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Need clarification for combat tactics....

Omega Striker

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So I have only ever used one special character at a time (mostly Shrike) so I have only ever had to deal with one special rule.


So, Shrike gives fleet to infantry and jump infantry, right?


What if I threw a Khan into the mix?


I know that all the units don't get both special rules.


Can I have some infantry get Shrike's combat tactics, and some get Khan's, as long as I make it clear before the match?


(This may not be a good example, because ideally one would want both of those rules one the same models.)

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the space marine codex makes it clear you pick which one you want to use before the game.. so fleet for shrike or outflank for khan, you cant pick or choose, its all or nothing.


however its an interesting combo becuase you could pick shrikes fleet and infiltrate shrike khan and a nice unit oj jump infantry and get a first turn charge using fleet

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Yes they can move 12" and Khan would still give the squad Furious charge and hit and run.



Well I really think that Shrike giving fleet to the army is better than outflank. But you can't pick and choose which squad gets with rule. Would be nice and alittle broken but we can't. As GC08 stated.

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Yes they can move 12" and Khan would still give the squad Furious charge and hit and run.


and khan on bike has fleet and wouldnt lose it as shrike gives everyone fleet.. therefore the big unit i mentioned with khan, shrike and ten assault marines would have infiltrate, fleet, furious charge and hit and run

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Yeah Khan, zooms up on his bike, leaps off, pushes it while running, and leaps back on.


This always comes to me when I think of bikes, why don't all bike units have hit and run (I understand it is probably for game balance), I mean the guys come screaming up on bikes, then stop and fight, to me it would make a lot more sense if they were doing things like drive by attacks. So maybe they have hit and run only on turns in which they charge, so no hiding in combat and running out on your opponents turn, but you can drive in hit something and keep moving.

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Yeah Khan, zooms up on his bike, leaps off, pushes it while running, and leaps back on.


This always comes to me when I think of bikes, why don't all bike units have hit and run (I understand it is probably for game balance), I mean the guys come screaming up on bikes, then stop and fight, to me it would make a lot more sense if they were doing things like drive by attacks. So maybe they have hit and run only on turns in which they charge, so no hiding in combat and running out on your opponents turn, but you can drive in hit something and keep moving.



hit and run isnt about just be able to get out, its about getin out safely. you do a runby on your bike and your oponent isnt going to sit there slack jawed, they are going to use thier pistol and shoot you in the back (or tap you on your way through knocking you of the bike). those with the hit and run USR have not only the speed to get out, but the skill to do so without geting plowed in the back.

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I don't see it that way at all, those models with hit and run still take wounds in combat (the equivalent of being plowed in the back), still need to deal with combat resolution (morale, sweeping advance checks, or no retreat wounds.), and if they are still left in combat after all that they can test to break away. Furthermore you need to roll an initiative check, to get away in the first place (which would indicate that perhaps you got knocked off said bike if you failed). I'm just saying it never made sense to me that guys on bikes would stop to fight in close combat.
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i think we are getting off topic somewhat.. but to be honest the argument here is fluff vs game mechanics, you can only strike in close combat if your in B2B, at that point your 'locked'

its just game mechanics is all.. the game cant be too realistic otherwise we get back to mopvie marines..


just take things as the are and try not to over analyse things, youll drive yourselves insane

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