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Left handed combi-melta


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Now then, I've seen an outstretched left handed combi-melta on a popular auction website and I can't for the life of me place where it is from. I'm fairly sure it isn't from the Sternguard, Veterans MkI or MkII sets (I could be wrong), I've checked the stickied threads on B&C and my google-fu is failing me.


Any help?

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Currently on the GW website there are 4 models with a left handed combi weapon. 1 Generic chaos lord, with one mutated on to his arm, a Nightlords guy (with combi flamer) Chaplain Cassius

(again combi flamer) and Commander Azreal with combi plasma.


I suspect the bit you seek is a kit bash from the plastic space marine commander sprue or from the forge world character upgrade set, (chapterhouse do a combi-weapon bit too).


Also is a flipped image a possibility?

How about a link to said auction? A picture is worth a thousand words, after all <_<.


Alrighty, why not? (Second bit on the left.)




I think it might be from one of the Veterans in blister packs that were released around the same time as the Mk I Veterans, but are no longer being made. I seem to recall one of them having a Combi-Melta in his left hand.


Hmm. This sounds quite plausible, I think you might be right.

How about a link to said auction? A picture is worth a thousand words, after all <_<.


Alrighty, why not? (Second bit on the left.)




I think it might be from one of the Veterans in blister packs that were released around the same time as the Mk I Veterans, but are no longer being made. I seem to recall one of them having a Combi-Melta in his left hand.


Hmm. This sounds quite plausible, I think you might be right.

Yeah, it's from one of those Veterans, like the left-handed Combi-Plasma below it.

Ramell is right, those are the arms that were randomly put into the blister Veterans. That combi typically went in with the powermace vet or the one with the power axe, IIRC.


The sources for each part in the auction are:


Left column (top to bottom):

Grandmaster Azrael's combiplasma

Blister pack veterans combimelta

Blister pack veterans combiplasma


Right column:

Black Templar "Captain" combimelta

Sternguard combimelta

Sternguard combiplasma



Here's a post on Dakka that even shows the old GW part numbers:



If you can track down a copy of the Space Marine Collector's Guide from several years ago, it's a great resource for bitz ID.

One other thing you should be aware of when buying from that seller...he or she is a suspected counterfeiter. Run through their feedback history and count the number of rare, OOP models they have sold in the last year. All using identical photos, all using the same listing text. The High Queen Alariel sets are a HUGE red flag, as they are/were so rare that no one has multiples to sell, let alone ten-plus.


There's also a seller in California who uses the exact same listing format, same photos, etc. Taht one was reported for counterfeiting so many time he actually set all his auctions to Private so no one (especially GW) can backtrack his sales.


Anyone buying rare and OOP models like this in pristine condition should click the feedback profile of the seller and check for duplicates.



Well I'll be. That is an obscene amount of Limited Editions he's sold in the past. Thanks for the heads up, brother.


Edit: Looked a little further back in his selling history - multiple Necromunda Bonnie Annersons. Wow. :unsure:


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