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So your an Undivided renegade....


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Your an undivided warlord preparing for an assault on a lightly defended imperial world when an offer for help comes in from one of the legions... Whose help would be most welcome?


Black Legion? Probably owe them a big favor though and the kind of conflicts Abaddon pursues its probably gonna hurt.


Alpha Legion... Trustworthy?


Iron Warriors... Probably make pretty hefty demands for raw materials.


Word Bearers... Do you really need all that religion nonsense and just how many slaves would they take?


Night Lords... Treachery and selfishness, are they reliable?


Death Guard... Probably do it for next to nothing but not the nicest of folks to hang around and always the chanvce your new slaves catch something unpleasant


Emperors children... Probably make excessive demands for your slaves in payment.


World Eaters... Do they even take prisoners and do you trust them not to start collecting your followers skulls


Thousand Sons... Probably want knowledge or even the odd individual but numericly tiny.



Which Legion would be most welcome?

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For me it would depend on the position of the undivided warband itself? Does the Chaos Lord or Warband as a whole have any particular traits or flaws which make it utterly incompatible with any of the aforementioned Legions?


Also, how well equipped is the Warband? Could the Warband fight off an attempted coup if necessary should their allies turn?


Really I'd say it depends on the background of the Undivided Warband really. Black Legion is the most diverse, are simple to justify and they are a numerous well-equipped force.


Then again, depending on the reasoning Emperors children could be coerced into helping for a price, pleasure and excess comes in many forms after all. Thousand Sons could also be bought but a problem could arise if you both seek the same goal (such as an artifact).


The only way I would be weary of going myself would be Iron Warriors and World Eaters. Iron Warriors and very paranoid so trust may never exist and ultimately would turn on you for your resources when the alliance ceased to be of benefit. World Eaters are very unstable and may not know when to stop. If you want prisoners they would be a headache, though they would have to let you keep your head for that to be an issue for Khorne cares not from where the blood flows <_< (though there are many interpretations of World Eaters and the simple Bezerker aspect doesn't really do anything for me - if they cannot control the aggression and anger, they would not survive space travel and wipe themselves out pretty quick)


In hindsight, I'll add Word Bearers to the two above. Would they be willing to tolerate you if they cannot manipulate you nor convert/indoctrinate you to their view of Chaos. Very dangerous given their numbers, cultists and the organisation and sheer will/belief instilled by their Dark Apostles.


Almost anything can be justified if it is done with care (though nothing will convince me to let go of the Ancient Enemies rule of old - outside of a major crusade or very large scale battle I don't see it happening). Pick whatever feels right to you and have fun with it :lol:

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I would say Night Lords for my first vote and here's why. They're one of the more trustworthy (none of them really are though) and also because of their terror tactics it could be possible to win many battles while your forces take few casualties.


Thousand Sons would also be one of my top choices as they're also one of the more trustworthy. They don't use as many slaves as the other legions I don't think either so it could be more beneficial as well.

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Depends on who was giving the offer: are they being polite (well, as polite as Chaos can get)? Do they appear trustworthy? Do I have a backup plan in the highly likely scenario that things to sour? If I can see a way to get out of the whole mess in case things go south with both my head, and a sizable portion of my forces - and after factoring in other issues like "Well, I've got this plan, but I know how the Alpha Legion likes to play with those..." - then sure, why not?


I would say Night Lords for my first vote and here's why. They're one of the more trustworthy (none of them really are though) and also because of their terror tactics it could be possible to win many battles while your forces take few casualties.


Have to agree here. Going back to Blood Reaver, you see that, were it not for the fact that Huron had one of their old ships, they were perfectly professional about working with another warband.

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