am play Vampire Counts for warhammer fantasy as all the kits are perfect for showing Nurgle worshipers I just finished converting a ironclad dreadnought using spare parts from the Zombie dragon kit will post when I can get my camera working, personally I do not see the problem with making Nurgle equivalents of the other chaos cult troops after all I play more for fun than competitively so who cares. I have an idea for representing Khrone beserkers with them being infected space marines that have lost all form of reason to the pain being directed into combat by a plague marine where they devastate anything that gets in the way, though having a bit of trouble thinking of Nurgle Noise marines also the Forgeworld Nurgle Sorcerer is called Necrosius am thinking of adding him into my army though am still deciding.


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Nurgle zombies marines is a great idea as I think the bloated and diseased look via boils and intestines is overdone these days. A model looking wasted away would be a lovely fresh breath of air. Figuratively.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I agree just because a renegade chapter worships Nurgle the God of Disease does not mean they have to be a slow lumbering force that soaks up firepower, after all just because the Deathguard are the major Nurgle worshipers in the 40k universe does not mean every other Nurgle worshiper fights exactly like them.

I'd totally agree with that (whereas I feel I'm somewhat with Rain). Grandfather Nurgle's got many followers, and many of them he has indeed. The Death Guard might possibly be the most prominent, largest, and best-organized force, but there's many others. If you count the Dusk Raiders as warband -- the Lexicanum article actually links to Death Guard ... --, Lexicanum lists some 7 different Nurgle-associated warbands. I didn't read too much 40k fluff yet, but I guess it's a safe bet to reckon that they've got somewhat different styles of warfare too.

(I've just started with a 7-man squad of Purge Havocs for some infantry-based heavy support. I wouldn't say the Death Guard doesn't field Havocs; I guess they'd field pretty much anything that does the job. But having Purge Havocs lets me break the overall Death Guard color scheme and look, have CSM that are technically not Plague Marines -- but it's still a homogeneous, consistent thing.)


Speaking of warbands ... I wonder why nobody came up with The Cleaved yet? To me, they look and feel perfectly like what you guys call Nurgle Rubric Marines?

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Not if you read the material that specifically focuses on Chaos/Nurgle it's not. Read the Liber Chaotica: Nurgle. Saying Nurgle is the god of disease is like saying that Slaanesh is the god of breasts. Do breasts often cause sexual thoughts? Yes. Do those thoughts feed Slaanesh? Yes. Does Slaanesh therefore approve of breasts? Yes. (Actually, having the left breast uncovered is even a symbol of Slaanesh worship, both for the sexual connotation and because Slaanesh's left half is female in its favored form, with the female breast uncovered). That said, this board tends to go into uproar about how that's an oversimplification, and it is.


Put it another way, Chaos gods feed on emotions. Being sick is not an emotion. Despondency, depression, those are emotions, and those are what feed Nurgle, and what cause those are wasting diseases. Something that causes mania causes the opposite of that and would be of no use to Nurgle. At the end of the day though this has to do less with that (as 1k sons are slow and plodding anyway) and more with the idea that the rules exist for a reason and we have to accept their abstraction for any suspension of disbelief in the connection between rules and fluff.


In other words, there are certain stats that represent a Nurgle worshipper, and different ones that represent a Tzeentch worshipper. Yes you can say that the inv save is some kind of "special protection" from Nurgle, and that the bolts are "acid" but then why not use Ork rules and just say that your marines have ramshackle armor so they lost their 3+ saves, and their brains are rotted so they have BS2. Or use Tyranid rules for a "CC guard army" or whatever else. It just becomes silly and absurd, and I and players like me don't like it that way. That said, I and players like me cannot control your army so you may of course do as you see fit, but this guy is asking for opinions so I am giving him mine.

I think you're putting "fluff as represented in the rules" over "actual fluff" here. I mean, it's true that Nurgle is not just the god of disease, but it is his main point of reference. Also, surely what's important here is how the rules can/can't be used to represent a fluff-based idea in a way that makes sense both fluff- and rules-wise. So it really only depends on whether you think their rules might justifiably represent something that would exist in the 40.000 universe.


I think Nurgle "Thousand Sons" would work pretty well. The rules they have seem very easily translatable to "nurgly stuff"; they're slow and lumbering, they're hard to kill and they use weapons that are effective at bypassing armour. It all fits very well with a lot of the Nurgle fluff out there -to my mind, at least.

They're slow and lumbering because they're bloated and diseased or even semi-undead, their Inv save is just a slightly more effective version of the "normal" Plague Marine FNP-save and their weapons are obviously disease-transmitters of some sort (the idea of different bolter shells is hardly unprecedented, so why not a nurgly version as well? Perhaps it's even the Life Eater-virus in small quantities?)


Also, I like the idea of "Zombie Marines" and the idea is pretty much straight out of Death Guard fluff (I'm thinking "Flight of the Eisenstein" here), so go!go!go! says I. Come to think of it I might even steal the idea myself :tu:

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I agree just because a renegade chapter worships Nurgle the God of Disease does not mean they have to be a slow lumbering force that soaks up firepower, after all just because the Deathguard are the major Nurgle worshipers in the 40k universe does not mean every other Nurgle worshiper fights exactly like them.

I'd totally agree with that (whereas I feel I'm somewhat with Rain). Grandfather Nurgle's got many followers, and many of them he has indeed. The Death Guard might possibly be the most prominent, largest, and best-organized force, but there's many others. If you count the Dusk Raiders as warband -- the Lexicanum article actually links to Death Guard ... --, Lexicanum lists some 7 different Nurgle-associated warbands. I didn't read too much 40k fluff yet, but I guess it's a safe bet to reckon that they've got somewhat different styles of warfare too.

(I've just started with a 7-man squad of Purge Havocs for some infantry-based heavy support. I wouldn't say the Death Guard doesn't field Havocs; I guess they'd field pretty much anything that does the job. But having Purge Havocs lets me break the overall Death Guard color scheme and look, have CSM that are technically not Plague Marines -- but it's still a homogeneous, consistent thing.)


Speaking of warbands ... I wonder why nobody came up with The Cleaved yet? To me, they look and feel perfectly like what you guys call Nurgle Rubric Marines?


The cleaved would be perfect for this. Instead of the AP3 being some special acid or virus, its a lost dark age tech, since the cleaved use archaic armor and weapons.

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I'm quite taken by the 1k sons plague Marines. I might have to give the idea a go myself.


Oh and Necrosius is a really cool mini but his actual character rules lack an invul save. However he does come with T5 unmodified and a bolt pistol that always wounds on 4 or less. Personally I use him as a standard sorcerer with mark of slaanesh. Give him lash and laugh as you throw his enemies around the table ^^ plus this gives him an invul save.

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How about this, make it so the sorceror is a carrier of some sort of hive virus that corrupts the victims and detoriates their minds so they only take commands from the primary host while the virus connects them in a telepathic, viral collective of sorts.
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