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Company Captain


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Hi, I guess I should take this opportunity to introduce myself; long term lurker, first time poster. Anyway, I thought I might show off my latest power armoured mini; Captain Aziraphale of my DIY chapter the Disciples of the Watch. The fluff is still WIP but I have a general idea of what it's about.






The lighting isn't too great, I'm still new to this whole photography thing.

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Wow, love the cloak. Awesome blending!

Not too keen on the face nor the gold, though - personally, I feel they're both a little rough in comparison.

Doesn't matter, however - still looking forward to seeing more.



What legion does your chapter originate from?

And what're they up to? Ash grey bases always make me think of fighting necrons :-D

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Thanks for the critique. That cloak was a damned nightmare to do but it was worth it, and metallics have always been a problem for me to highlight. Faces too, I don't know how anyone can highlight something so small.


Fluff is still at a nascent stage with a few ideas and themes in my head. One idea is that they're currently standing watch over a certain... something that they themselves probably have no real idea what it does; only that it's valuable and potentially destructive. Hence their chapter name. Which would undoubtedly lead to conflict with overly curious inquisitors\Eldar\other chapters\Necrons etc. Considering Imperial Fist geneseed as I've always admired their stubbornness and resolute loyalty, or maybe Ultramarines because of their purity and valour.

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Personaly I think the face is quite good.

This a Space Marine for godsake! A genteicaly engineered warrior, who fights and thats it. They were born to fight. There faces will get dirty during war, and will take many wounds, there skin would not be perfect. it would be quite darka nd gritty.

I think you did well on the face :D (btw no sarcasm intended I genuinely think he did well).

Also love the cloak.

The golds are nice and worn. But could be cleaned up. Its the silvers I most worry about. But all in all good job :)

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Just painted up this Tactical sergeant. Hopefully I should have more after the Christmas period, maybe a Vindicator or something but we'll have to see what takes my fancy during my annual pilgrimage to Warhammer World ^^


Anyway, here he is. Don't have a name for him just yet. Apologies in advance for the slightly blurry photos.




And the chapter symbol:




And here he is next to the captain, note I've fiddled with the heraldic shield thing:




Still working on fluff, should have a proper IA article soon!

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Mr. Vic, Glad to see your not too busy selling peace, cuz these guys look solid! That's a wicked, grim looking color scheme, and very well executed!


All I can say is I hope the disciples of the watch can practice what they preach... :)


\m/ keep it up! \m/

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@Talthus - thanks! That shield was a bit of an afterthought when I first painted it, but I'm glad I managed to fix it


@Brother Syth - glad you like the scheme, I just went with whatever seemed easiest to paint but I think I'll stick with it now. I always try to spend the most effort on faces, and I mainly follow tutorials I find in White Dwarf and the web. I try to go with dirtier faces (that's the excuse I'm going with for being a bit of a messy painter), especially for Marines who probably don't care too much about their appearance (except for Blood Angels, oh and all the bling you see on most power armour now... hmm)


@Kreative - Hehe, I was wondering how long it would take for someone to pick up on that ^^. Glad you like the models.


And anyone else I missed, thanks for your praise and critique alike. Unfortunately I'm a bit of a slow painter so gaps between updates will be fairly long, but I aim to have a fully painted army by at least 2013 (at a conservative guess ;)).

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